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Entering Buddha Country, the people of the Canghai Sect went to the address arranged by Pure Buddha Island, and Gu Zhun and the others wandered around here.

In Buddha Country, it is similar to other ancient cities, that is, it is more brilliant.

On a straight main road, 2 streets have various small shops and restaurants.

At noon, Gu Zhun took Luo Elder Qiaoer Shangguanyue and Qian Qingluan and the others directly into a restaurant in Buddha Country.

Now that they are all in the Pure Buddha Island Buddha Country, it would be a waste not to try the special vegetarian dishes here!

This restaurant is called Da Shi Zhai!

It is a very famous restaurant in Buddha Country.

The daily passenger flow is huge, and the vegetarian dishes here are expensive, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

In the past, the traffic of Da Shi Zhai was actually not that big. After all, the price is expensive, but Da Shi Zhai has become popular.

It is the reason why the Pure Buddha Island’s meditation meeting will begin.

A large number of discipline Elders from outflowing forces flooded into Pure Buddha Island, and the business of Da Shi Zhai naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Gu Zhun and they entered this restaurant and were directly led to the third floor by Xiao 2.

Above the third floor is Yaju.

It’s not that ordinary people can come up. Xiao 2 is also watching Gu Zhun. They each and everyone cultivation base deep and unmeasurable, so they brought them up. If they are ordinary people, they really can’t get to the third floor.

The table at Da Shi Zhai is very large, and Gu Zhun and his party, including Li Ye and Li Man’er, Shangguan Yue Qiao’er, can sit down.

At this time, Xiao 2 also brought up a menu.

Qian Qingluan was the first to take the menu and saw Su Zhai on the menu, and then when he looked at the price, even Qian Qingluan was taken aback.

Good guy, it’s so expensive!

A plate of ordinary vegetarian food can cost more than 100 Spirit Stones. If you eat a few more dishes, you will have to spend a few 10000 Spirit Stones!

Even though she is the Sect Master daughter of Canghai Sect, she is usually used to seeing big scenes, but she has never eaten such an expensive vegetarian meal.

It is not a question of being unable to afford it, but a question of reluctance.

“Hey, Xiao2, is your restaurant cheating? Treat us as a fool? Why is the food here so expensive?”

Qian Qingluan was the first to go crazy.

Xiao 2 was taken aback by her, and continued: “Guest, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. This is not because we have a high price, but because there are too many guests recently. Our restaurant is too busy and the supplies cannot be delivered, so the price is natural. As the tide rises, the boat floats, if it is normal, it must not be so expensive.”

Xiao 2 explained.

Qian Qingluan was nodded when he heard this.

It turned out to be the case.

This little 2 also makes sense. It is the day that Pure Buddha Island held the Pure Buddha Meditation recently. It is true that there are special prices at special times. This is also excusable.

However, Qian Qingluan is a little bit painful for spending 10000 Spirit Stone for a meal.

At this time, Gu Zhun spoke.

The big guy is the big guy. At this time, I don’t even bother to look at the menu. He directly said to the little 2: “We are crowded, let’s serve all the dishes.”

After Gu Zhun finished speaking, Xiao 2 was overjoyed. It seems that this is the right thing to serve. This is a big customer!

One breath is to go through all the cuisines!

“Okay, guest, wait a minute, come right away!”

Xiao 2 agreed. At this time, he seemed to think of something and said: “By the way, our store has just shipped a batch of fresh agave fairy tea, which is very valuable. Are you interested in having a pot?”

Little 2 asked.

Because it takes a while to serve the dishes, it’s natural to have a pot of tequila fairy tea while waiting here.

Tequila fairy tea, this is no ordinary tea.

Among Four Domains, some general forces really can’t get it, they are all fairy teas specially offered by Four Domains.

The annual output is that many, which can’t be obtained at a high price. To get this thing, you need contacts.

It seems that behind this big food studio is not so simple!

There is no easy way to get tequila fairy tea.

When Qian Qingluan heard the tequila fairy tea, he lifted his eyes, obviously not interested.

Because they have this kind of fairy tea in the Canghai Sect, the Father of Qian Qingluan has been drinking this kind of tea for so many years, and Qian Qingluan naturally also drank this tea.

But Luo Elder and the others seem to be very excited. After all, it is tequila fairy tea, the famous tea in Four Domains, which is normally not available for drinking.

At this time, Gu Zhun was also nodded.

“Tequila, let’s get a pot of mouthwash.”

Although agave is not a good tea in Gu Zhun’s eyes, it is enough to use as a mouthwash before cooking.

So at this time Gu Zhun is nodded.

Little 2 immediately went down to make tea.

After a while, a pot of fairy tea was brought up by Xiao 2.

Several tea cups were filled, and a strong tea aroma immediately lingered on the third floor of Yaju.

“This is the tequila fairy tea? It smells so good!”

“I’ve only heard of it before, and this is the first time I drink it. It really deserves to be the top fairy tea of ​​Four Domains.”

Luo Elder and Shang Guanyue were full of praise when they drank tequila fairy tea.

After all, they are all from a small place, and they have never seen a big world. Tequila this thing, let alone Luo Elder Qiaoer.

Even if they hadn’t drank it in Shangguanyue, they had only heard of it before, and now they try for the first time, they finally know what a good tea is like.

“Hmph, a few country bumpkins and tequila have never been drunk. I don’t know how they got on the 3rd floor.”

“It’s really ignorant, the trifling agave has such a immersive look, the taste is really low.”

At this moment, an unpleasant sound came from another table next to Gu Zhun and them.

As soon as these voices came out, they immediately attracted the attention of Li Maner and the others.

At this moment, Li Maner’s face was flushed during the last official month and the others. Didn’t expect that she could be laughed at by drinking tea just now.

Suddenly Shangguanyue and the others were also a little inferior.

They are from a small place, and they have never drunk tea of ​​this level, but at the moment they are ridiculed in public, Shangguanyue and they also feel that they are somewhat ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

But at this time, listening to these voices, Gu Zhun just raised his eyelids.

Both eyes casually glanced in the direction of the ridiculous voice just now. At this moment, he saw 7 youngsters sitting on the table next door.

It was one of the red clothed youth who spoke just now.

This person is gorgeously dressed, and at a glance, he knows that he is not from a common force, but is definitely from Great Sect.

Just now it was these boys who uttered wild words and laughed at Shang Guanyue.

Gu Zhun shook his head at this time, and it looked like there were a few more dudes.

Before Gu Zhun could speak, Qian Qingluan was the first to sit still.

She had a good relationship with the three women, Shangguanyue Li Maner Qiaoer. At this time, watching her being bullied, Qian Qingluan could sit still, so she patted the table and stood up.

“You guys, courting death?”

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