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The Han nationality is a very scary ancient ethnic group. It is said that the Han nationality’s status in Nine Realms is very high, even so high that it is unimaginable.

There is also a saying that the cold race has existed very early, longer than any race in the world. Even before Ancient Era, the cold race already existed in Nine Realms. .

But in Nine Realms, not many people know the cold race, but if you have heard the name of the cold race, congratulations, to a certain extent, you have reached a certain height.

Because within the Nine Realms, those who can understand and dissolve the ancient Han ethnic group are not ordinary persons.

One of the most basic conditions, your cultivation base must reach a level above True God.

Below True God, maybe even the side of the cold race can’t be touched.

But even True God, there are many exceptions.

Like Big Black Second Black, it is now a True God.

But their cultivation base is not based on their own cultivation, but by swallowing Dragon Bead and mixing up behind Gu Zhun’s ass. Originally, the cultivation time is not long, and most of them have been living in the deep mountains for a long time. Is there any way to know about the Han people.

As for Xiao Hei, the same is true. Although he has lived and cultivation time is long enough, hundreds of thousands of years have survived, but at best, it is a house bear. For so many years, he has stayed in his Leiyang Valley to do King Mountain, it’s hard to come out once in a few thousand years. Even if he came out, he would just say hello to the people of Divine Red Clouds. Moreover, no one knew about the Han Clan before 1000 years of Divine Red Clouds. It’s been nearly ten years.

So Xiao Hei is even more impossible understood.

Therefore, there are very few people who know the cold in Nine Realms. Except for those new generations of True God who have been living in the mountains for a long time, only some Old Guys have learned about it.

For example, Gu Zhun, the old turtle, the two lords of Heavenly Eye, the 2 murderers, the kid in the capital city, the dead crow under the Styx, the ancient ancestor of the Extreme Yin sect in the 10000th ancient city, Or the bald donkeys from South Sea Pure Buddha Island and so on.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, the Han people have been a mysterious ethnic group.

Many people have even heard of some things about them, but they don’t even know the appearance and gender of the entire race.

The more mysterious thing is that from ancient times to the present, it is said that no one has found the lair of the cold race, and no one knows where their heels are.

This makes many people even more fearful and awe of the Han race. Basically, when it comes to the Han race, they will shudder.

Among the cold clan, there are two most famous and representative things, one of which is the Death Cold Curse.

It is almost called the almost unsolvable existence within Nine Realms.

It must be cursed by a person of the cold race with his own life essence, which belongs to the most insidious and tormenting one of all curses.

Generally speaking, even people in the cold race will not easily cast death chills on outsiders.

Because this kind of curse is too vicious, unless there is some deep hatred, otherwise, Han clansman is rarely used.

This kind of spell, at first, does not take human lives, but has an incubation period, just like Gu Zhun said. Every month, at the beginning of the month, at the middle of the month, and at the end of the month, the Death Chill Curse will work.

At other times, the cursed person is like a okay person, no different from ordinary people.

However, once the Death Chill Curse strikes, the person who is cursed will feel unhappy, and the whole body will be cold into the bone marrow, which is unbearable for ordinary people. There was once an ancient book in Nine Realms that recorded the pain when the Death Chill curse occurred.

There are only 8 words to describe, pain deep into bones, teeth crunching.

Moreover, the pain of this Death Chill Curse will be superimposed again and again, and it will become more intense every time.

Although Gu Zhun didn’t know how Shangguanyue got into the cold, but she was able to live with the formidable power of the Death Chill Curse until now. I have to say that this is a miracle.

After all, even if it is recorded, among the surviving people who have been cursed by the Cold Clan, no one can live as long as Shangguanyue.

Gu Zhun’s eyes are so venomous. Based on Shangguanyue’s current situation, it can be basically judged how old she was when she was cursed to death by people of the cold race.

It is estimated that ten years have passed, and it is a miracle to be able to survive until now.

As for why Gu Zhun knows the Death Chill Curse so clearly, one thing is because, a long time ago, Gu Zhun was also cast a Death Chill Curse by someone from the Cold Clan, but the cultivation base of the curse was too weak. Not only was the spell unable to control Gu Zhun, but Gu Zhun directly caught the connection between the two of the spell and pulled up the entire cold clan once by the roots. At that time, most of the cold clan was caught by Gu in the Peak period. Zhun wiped out with the power of thunderbolt.

At that time, Gu Zhun thought that this race had been extinct, after all, in the tens of thousands of years after that, the Han race never appeared again.

Until later, Gu Zhun self-destructed Immortal Body on the World Domain battlefield.

But Gu Zhun didn’t expect that the group of fleas had survived to the present, and they had cast a death chill on people.

This has aroused Gu Zhun’s interest.

Because he is also a little curious, what is the relationship between Shangguanyue and the Divine Red Clouds sect and the Han clan? After all, the Han clan’s status in the Nine Realms is compared with such an unknown 3rd Rate Influence in Eastern Wilderness. One is in the sky and the other is underground, and it belongs to a relationship that cannot be reached.

Why is it that such a little missy was cursed with death?

And looking at the appearance of the Death Chill Curse, the cultivation base of the caster at the time is probably not low, definitely above the True God realm, and possibly even a god king.

Things are getting more and more interesting.

Gu Zhun could not help but become interested in this matter.

But obviously, Shang Guanyue didn’t believe Gu Zhun’s words in half a word.

Because Gu Zhun said brightly just now, he once wiped out the cold family’s nest.

From Shangguanyue’s point of view, this is obviously a big talk.

Although I don’t know where Gu Zhun this kid heard of the cold race, it’s impossible to eliminate the cold race. After all, Shangguanyue once knew the cold race very well. It was just a tip of the iceberg. Enough to suffocate Shangguanyue.

Moreover, it is said that everyone in the cold race may have a cultivation base above the Heavenly Profound Realm, which is a terrifying thing.

Can such a force be wiped out by one person?

Almost just joking.

Shangguanyue thought so, but Gu Zhun was unable to bear at this time and shook his head.

“Girl, you have too little knowledge of this world. What you call impossible is nothing impossible with Young Master. Although the Han Clan is strong, it does not mean that he is invincible, even if It’s Heavenly Dao, maybe someone trampled underfoot one day?”

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