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“Black Phoenix Divine Fire!”

Hearing someone from his subordinates said that, Bailian True God was also heart startled at this time.

Immediately, she took a deep look at the valley not far away, as if everything before was clear.

No wonder, in such an unremarkable small valley, two Monster Race might have been attracted one after another. It turned out to be the Black Phoenix Divine Fire.

According to records, in the Heaven and Earth 10000 Fire List, the Black Phoenix Divine Fire is not a wild flame, and the Black Phoenix Divine Fire cannot survive independently in Outer World.

And the only time the Black Phoenix Divine Fire appeared in history was accompanied by the appearance of the legendary Black Phoenix Cauldron.

If Bailian True God guessed correctly, the legendary black phoenix cauldron is now in this small valley.

Could it be that the power of the Monster Race came for the Black Phoenix Cauldron in this valley?

It seems that only this statement can make sense.

Black Phoenix Ding!

The famous Peak Divine Item in the World Domain battlefield of the Ancient period, the Paragon weapon of the Tianchong Taoist, is for everyone.

For several 10,000,000 years, I don’t know how many True God yearn for something even in dreams is this black phoenix cauldron, even the white lotus True God is very greedy for the black phoenix cauldron.

Now the Black Phoenix Cauldron may appear in this small valley, and White Lotus True God said it was not coveted at the moment, it was all fake.

But it can only be coveted, she has not yet reached that kind of irrational situation.

Especially after seeing the Senior’s methods in the valley, Bailian True God didn’t even think about grabbing anything from the opponent.

Otherwise, the blood cloud Old Ancestor is her fate.

Thinking of this, Bailian True God is also directly sighed, shook the head.

“Let’s go, this level of treasure is destined to have no fate with our Divine Red Clouds sect. Even if our Divine Red Clouds gets it, it is a curse rather than a blessing. This level of treasure cannot be kept by our Divine Red Clouds sect. “

Bailian True God is quite self-aware, and from this point alone, she is much better than the blood cloud Old Ancestor.

The Black Phoenix Cauldron is not something she should consider. What she should consider now should be how to resist the blood brake sect in the near future.

After the people of the Divine Red Clouds sect left, the remaining people of the Blood Cloud Sect also slipped back dingy.

My Old Ancestor has died thoroughly, and the original backer of Blood Cloud Sect has fallen, so at this time, there is no Blood Cloud Sect supported by Old Ancestor. It is a bird with its wings broken, and it can’t make any waves.

Neither Gu Zhun nor the old turtle bothered to care about this group of juniors, so they just let them go.

2 After all the people and horses left here, two days later, the 2-color Pill Cloud over this unknown valley finally cleared away.

On this day, a total of 2 major events occurred.

The first is Gu Zhun’s exit. The entire valley is filled with 10000 medicine pills made from 5 colors and 6 colors. The huge Spirit Qi spews like dragon-like, lightly by Gu Zhun A sleeve was swept over, all in the bag.

As for the second incident, the Divine Red Clouds sect occurred. In Purple Bamboo Forest, an unprecedentedly powerful Sword Intent soared into the sky. It is said that even the True God Old Ancestor of Divine Red Clouds sect was shocked.

No one knows what happened in Purple Bamboo Forest, but it was claimed that Shangguanyue brought it up a level on Kendo.

And this day is also the day when Gu Zhun returned to Divine Red Clouds.

Outside the Purple Bamboo Forest, Gu Zhun sat on the shoulders of the Black Bear King and looked inside the Purple Bamboo Forest. He seemed to feel some breath, with a faint smile on his face.

“It looks like that girl really succeeded, not bad.”

Gu Zhun smiled, just let Xiao Hei directly enter the purple forest.

And these yellow clothes maids in Purple Bamboo Forest all know Gu Zhun, this time, it is very interesting not at all to come forward and stop.

In the middle of Purple Bamboo Forest, it is quite lively at the moment.

An Biru and Zhou Wei, the female disciple who are normally close to Shangguanyue, are here at the moment.

On the other hand, Shangguanyue was surrounded by them and seemed to be talking something.

When Gu Zhun came, there was a lot of movement. After all, Xiao Hei’s body shape was placed here, and almost all of them were squeezed out of bamboo, so the movement must be incomparable gigantic.

Seeing Gu Zhun coming, both Zhou Wei and An Biru’s faces were ugly.

Only Shangguanyue looked at Gu Zhun but was nodded.

“How did you come?”

Among these three people, An Biru saw Gu Zhun the most. After all, a few days ago, the teacher of Medicine Peak was yelled away by the black bear under Gu Zhun’s ass.

At that time, it also left a very bad impression on An Biru, so even at this time, An Biru still looked at Gu Zhun uncomfortably.

Even if this kid disappeared a few days ago, but didn’t expect actually came back today.

“I should ask you this sentence, it seems that you are in this Purple Bamboo Forest, and you are waiting. Who allowed you to come in?”

If An Biru sees Gu Zhun upset, then Gu Zhun does not have to give An Biru face.

I saw Gu Zhun directly choked on An Biru.

This sentence was so choking that An Biru couldn’t say a word.

Because Gu Zhun is right, his living in Purple Bamboo Forest is recognized by Sect Master.

Indeed, compared with him, it seems that he is the guest.

“hmph! ”

An Biru was choked to say nothing. At this time, he was coldly snorted, and then ignored Gu Zhun, and Gu Zhun then glanced at Zhou Wei next to An Biru, and continued, “What? It seems that some people have forgotten. After my own work, why doesn’t the maid serve the tea when the master is here?”

Gu Zhun’s words also made Zhou Wei look ugly.

But then, no matter how unwilling she was, Zhou Wei still went to pour tea well-behaved.

After all, Zhou Wei made a bet with Gu Zhun a few days ago. If he loses, he will be a maid for Gu Zhun for a month. This matter is still true. Therefore, within this period of time, Zhou Wei really has to listen to Gu Zhun. .

After a while, a cup of hot tea was brought up by Zhou Wei.

Gu Zhun jumped off Xiao Hei’s shoulders, moved his body, and drank a cup of hot tea. The whole person was very comfortable.

“Not bad, it seems you really did it in these 3 days.”

Gu Zhun took a sip of the hot tea in the cup, and then casually looked up towards Shangguanyue and said to her.

Shangguanyue hearing this, then nodded, and then looked towards the azure black long sword in his right hand.

This sword is the Qingyuan ancient sword that Gu Zhun gave her three days ago.

At that time, Shangguanyue also made an agreement with Gu Zhun. Within 3 days, if he succeeded in refining the Qingyuan ancient sword, then Gu Zhun would help Shangguanyue clear the Death Chilling Curse on his body.

And now that 3 days have passed, it is obvious that Gu Zhun is talking about this.

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