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That’s right.

The precious mirror that Gu Zhun opened out of the copper box just now is indeed a treasure.

This can be seen from the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon just now.

No one denies this.

But the problem is, no one knows how to use this mirror!

Gu Zhun is now directly facing the mirror in front of him.

It is obvious that you want to use a precious mirror to resist the attack of 3 True Gods?

10000 What if this is not a defensive mirror?

None of these bystanders knew what to say.

I think Gu Zhun is 80% stupid.

Treasure is not so useful!

But soon, what made them didn’t expect came.

In the face of these three True God Old Ancestors, the Martial Arts of the three was immediately reached.

He was about to blast on Gu Zhun’s body.

At this moment, the treasure mirror in front of Gu Zhun reacted.

A fairy light of black and white spurted out of the mirror instantly.

Then, everyone and the three Old Ancestors could see that two black and white Yin-Yang fish swam out of the mirror, turned into two fairy lights, and rushed out.

Gu Zhun took the mirror and moved towards the 3 Martial Arts and took 3 photos.

Then, a shocking scene appeared.

After Gu Zhun took 3 photos of these 3 Old Ancestor’s Martial Arts, behind Gu Zhun, at this moment, it seemed that 3 identical Martial Arts appeared.

They are Weapon Skynet, Black Blood Sea and Black Palm.

This posture is exactly the same as the Martial Arts performed by the 3 True God Old Ancestors.

If you have to say something is different.

That might be the color.

10000 Refiner Sect Tianwu Old Ancestor The weapon Skynet is 5 colors and 6 colors, the blood sea of ​​Yuan Tianzong Old Ancestor is red, as for the golden Cloud Sect, the golden cloud swallowing sky palm of Old Ancestor is golden of.

But at this moment on Gu Zhun’s side, one is one, all of them become black.

However, although the color has changed, the breath and formidable power have not changed at all.

Gu Zhun was not in a hurry at this time. Bao Jing turned around, and three big Martial Arts greeted him with three against three.

strikes up.

Gu Zhun’s methods directly silly everyone.

Including 10000 Refiner Sect, Yuan Tianzong, Golden Cloud Sect’s Three Sects Old Ancestor.

“That mirror can actually replicate Martial Arts?”

“Immortal grade Martial Arts of True God level can be replicated? This King has never seen such a treasure!”

“I really don’t believe it. Even if it can be copied, 100% copying is impossible. It must be flawed! Even if the posture is exactly the same, the formidable power must be weakened a lot. Otherwise, how could such a treasure exist?”

The eyes of these three Old Ancestors were almost staring at the moment.

They don’t believe that there is such a terrifying treasure in this world.

Unconditionally reproduce Martial Arts of others?

This is too heaven defying.

However, they did not believe it, and soon Gu Zhun could convince them.

Because, at this moment, these 6 kinds of Martial Arts have already blasted together.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, in the end, after a murky heavens dark earth, the winner was decided.

The final result turned out to be 100% completely offset.

This means that Gu Zhun’s mirror can truly replicate Martial Arts?

And the formidable power is not reduced at all?

In the air, it immediately became quiet at this time.

It seems that the needle can be heard.

At this time, even the 3 Old Ancestors, at this moment, disabled to bear swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The eyes are full of incredible.

But at this time, Gu Zhun was faintly smiled, and he looked at the treasure mirror in his hand.

“In this world, there are many unimaginable things, most of which are just that you have not seen that’s all, the size of Nine Realms, there is no lack of strange things.”

After Gu Zhun said this sentence, the eyes of the three Old Ancestors suddenly became red!

Each and everyone looked at the things in Gu Zhun’s hands like crazy.

At this moment, including those on Pure Buddha Island, how can such a big movement not disturb other people?

After all, this is a match of 4 True God level!

Of course, these people are only observing that’s all in secret.

Many other Sect’s Old Ancestors are waiting. I want to see if the hands of the United Golden Cloud Sect 10000 Refiner Sect Yuan Tianzong 3 can beat Gu Zhun.

If they can win, they will show up to take the treasure from the hands of these three True Gods.

If you can’t win, then forget it.

Treasure is good, but if Gu Zhun is too strong, then the gain is not worth the loss.

At this time, including in the Pure Buddha Island Buddha Country, many Buddhas have red eyes at this moment.

each and everyone be eager to have a try get up.

After all, there is such a treasure of heaven defying appearing on their turf, let them do it here and watch it now.

No one can sit still.

At this moment, even the buddhas of Pure Buddha Island could not sit still, and stood up directly, wanting to fight for this treasure.

After all, after all, this is also on their Pure Buddha Island site!

Pure Buddha Island was originally from the South Sea Peak forces, and now this incident is happening at my doorstep.

So in their opinion, as long as they make a move, isn’t this treasure 100% theirs?

However, just when these Buddhas were about to leave.

A Buddha’s radiance appeared in the great hall, directly suppressing these Buddhas.

“Amithaba, this treasure, we Pure Buddha Island don’t have to fight for it! Let’s all be stable.”

As soon as this Buddha’s radiance appeared, in the great hall, many Buddhas Bodhisattva were shocked.

Because no one knows better than them, what Buddha’s radiance actually exists.

This is impressively the Buddha’s radiance of the six ancient Buddhas in Pure Buddha Island.

The ancient Buddha is regarded as the most powerful Old Ancestor in Pure Buddha Island. Usually, the ancient Buddhas are silent about some things. They will only intervene in matters related to the life and death of Pure Buddha Island or some other things. .

Today, the ancient Buddha actually spoke.

So these Buddhas have counted in their hearts.

This thing is probably not simple anymore.

Otherwise, these six ancient Buddhas would not stop them.

“Old Ancestor, why can’t we intervene? This is our own door on Pure Buddha Island, is it just like this?”

One of the Buddhas was still unwilling.

After all, such a good treasure is bound to their Buddhism at first glance.

Otherwise, how could it appear in Buddha Country?

Just like this was taken away by others, these Buddhas were not reconciled at all.

“I have understood this matter. This thing is not something you and I can intervene, otherwise it will lead to a killing disaster. Therefore, this treasure is not related to my Pure Buddha Island, and the treasure holder is not something we can provoke. If you start, you should close your mind and prepare for the Pure Buddha Meditation with peace of mind.”

The voice of ancient Buddhas came from the great hall.

These Buddhas Bodhisattva listened, and finally, it seemed that they understood something, nodded.

After all, this time is different from before, even the ancient Buddhas have spoken.

It’s not someone they can afford, and it will accidentally attract a killing disaster.

With the warning from the ancient Buddha, they naturally did not dare to get involved.

Because at this moment they almost guessed something in their hearts.

This time, I’m afraid I met a certain fierce person from the Ancient period!

Otherwise, the Six Ancient Buddhas are impossible to say such things.

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