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“What the hell is that?”

“It’s a tortoise again? It’s a snake monster again! Never heard of it!”

“It should be a kind of Monster Beast, but I haven’t seen it before in Eastern Wilderness.”

The valley was fighting fiercely, and on the other side, looking at the huge tortoise illusory shadow in the distance, the people of Divine Red Clouds and Blood Cloud Sect couldn’t help talking.

Most of them are discussing the origin of this giant tortoise. After all, such a Monster Beast has never been seen before in Eastern Wilderness.

“Sect Master, is it an illusion?”

An Elder of the Divine Red Clouds sect asked this question. After all, Monster Beast, which has never been recorded in the ancient book, is really difficult to convince people that it once existed. All people have suggested that this is just an illusion, but The black clothed youth was fabricated by combining the snake demon illusory shadow and the giant tortoise illusory shadow, but it was not true.

In such a sentence, the Sect Master of Divine Red Clouds is shook the head.

“It shouldn’t be a product of an illusion. If it is really an illusion, such a huge Monster Beast would not be so realistic, but rather stiff, but now this turtle snake is alive and should be real. There is such a Monster Beast, maybe, we are indeed unknown and inexperienced.鈥?/p>

The Sect Master of Divine Red Clouds said so immediately.

Her vision is still very broad, and many things, she knows more than these ordinary Elders. Naturally, she knows that this impossible is an illusion, but at the same time, she is also shocked. Such a Monster Beast, if it really exists, will How terrifying.

After all, this is a Monster Beast that can trample on the Origin Sea cultivator as rubbish.

The size alone is so huge, it can be said to be so powerful, what level of Divine Beast should this be?

Sure enough, the Sect Master of Divine Red Clouds was right. In front of such a giant beast, any power under True God is like illusion, unreliable like bubbles, it can be said to be touched. Just broken.

The same is true of the 3 Origin Sea cultivators of Blood Cloud Sect.

There was almost no suspense, and the giant beast stepped on it into 3 blood dances. Even their Divine Armament was directly turned into a pile of scrap iron.

This kind of power has once again refreshed everyone’s understanding of power in Divine Red Clouds and Blood Cloud Sect.

What level of domineering strength is this?

If you kill, you can destroy something like Divine Armament with bare hands?

Did you really read it right?

After all, this is Divine Armament!

They are all made by the Artifact Refining Master with one hammer and one hammer. Each Divine Armament is passed on to the present through thousands of hammers, hundred refinements.

A cultivator can be defeated or even killed, but Divine Armament is generally speaking difficult to destroy.

But now, this giant tortoise has not only trampled on 3 Origin Sea, but also directly trampled the 3 Divine Armaments. This is no ordinary terrifying.

Even the Sect Master of Blood Cloud Sect was unable to bear with dilated pupils and felt a chill in his figure.

This should not be a Great Monster Form Transformation of True God level!

People from the Blood Cloud Sect and Divine Red Clouds sects suddenly had such a conjecture when they saw this.

After all, I am afraid that anyone will not believe that a black clothed Human Race juvenile who looks very young will have such strength, not only can easily kill 3 Origin Sea cultivators, but can even smash 3 Divine Armament with one foot.

This is a bit too illusory after all.

But if it is a Monster Race True God Great Monster Form Transformation, then it makes sense.

Monster Race, the power of some races in itself is far beyond that of Human Race, only this level of True God can achieve such a terrifying means.

Therefore, as soon as this idea appeared in the hearts of the senior people of 2 Great Sect, it immediately lingered.

And now, they are about to face a problem.

The problem is, now this valley has such a Great Monster guarding the True God realm, whether they still want to go in.

With 3 cultivators from Origin Sea Realm as a lesson for the past, at least these 2 Great Sect people are reminded.

This means that, at least, the cultivator under Heavenly Profound does not need to be sent to death.

Because judging from the horrible destructive power of the giant tortoise just now, three Origin Seas can easily be trampled to death with one foot, and even Divine Armament can be trampled with one foot.

I am afraid that stepping on the formidable power of the Earthly Profound Origin Core Realm cultivator is not much worse.

After all, under Heavenly Profound, I am afraid that no one can claim that their physical level is stronger than Divine Armament.

Therefore, there is no need to go under Heavenly Profound.

To go is just to die.

Unless it is the Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator or the True God Old Ancestor in their respective gates to go to Bo Yibo, but it may not be successful.

But, even though I said that, are Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator and True God Old Ancestor so easy to say and just shoot?

Not to mention the Old Ancestor of the True God level inside the door. In addition to Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, there is the cultivator of the Heavenly Profound Realm world. Although the two Sects of Blood Cloud Sect and Divine Red Clouds are both Eastern Wilderness 2st Rate Sect, but there are not many Heavenly Profound Realm cultivators in their door.

Each Sect’s Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator is limited.

After all, Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator is not a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road. Even if 1st Rate Sect wants to cultivate a Heavenly Profound cultivator, it must use terrifying resources, and it may not be successful.

Can reach the Heavenly Profound Realm world, which one is not the mainstay in their respective Sect now.

They are all in Sect, and they will never make a move unless necessary.

How can such an existence be involved in this kind of risk?

So at this time, both the Divine Red Clouds and the Blood Cloud Sect people hesitated.

After all, they thought the Valley Treasure Quest at this time was not dangerous, but now it seems that the danger is so high, so 2 Great Sect doesn’t know what to do for a while.

But, at this moment, without waiting for the people of Blood Cloud Sect to say anything, everyone just listened to a light sword cry in their ears. Upon hearing this sound, many high-level executives from the Divine Red Clouds sect immediately eyes shined. moved towards one direction.

At the same time, everyone’s expression in Blood Cloud Sect is suddenly ugly.

In the direction where the sound of moving towards sword cry came from, I saw a hand of golden Flying Sword coming through the sky from that direction. Before a breath, it was still outside ten thousand li, but blinked In the meantime, this Golden Flying Sword had already arrived in front of everyone as if shifting time and space.

“Welcome to the ancestor!”

As soon as this golden Flying Sword appeared, the faces of the people of the Divine Red Clouds sect immediately showed joy. Including the Lin Sect Master, they all moved towards golden Flying Sword and bowed deeply.

In the next moment, within this golden Flying Sword, a silhouette appeared out of thin air, appearing out of thin air in front of everyone.

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