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For Liulong Elder, she didn’t understand most of the things that happened today, including how the Huang Dragon Fruit core of that great medicine king came from.

Originally Liulong Elder had thought this thing was strange enough, but she didn’t expect that the more strange thing is still to come, that is, this Array of Purple Bamboo Forest actually poses a threat to these Heavenly Profound Realm cultivators.

This was too shocking, causing Liu Long to be nodded.

When will the Array in Nine Realms reach such a powerful level?

Is Shangguanyue’s Array Way already profound to this point?

Liulong Elder was very curious and eager to figure out all this, so she asked about it at this time.

But Shangguanyue’s answer to her was to make Liu Long’s eyes round.

Because Shangguanyue actually told her at this time that all of this had nothing to do with Shangguanyue herself.

“How is this possible? What about this Array?”

In fact, Liu Long didn’t believe what Shangguanyue said at all. After all, in the entire Divine Red Clouds sect, besides Shangguanyue, who knew the layout of Array?

But the next sentence of Shangguanyue made Liu Long completely stunned.

Because Shangguanyue pointed to Gu Zhun at this time, Liu Long only discovered at this time that in this Purple Bamboo Forest, besides Medicine Peak, there is actually one person here, and she has not noticed just now.

What’s even more outrageous is that this man who stayed in Purple Bamboo Forest was actually still a man.

“Who is he?”

Liu Long just asked this question, and she soon remembered it.

This guy should be Gu Zhun. After all, An Biru mentioned it to her, so Liu Long still remembers it clearly.

Is this kid?

After Liu Long guessed who this kid was, he began to look at Gu Zhun.

Is this the Array arranged by this kid?

If someone else said it, Liu Long might not believe it, but what Shang Guanyue said still has a certain degree of credibility. Moreover, regarding this matter, Shangguanyue’s this girl not at all reason is to lie to her.

Can this kid arrange Array?

But it looks like Gu Zhun, a kid in his early teens.

If his age is not as old as Shangguan Yue, can he also arrange Array?

The kid at this age, in Liu Long’s impression, not to mention arranging Array, even if he is learning Array, he is just getting started.

Just rely on this kid?

Liu Long even began to think that this matter was starting to become even more outrageous.

This is not as credible as Shangguanyue’s arrangement.

After all, Shangguanyue had a huge innate talent with Array before this, which is also famous in Divine Red Clouds.

But Gu Zhun, this kid seems to pop up suddenly, this guy can make such a powerful Array.

Liu Long didn’t believe it in his heart.

But without waiting for her to clarify the matter, in the next second, Liu Long’s mind suddenly stopped focusing on the matter about Array, but instead looked towards Gu Zhun’s right hand, because at this moment, Gu Zhun, the kid holding something on his right hand, suddenly attracted Liu Long’s gaze while waiting for a Medicine Peak Elder.

This is a fruit with the size of a half fist. It has a purple body and is decorated with stars on the skin, exuding the fragrance of refreshing.

Even if you hold it in your hand, it seems to emit a faint rays of light.

Such a fruit was put in his mouth by Gu Zhun at this moment, and he took a bite fiercely, and put it in his mouth to chew leisurely.

“This, this, this, this…”

Liu Long was completely shocked by Gu Zhun’s actions, and was stunned.

Even the group of Medicine Peak Elders behind her at this time showed the same expression as Liulong, almost like a collective petrification, as if they had seen something extraordinary.

“Liulong Martial Uncle? What’s wrong with you?”

“Teacher? Are you all right.”

Seeing such a weird scene, the girls of Shangguanyue and An Biru were stunned. They didn’t know what happened. Even Zhou Wei came over with a dazed expression.

Is it okay just now? How come it is like this all of a sudden.

An Biru shook Liu Long’s arm. Who knew that next moment, Liu Long and the Medicine Peak Elder behind him exploded like a collective fryer.

Especially Liu Long himself jumped up directly, rushed to Gu Zhun, and grabbed the fruit in Gu Zhun’s hand.

“This is a star fruit, my God, are you crazy? Just eat something like this? Do you know how precious it is?”

Liulong Elder snatched the fruit, looked at the big tooth mark on the surface of the fruit with distress, and shouted at Gu Zhun.

At the same time, some of the other Medicine Peak Elder at this time also rushed to the side of Liulong Elder, looking at the fruit with great distress, and then looked towards Gu Zhun with the same expression, which is also very Anger.

Because, star fruit.

This is a kind of very precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures in today’s Nine Realms.

Although it is not as extinct as the yellow Dragon Fruit, the star fruit is also on the verge of extinction in Nine Realms, at least in Eastern Wilderness, it has not appeared in a young age.

It is said that Outer World still exists, and in Nine Realms, it is said that there is the last stellar tree, but even that stellar tree is now dying and is about to die.

So the star fruit is too precious.

But now Liu Long actually saw that Gu Zhun, a little devil, actually put a star fruit in his mouth so casually.

Biting it down, it was like biting on the heart of Liulong and these Elders in Medicine Peak.

They watched the scene with their own eyes, and their hearts were bleeding.

Because this is a star fruit.

It’s so prodigal, I have never seen such a star fruit eaten.

If you make a medicine pill, how many star pills you have to make.

Liulong Elder was holding the star fruit, and felt sad.

Even in the eyes of Liulong Elder, Gu Zhun is no longer just at the level of reckless waste of natural resources. This is a crime.

If allowed, Liu Long even felt that he should be allowed to sink this kid into the pig cage!

Otherwise, these heavenly materials and earthly treasures will be wasted too much.

“Who are you? Dare to grab my fruit? Courting death?”

Although Liulong Elder was bleeding in his heart, Gu Zhun didn’t know. He only knew that when he was distracted just now, this woman suddenly rushed over and snatched her fruit. This was the first time someone took her own hand. Grab things in.

So now Gu Zhun just glanced at Liu Long squintingly, and then asked casually.

Although Gu Zhun asked this sentence casually, but when it came out, it was like earth shattering. Whether it was Shangguanyue, Zhou Wei, or An Biru, his eyes widened instantly at this time, incredible. Looking at Gu Zhun.

Are you crazy, boy?

Dare to talk to Liulong Elder like this!

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