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the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, things have remained the same, but people have changed.

The old turtle actually knew in his heart that even if it didn’t change anymore, it wasn’t the same village after all.

Even the name of the village has now changed.

If Lao Gui remembers it correctly, this village used to be called Canghai Village, but now it has long been changed to Daosheng Village.

Just when Lao Gui was melancholy, a shout rang from behind Gu Zhun and Lao Gui.

“Hey, you two, have you seen my sheep?” This was a crisp voice.

Gu Zhun and the old turtle then looked back. At this time, they saw a young man.

The boy was dressed in sackcloth, holding a bamboo pole for driving sheep, brow beaded with sweat and asked them.

“We didn’t see your sheep.”

Gu Zhun looked at this boy with interest, replied.

“Okay, then I have to continue to look for my sheep. By the way, I remind you that this is not a good place. You had better leave this place quickly. It is almost that the Immortals are coming to the village in these two days. If Immortal finds out, you’ll be dead, so go away.”

The boy reminded Gu Zhun of them, then turned and left.

The night wind was stern and cold. After the boy and Gu Zhun said hello, they climbed up the hill with bamboo poles, and finally disappeared from their sight and left.

Seeing the boy leave, Gu Zhun and Laogui looked at each other.


What Immortal?

Why haven’t they heard of it?

However, no matter what Immortal is, it has nothing to do with Gu Zhun.

Whether it is Gu Zhun or Laogui, their cultivation base is Tongtian, what Three Heads and Six Arms are coming, they have always walked around when they meet them, and Gu Zhun has not been afraid of it.

So at this time, neither Gu Zhun nor Laogui paid attention to what the sheep-herding boy said just now. The two looked towards the village. At this time, they also wanted to walk around the village.

Therefore, at the next moment, Gu Zhun and Laogui took a step forward and turned into a stream of light. In an instant, they appeared at the entrance of the village.

Slowly walking into the village, the fragrance of rice and soil floated in the surrounding air. It was a secular sight and atmosphere, but all this made Gu Zhun very calm.

After experiencing the disturbance of Immortal World repairing, fighting and killing, he hadn’t felt such tranquility for a long time.

Daosheng Village is actually not very big, and it only takes 100 steps to reach from the village head to the village end.

The last small courtyard in the village is brightly lit at the moment, and Gu Zhun came here with a look of memory in his eyes.

Because this house was originally the ancestral house of the boy named Canghai Dao Sheng.

Here, Canghai Daosheng experienced his childhood.

Now it seems that this house has not changed at all, the same mud road, the same broken eaves, even the roof is leaking, and the walls are leaking.

It seems like the next moment, the boy from the sea knife saint can walk out of the house.

But soon, the sky dimmed, and just when Gu Zhun and the others were about to turn around and leave, a light in the house was actually lit.

“En? What’s the matter? Is there anyone living in this house now?”

Gu Zhun is strange, but also feels some novelty.

Because this was the ancestral home of the Canghai Daosheng, there are still people living here today.

This is also a very interesting thing.

After 10,000,000 years, who is still living here?

Gu Zhun When they were curious, the door of the house was pushed open and a woman walked out.

This is a girl who is age not to old and looks 18-19 years old at most.

The dress is very simple, but very clean, and also looks like Spirit Qi. At this time, he was about to come out and take the broad beans in the yard back into the house.

Seeing Gu Zhun and Laogui, the girl was visibly taken aback, and then asked them: “Two, what’s the matter?”

Gu Zhun smiled and shook his head: “It’s okay, we’re just passing by. It’s dark and haven’t found a place to stay. Can I go in and sit?”

Gu Zhun said.

If this sentence was spoken by someone else, it would definitely be considered an extremely insignificant guy.

But now Gu Zhun and Laogui do not seem to be very old from the outside, so the girl was taken aback at this time, but still nodded: “Please come in.”

Gu Zhun 2 went into the house just like that.

After entering this old house, Gu Zhun found that although the house looked dilapidated on the outside, it was still good inside.

The inside was stitched up, at least not as miserable as Canghai Daosheng’s childhood.

In fact, there is neither wind nor rain in the house.

In addition, the young girl repaired the room. Although the sparrow is small, it is completely dirty.

“Do you live here alone?”

Gu Zhun asked.

The girl shook her head: “I still have a younger brother.”

“How about family?”

“My parents are dead long ago. Actually, this house didn’t belong to us at the beginning. It just seemed that no one lived, so I moved in.”

Listening to the girl saying this, Gu Zhun and the others were nodded.

It turned out to be the case.

At this time, the girl also helped Gu Zhun serve some food.

It’s just a simple rice porridge, no way, if you really have money, you won’t live here.

“The humble house is simple, don’t be surprised by the two.”

The girl said somewhat sorry.

Gu Zhun and Laogui both shook their heads. They were not the kind of spoiled people when they were eating.

If you want to say good, Gu Zhun hasn’t eaten it before, or if it’s bad, they have not eaten the grass root bark.

So at this time, even though Gu Zhun and their cultivation base no longer need to eat, they still drank 2 mouthfuls of rice porridge.

After all, this is also people’s mind, and you can’t don’t give face.

After drinking 2 mouthfuls of rice porridge, outside the house, at this time, a silhouette came in.

“Sister, I’m back, do you have anything to eat? I’m starving to death!”

The silhouette who walked in was small and shouted before entering the door.

As soon as they entered, Gu Zhun directly recognized the person.

Isn’t this boy the one who just saw sheep herding on the hill not long ago?

The sheep herding boy apparently recognized Gu Zhun at this time.

“Hey, why are you in my house? Sister, do you know them?”

Girl: “They just passed by. It was dark, so they stayed here for one night, younger brother, you are only coming back now. Have you found the sheep in Dahu’s house?”

The boy shook his head: “Not yet, let’s look for it tomorrow. If you really can’t find it, you can only go to that place. Zhang Dahu is not something we can afford.”

The boy said, this time he was holding a bowl of rice porridge and drank it.

After dinner, Gu Zhun and the young boy chatted for a while.

During the chat, Gu Zhun and the others learned that the siblings were named Li and their elder sister was named Li Maner. As for the younger brother, named Li Ye, they were not originally from Daosheng Village.

It’s just that their parents died in the early years. Li Ye was brought up by Li Man’er, and he was really desperate. Then he passed the Daosheng Village and found an empty house. If he lives here, he can be considered as a man to settle down. So.

But they probably never thought that the house they occupied was originally the ancestral house of a Nine Realms great character.

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