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Copper box?

Many people’s eyes focused on Gu Zhun.

This guy is too picky!

They have been here for so long.

This is the first one to see someone betting on a copper box.

Because there are 4 boxes of gold, silver, iron and bronze.

If the iron box still has a 1/1000th probability to open good things, then the copper box is almost 100% unable to open anything.

In the gambling box industry, the copper box is almost universally recognized, and only a pile of junk box will be opened.

It’s all this age, and anyone dares to bet on copper boxes?

And I only buy a copper box.

This is a bit too much.

“Ten Spirit Stone, thank you for your patronage.”

The stall old man laughed and said at this time.

As long as it’s a customer, it doesn’t matter to him, even a copper box business is to be done.

After all, to feed the family.

Gu Zhun laughed at this time and handed him ten Spirit Stones.

Then, he picked it up here.

Gu Zhun has watched about 5 minutes of time. After so long, he still hasn’t shot.

Many of the people on the side that provoke them are directly impatient.

“This person is really picky. Just pick a copper box? Give it to me, can you just get one?”

“That’s right, anyway, no matter what kind of copper box it is, it’s impossible to open a good thing. If you can’t pick it, it’s still like that?”

The surrounding people who eat melon whispered also looked towards Gu Zhun with a look of look down.

But in Gu Zhun’s eyes, he didn’t pay attention to these gazes at all, and directly omitted the words of these people.

After a while, some people have left after feeling bored.

In the end, Gu Zhun finally made a move.

I saw him pick the most fringe box.

This box looks ordinary, unlike other boxes not at all.

Gu Zhun took the box in his hand, tapped it, looked at it again, and finally touched it.

This time, looking at the box Gu Zhun picked up, the stall owner of this stall finally raised his head for the first time. He looked at Gu Zhun with a smile and asked: “Guest, it’s decided? Is this all it?”

Gu Zhun finally nodded at this time: “That’s it, it’s the same.”

“Okay, let’s open it and have a look, hope you can gain something.”

Stand the main road.

Afterwards, Gu Zhun slowly opened the box.


The box opened.

Suddenly, a beam of light rose into the sky, and the Five Colored Divine Light broke through the sky, as if it was about to break the sky.

The Formation outside of the entire Pure Buddha Island even started to shake at this time.

“My mother, this is a treasure!”

“What is this? It caused such a big change?”

“Can such a top grade treasure be opened in a copper box? It really blinds me!”

After opening such a treasure in Gu Zhun’s copper box, half of Buddha Country almost shook.

No one knows what happened.

Of course, except for these people who are watching in front of this booth at this moment.

These people are all chirp chirp twitter twitter at this moment, as if a boiling oil pan hits cold water and bursts.

Because someone actually opened a treasure from a copper box.

No wonder people have to choose for so long, so they came prepared!

It is definitely not an ordinary treasure to be able to cause such a change!

In the end, many people looked towards the box in Gu Zhun’s hand, casting fiery gazes.

Immediately after them, they saw that the rays of light faded away from the box in Gu Zhun’s hand.

There was something unexpectedly revealed.

It turned out to be an ancient copper mirror!

Just now is such a mirror, which caused the Heaven and Earth abnormality?

What kind of mirror is this?

Haven’t heard of it before!

Even the most knowledgeable cultivator just now shook the head.

Said that he had never seen such a mirror Magic Artifact.

But when such a mirror was opened in the copper box, Gu Zhun and the stall owner were both eyes shined.

Obviously, only the two of them in the audience recognized this thing.

However, before Gu Zhun could say any more, a few discordant voices spread from the crowd.

“Get out, get out, get out of me! Get out of 10000 Refiner Sect to catch the murderer, get out of me!”

“Yuan Tianzong, get out of the way!”

“Golden Cloud Sect is here, it’s all gone!”

Outside the crowd, the voices of a few Sect forces came.

At this moment, many people also heard that the complexion greatly changed.

“10000 Refiner Sect, Yuan Tianzong, Golden Cloud Sect? These are all the famous 1st Rate Sects in the South Sea or the Western Region of the North. How did they gather at this moment?”

When these Sects came, the crowd suddenly became noisy.

At this moment, most of the people gathered here are Loose Cultivators. Naturally, they dare not offend these Great Sects. Therefore, they dare not watch the excitement here anymore, so they just stepped away a lot.

Suddenly, only Gu Zhun and the others were left, and the stall owner was still here.

At this time, these Sect people also surrounded them, and then a few old men walked out of these people.

These people are the stewards of Great Sect.

At this moment, they said directly to Gu Zhun: “Sire, did you hurt a few youngsters in Da Shi Zhai just now?”

As soon as these words were said, Shang Guanyue and the others immediately realized that they were here to collect debts.

It seems that the few dudes that Gu Zhun abolished just now have indeed come.

And it looks menacing!

“Why, what do you guys want to do? Do you want to shoot me? Do you dare?”

Qian Qingluan was the first to stand up at this time and said to these Sect managers.

After that, Qian Qingluan stared directly.

These people in charge naturally know who Qian Qingluan is. They have not yet reached the point where they are completely crazy and ridiculous offending the Canghai Sect.

Because they knew that if they were confronted with Qian Qingluan here, if they really did, Qian Qingluan would kill him.

The Canghai Sect will definitely run away.

When the time comes bad luck, it is their Sect.

Because this is different from the nature of the conflict between the previous few dandies and Qian Qingluan.

The previous conflicts in Da Shi Zhai were at best between youngsters.

Even if those dudes ridiculed Qian Qingluan, Canghaizong couldn’t say anything.

After all, no matter how much trouble it is, it is a matter between youngsters.

But things are different now.

Most of the people who came were Old Ancestor and Elder level characters from the major 1st Rate forces.

At this time, if you act on Qian Qingluan, that nature has changed, and Canghai Sect will not let them go.

So at this time, Qian Qingluan came out, and they felt a headache.

Fortunately, Gu Zhun stood up right now and pulled Qian Qingluan back.

“I did the Da Shizhai thing. Any advice?”

Gu Zhun was just worrying about it and sometimes there was nowhere to pass it. At this time, this group of 1st Rate people directly hit his nose.

Exactly, if you are really uninterested.

Then they can only be blamed for their bad lives!

Moreover, he just got this treasure, Gu Zhun thought, touching the mirror in his hand.

He is also just interested, ready to find someone to try it!

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