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For some people with low realm, the word Spiritual God that really existed may not mean much to him.

Because about such a realm, many people may not have access to it for a lifetime, but now the Divine Red Clouds sect is present with a bunch of who?

They are all high-levels within Sect. A large part of these high-level realms have reached Origin Sea, Origin Core, and even Earthly Profound and Heavenly Profound Realm cultivators. They are already some of the experts in Nine Realms.

So for some things, I still understand very clearly.

Naturally, he is very sensitive to the words Spiritual God that really existed.

Because these words are too big.

Within Nine Realms, there have been rumors since the Ancient period that the ultimate cultivator cultivation is the Emperor Realm.

And in this world, from ancient times to the present, from the beginning of the record, only 5 people have reached the emperor’s cultivation base. Even the last emperor, the Empress Qingyuan, has a history of more than 2 1000 years. .

Since the Empress Qingyuan, there has been no emperor in the world for more than 2 1000 years.

No one even knows where the five great emperors in front have gone.

In Nine Realms, many people want to know, after the Emperor Realm, are there other realms?

In other words, are there gods and immortals in the world?

Because according to some wild history records, Nine Realms had True Immortal and True God existed long ago.

Of course, this True God True Immortal is not the True God True Immortal.

The legendary group of True God and True Immortal, it is said that they will still be behind the emperor realm, they are the real great free creations, one thought through Nine Realms, one finger through Heavenly Profound.

It is not that these True God realm cultivators can be compared.

Even the many True Gods who died on the World Domain battlefield are actually just some false gods, not even the emperor, let alone the true god True Immortal.

But since a long time ago, gods and True Immortal have always been a legend, although there are many legends about True Immortal in the world.

Such as Nuwa, Bodhi and the like.

But I haven’t seen it in person.

So many people have been wondering whether there are True Immortal in the world, and where those True Immortal have gone.

This has always been a secret.

Some people say that True Immortal has fallen.

Of course, this is all nonsense, fundamentally impossible. A cultivator in the Heavenly Profound Realm world has a life essence of 10000 years.

As for a True God realm cultivator, the life essence can be as long as 100,000 years.

The real high realm cultivator takes the sky as the blanket, the ground as the bed, the starry sky as the bathtub, the sun and the moon as the pillowcase, 3000 years as spring, 3000 years as autumn, and countless life essences. You can blow a yawn. Disperse a country, stretch one’s waist, can poke a hole in the mountains and rivers.

Not to mention the Emperor Realm or True Immortal.

Just imagine, even some false gods who haven’t entered the emperor realm can live so long.

Not to mention the Emperor Realm and True Immortal.

But, if the realm powers like True Immortal in the Emperor Realm are not dead, what about going and so on again?

Anyway, Nine Realms has never seen its whereabouts.

Or, besides Nine Realms, there are other worlds?

This has always been a mystery.

Therefore, True Immortal Spiritual God has always been something people are looking for, but now, the Old Ancestor of his own said that the illusory shadow of the giant tortoise in front of him was once a real Divine Beast before the ancients. A Spiritual God that really existed, the relationship among them is too great.

It is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Divine Beast!

This is too shocking.

No wonder even the 3 cultivators of Origin Sea Realm can be trampled to death without even looking at them.

A Divine Beast illusory shadow formidable power has reached such a terrifying point. If it is a real Divine Beast in person, what shall it be?

Isn’t that half of the Eastern Wilderness easily leveled with one kick?

“But, Teacher, how could the illusory shadow of Divine Beast appear on a black clothed youth? Is there anything wrong with it?”

Although immersed in the shock of Divine Beast, the Sect Master Lin of Divine Red Clouds still did not lose himself.

Although the temptation of Divine Beast is great, there is another doubt that has not been figured out. Since Black Tortoise was once a real Divine Beast, why did it appear in a black clothed youth.

This is a bit too strange.

“This is exactly the problem that the teacher wants to clarify. I am afraid that there are many secrets hidden in the boy’s body. It may even be the opportunity of my Divine Red Clouds sect. It is precisely because this matter is related to a Spiritual God. , So the matter is very important, not sloppy, even the old fart of Blood Cloud Sect has been out, no matter what, as a teacher I have to go to meet the black clothed youth!”

Bailian True God said earnestly.

After all, no one knows whether such a thing is good or bad until it is clear, but no matter what, what should come is still coming, what should be done is still done.

The ancestral land of the Divine Red Clouds sect was built here, but now an illusory shadow of Black Tortoise Divine Beast appears here. For better or worse, her Old Ancestor of the Divine Red Clouds sect is always impossible to ignore, so now, we must To figure out this matter, no matter what, it will not benefit the people of Blood Cloud Sect.

“But Teacher, if 10000 is dangerous…”

“Needless to say, the old fart of Blood Cloud Old Ancestor is also here, there won’t be too much problem.”

Bailian True God said with a smile.

She also thought about this problem in her heart.

If the Blood Cloud Old Ancestor, the Old Guy, is not there, maybe Bailian True God will worry about it. If something happens to her here, I am afraid that Blood Cloud Sect will take advantage of it and attack the Divine Red Clouds sect.

But now that the blood cloud Old Ancestor is here, then Bailian True God is confident that even if he has an accident, he must pull the old fart of the blood cloud Old Ancestor to back up, when the time comes, even if the Divine Red Clouds sect lost her With the blessing of this True God, the Blood Cloud Sect, which is the greatest threat to the Divine Red Clouds, will also lose a True God.

Everyone is even, which is fair.

Therefore, Bailian True God has the courage to meet this black clothed youth for a while.

Seeing my Old Ancestor said so, this Lin Sect Master can only be nodded, no longer say anything.

Obviously, the Old Ancestor in her own family has already thought of everything, and it is useless to say it.

Sure enough, at this time, there was some movement on the Blood Cloud Sect side. The blood cloud Old Ancestor reappeared and said to Bailian True God, “Bailian Fellow Daoist, this time, it looks like we are going to join hands to advance and retreat. !”

Blood Cloud Old Ancestor said with a smile.

Listening to the words of Old Ancestor in the blood cloud, on the side of Divine Red Clouds, White Lotus True God is also very conscious. It seems that this time of the old fart of Blood Cloud Sect went with her.

Since everyone is not to mince words, they are all smart people, so they don’t hide them.

The white lotus True God directly nodded, “Deal!”

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