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33 heavenly revolution rises to Spirit Seal.

In the Nine Realms of the Ancient period, not many people knew this Secret Technique.

Even, if you know Gu Zhun this Secret Technique, I am afraid that there will not be more than 5 people in the entire Ancient period.

Among them, even most of them are dead.

Xuan Yin had also discussed with Gu Zhun, so I saw it in person.

This Divine Ability was created by Full Mastery after the Great Accomplishment of various emperor skills in the late Gu Zhun Ancient period.

This Divine Ability, Gu Zhun did not tell even the closest subordinates.

Today’s Nine Realms, I’m afraid Xuan Yin alone has heard of this secret art.

33 heavenly revolution raises Spirit Seal, it is not a Divine Ability of battle, nor is it a Divine Ability of defense.

It can even be said that this Spirit Seal is not for combat at all.

It’s an augmentation Secret Technique.

Each time you cast a seal, the added formidable power will increase by 1%.

33 The printing and stacking is completed, up to 3 times more formidable power!

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that this Divine Ability does not consider the upper limit.

In other words, under Gu Zhun’s hands, as long as he uses this Divine Ability, even if it is a magic weapon of the level of Jiebao, Gu Zhun can directly increase the formidable power by 3 times.

How terrible is the world treasure with 3 times the formidable power?

This is not as simple as doing addition at all.

The world treasure with 3 times the formidable power is enough to crush everything in this world.

Therefore, at this time, the Xuan Yin Saint Buddha watched Gu Zhun using 33 heavenly revolution to raise the Spirit Seal, and he was immediately scared of the complexion ashen.

Especially seeing that Gu Zhun also attached this Secret Technique to the Dao Sword.

Such a purely attacking world treasure-level magic weapon was suddenly lifted 3 times the formidable power, the formidable power is terrifying!

Despite the long distance, Xuan Yin Saint Buddha can still feel the Peak Sword Intent contained in Gu Zhun’s Dao Sword at this time.

Afterwards, the Xuanyin Saint Buddha saw Gu Zhun walking slowly from the darkness, raising his azure sword.

sword light unhindered, raging 8 squares.

Gu Zhun immediately said: “With one sword, Heaven and Earth can fall, the sun and the moon are dark, Heaven and Earth can shift; with one sword, I can slash life, destroy the fortunes of the country, and shatter mountains and rivers, making the red land 1000 li without light! Today, let me show you my sword power!”

After Gu Zhun finished speaking, he immediately cut out with a sword.

sword light presents purple.

Like Purple Qi coming from the east, it spreads out like moonlight, swaying quickly towards the direction of the Xuanyin Holy Buddha.

Xuanyin Saint Buddha saw the sword light swept by, his face changed in shock.

The power of the Xuan Yin Holy Buddha is well known in 3000 Buddha Country and even Nine Realms.

Even if it was the attack of the god king and god emperor, he didn’t pay attention to it.

Even with a blow from Jiebao, the Xuanyin Saint Buddha was not afraid of anything.

However, Gu Zhun’s sword at this moment changed the face of Xuanyin Saint Buddha for the first time.

Because this sword is too terrifying.

It’s almost like Sword Art from the outside world. Such a sword is not something that a cultivator can issue, but a real Immortal sword.

The Saint Buddha Xuanyin knew his own strength, so he didn’t dare to touch this sword head-on, so even he didn’t dare to neglect at this time.

I saw him put his hands together at the moment.

Used the most powerful Divine Ability in his life.

One thought bodhi opens!

This is the most terrifying Divine Ability of the Xuanyin Holy Buddha.

This Divine Ability, Xuan Yin can be said to be comprehend for ten generations.

Before Gu Zhun, he had not used such a trick on anyone.

Because before Gu Zhun, no one in Nine Realms could force Xuanyin Saint Buddha to use such a trump card method.

This is not a normal Divine Ability.

It was the tens of thousands of years that the Xuanyin Saint Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and comprehend it.

“By origin, there is no Bodhi tree, Nor is there a mirror bright. This is not a single thing, Where does dust alight!”

The Buddhism of the Xuanyin Saint Buddha has reached a very terrifying state, I am afraid that it is the most profound person in the Nine Realms.

Xuan Yin Sheng Buddha once said:

One flower one world, one leaf one bodhi!

At this moment, the Saint Buddha Xuanyin opened such a mind-bodhi.

Suddenly, there is endless Buddha’s radiance radiating from the back of the Xuanyin Holy Buddha, white rays of light shining on Heaven and Earth.

Then, in front of the Xuanyin Holy Buddha, Buddha’s radiance condensed into an illusory shadow of Buddha.

The illusory shadows of these Buddhas are almost solid, and each one is lifelike, as if they really exist.

It gives people the feeling that this Xuanyin Saint Buddha really created a large group of Buddhas in one thought.

These Buddhas stand in front of Xuan Yin, each and everyone Dharma Idol is solemn, and the precious light is like jade. At this time, every Buddha’s body exudes an aura of terror.

It seems that every Buddha here is a True God.

These Buddhas chanted the words of the Buddha, and the seals were formed one after another. Suddenly, a golden Buddha wall appeared between Gu Zhun and the Xuanyin holy Buddha, like a Tianhe, separating Gu Zhun’s sword light.

“Yi Nian Bodhi Kai? This Divine Ability is indeed good, but if you want to stop my sword, it’s still far away!”

Gu Zhun watched this golden Buddha wall appear, sneered in his heart, and said.

Next moment, everyone can see that although the wall of Buddha built by the Xuanyin Saint Buddha at this moment is already strong enough.

However, Gu Zhun’s sword light is more powerful.

With a sword swept down, it was like a knife’s edge over tofu.

Without any obstruction at all, this wall of Buddha has been broken through, and it is cut off on the body of the Saint Buddha of Xuanyin.

As for those Buddha illusory shadows, they were cut with a sword by Gu Zhun at this time, and it was as smooth as a knife cut butter.

With just one sword, there are 100 Buddhas falling on their heads.

The one that killed is called a blood flowing into a river, and the head is rolling.

And these Buddha illusory shadows, like mud, were shattered by Gu Zhun’s sword.

It is like 10000 1000 Buddha, in front of Gu Zhun’s sword light, also like a bubble clay figurine, not worth mentioning at all.

In such a scene, I don’t know how many people under Pure Buddha Island were stunned and their faces moved.

At this moment, many juniors were so excited that they looked towards Gu Zhun with a look of worship.

What does it mean to smash God and Demon with one fist and kill God and Demon with one sword?

This is called Mandi Shanhe smashed with a punch, God and Demon slaughtered with one sword!

With just one sword, you can kill 10000 Buddha illusory shadows. Nothing in the world can stop this sword light.

It is really a sword of if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!

How strong should this be!

Some people are excited.

It’s worth it to watch this battle!

The Pure Buddha Island at this time is so right!

It can be called the dynasty, and death can be done at night!

To be able to see this level of battle, it is worth death now.

Someone thought so in mind.

Afterwards, they saw that Gu Zhun’s sword light had been cut to the Xuanyin Holy Buddha.

Just one step away, it was cut on the body of the Xuanyin Saint Buddha.

At the same time, many people are holding their breath, and some are so nervous that they forget their breath.

With so many people, there is only one idea in their hearts at this moment.

Can this sword, the white clothed god and Buddha, be able to catch it?

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