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The 3000 Buddha Country and Xuan Yin Sheng Buddha matters can be put aside for now.

Because neither the 3000 Buddha Country nor the Xuanyin Holy Buddha are now in the Kongming Realm.

The Nine Realms are so big that Gu Zhun still has something to do in the Kongming Realm, so for the time being, he can’t reach out to the Kongming Realm.

The strength of Gu Zhun is not the peak time. After a few 10,000,000 years, some of Gu Zhun’s subordinates are scattered and 4 squares. For the time being, the 8 Buddha Country and Xuan Yin Sheng Buddha are not within Gu Zhun’s control.

Moreover, just now Gu Zhun used 33 heavenly revolution to promote Spirit Seal, he is not without any backlash.

With such a terrifying increase, even Gu Zhun suffered a certain degree of backlash damage.

Otherwise, let Jiebao increase its strength by 3x out of thin air, which is also impossible.

When the former Gu Zhun Immortal Body was still there, he was naturally not afraid of this level of backlash, but now Gu Zhun is not as strong as before, and the Immortal Body has not been re-condensed.

Although the Void God body is powerful, it cannot withstand this degree of damage.

So now Gu Zhun does not plan to find the Xuanyin Holy Buddha.

Besides, the grudge between him and Xuan Yin has now come to an end.

Xuan Yin broke Gu Zhun’s Yin-Yang refining mirror, and Gu Zhun also broke Xuan Yin’s indefinite flying ring.

If this is the case, everyone is even on both sides, and it will no longer be wordy.

After the incident subsided, Gu Zhun and Shangguanyue went directly to the main hall of Pure Buddha Island.

Because the current Canghaizong mansion had already been destroyed by the power of darkness, the Canghaizong mansion could not be returned.

Moreover, the six ancient Buddhas were completely wiped out by Gu Zhun. Without the protection of the ancient Buddhas, the current Pure Buddha Island has long lost its glory. Although there are still several young god king level Buddhas, they are completely against Gu Zhun. It is throwing an egg at a rock.

Gu Zhun can handle them at will.

After these Buddhas were destroyed, the most powerful ancient Buddha in the gate, the attitude of each and everyone also took a 180-degree turn. They were afraid of Gu Zhun, the killing god.

So at this time, he respectfully invited Gu Zhun into the main hall of Pure Buddha Island for a good hospitality.

Gu Zhun doesn’t want to wait for these bald donkeys.

He just came to get something.

“Amithaba, don’t know what Senior needs? We can all discuss.”

At this moment, a Buddha from Pure Buddha Island said at this time.

In fact, he is also very aggrieved now, because the original strength of Pure Buddha Island is so powerful that he has no fear of anyone in Four Domains and any Sect.

When did he treat others with such a humble attitude?

This is something that has never happened before, but now facing Gu Zhun, he has to show such an attitude, otherwise, if people slap it down, maybe Pure Buddha Island will disappear in the future.

Therefore, in order to protect oneself, this is also impossible.

Didn’t you see that all 6 Old Ancestors in your family were destroyed by others?

Even the sacred Buddha of Legendary 3000 Buddha Country ran away.

So now Gu Zhun makes any request, they can agree to Pure Buddha Island.

“Your Pure Buddha Island is now taking refuge in 3000 Buddha Country. You should get a lot of benefits from 3000 Buddha Country.”

Gu Zhun said slowly at this time.

The Buddha’s eyes moved and said, “If Senior wants medicine pill Spirit Stone and so on, I will offer it all.”

Listening to the words of the Buddha, Gu Zhun directly shook the head.

“I don’t lack medicine pill Spirit Stone, I only need one thing.” Gu Zhun held out a finger.

“What?” The Buddha trembled in his heart.

“The cultivation method of 3000 Buddha Country 9 colored glass body!”

Gu Zhun said these words, and suddenly, so many Buddhas in Pure Buddha Island at this moment each and everyone complexion greatly changed, and suddenly became pale.

“Senior, this, this…I’m afraid, no!”

The Buddha clenched the teeth and refused this request.

“Any other requirements are fine, but this is not the case!”

The Buddha emphasized.

Because the 9-color glazed body is the unspread secret of 3000 Buddha Country for 10,000,000 years.

How many years have passed, this secret technique, 3000 Buddha Country, is holding it under your arms. It is absolutely strictly required not to spread to the outside world.

It can even be said that this body refinement cultivation technique is equivalent to the iconic thing of 3000 Buddha Country.

Belongs to Sect Protecting Treasure.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to pass on.

Gu Zhun wants this thing, it is impossible.

But Gu Zhun knocked on the table at this time.

“Do you think you still have the right to choose? I don’t bully you. Now you have two choices. First, either take it out by yourself, and second, or I will do it and wipe out Pure Buddha Island. Find it yourself.”

Gu Zhun said: “Or, I have another method here. Many years ago, I got a method for searching souls. I can read other people’s memories, but the method is extremely cruel. After searching for souls, 80% of them may become fools. If If you insist on rejecting, I will not guarantee that I will not use this method on you.”

Gu Zhun smiled.

But in the tone, it was extremely cold.

When these words were said, many Buddhas were unable to bear at this moment in a cold war.

This guy is simply a demon.

With no choice, these Buddhas were ultimately sighed.

“Well, the real secret can be given to you, but we also have one condition.”

“This true formula can only be learned by you alone, and cannot be passed on to the second person!”

The Buddhas set their bottom line.

This is also a compromise.

Otherwise, maybe their Pure Buddha Island will be destroyed today.

But at the same time, it also restricted Gu Zhun that this Secret Technique cannot be spread.

If Gu Zhun does not agree, they will also decide, even if their entire clan is destroyed today, this body refinement method will not be spread out.

This is the bottom line.

Listening to the Buddha’s words, Gu Zhun knew what they meant, so at this time, he was also nodded.


“Okay, we can speak without a word, and it’s hard to chase after a horse. Senior, please do what it takes!”

The Buddhas looked at each other and finally nodded.

They actually believe that Gu Zhun will keep this promise.

Because of Gu Zhun’s level of power, a spit is a nail, and he can’t do little things like go back on one’s word.

Now that it has the consent of Gu Zhun.

The cultivation method of this secret art can be given to him.

“Senior, please come with me.”

As a Buddha said, he took Gu Zhun away.

Seeing this, Gu Zhun directly followed along.

In Buddha Country, under the leadership of the Buddha, Gu Zhun came to the back garden of Buddha Country.

In the back garden, rockery stands tall.

The Buddha took Gu Zhun directly towards one of the rockery.

A Formation appeared.

After entering Formation, Gu Zhun discovered that this place turned out to be a treasure house of Pure Buddha Island.

The darkness in the treasure house is extremely dark.

There is nothing left empty.

There is only one stone platform, and on the stone platform, only a few weird skeletons are placed!

Gu Zhun: “This is…”

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