While Ruo Meng'er watched this scene, she sighed in her heart, thinking that when she first came, others simply didn’t like herself, and no one took the initiative to make way for herself, but she let herself be Forcibly squeezed in, and suffered too much scorn and abuse.

Taking way with the other party now, the two are completely as different as heaven and earth.

"This is the difference in strength."

Seeing this, Ruo Meng'er has become more determined in the future and must work hard to cultivation and improve battle strength. Maybe in this lifetime, she will not be able to achieve it. Big Brother Ning is a realm, but as long as you live up to your heart, that's enough.


When the two of Ning Tianlin flew out from the mouth, the silent crowd, some people were panting, breathing air with big mouths, although just now It only took ten seconds, but it suppressed them badly.

This is exactly the coercion of powerhouse!

The coercion of killing the gods!

Yes, kill God!

Because they don’t know, Ning Tianlin will violently violently kill them all those who affect their sight! Although this is at the Academy, no one dares to consider whether there will be such a result.

. . . . . .


"How will you wait for guests?"

"Put a table in Fuchun Tower?"

Academy Northern Region.

In the place where Ruo Meng'er had just left, a few short-haired youngsters surrounded the big man who had just snatched the jade bracelet from Ruo Meng'er, with a treacherous smile, "Green magic gold!"

"This thing is rare!"

"I guess, I can sell at least fifty thousand Galaxy coins!"

"Dafa, you are I'm getting rich!"

Everyone laughed, and their hearts were even more jealous. If they were just changed to be them, maybe this bracelet will be on them now, and there will be no such thing as a big deal.




Dafa waved his hand, "Fuchun Tower How expensive is it, how can I ask for it."

Dafa is the kind of master who plucks his hair, and others want to get some cheap from him. It's completely idiotic. Not to mention Fuchun Tower, it is the kebabs at the roadside stalls, he will not ask for it!

Even though something terrible happened in Fuchun Tower a few days ago, Ning Tianlin made a lot of noise, even several guardians were slaughtered, and it seemed that the sky had collapsed. But now, its door is actually still open.

After all, the foundation has not fallen, and the chef is okay, so it is still on. In the past few days, the number of people eating is less, but only less.



"It's such a bargain for nothing, and I don't even ask for a meal. What a friend. "

A person beside him sarcastically said. Although it was a laugh, I really didn't know how to sarcasm the other person in my heart.

The big guy curl one's lip didn't speak, he was stingy, what's wrong? Whatever you grab is also his ability. If there is ability, you should also grab it. Besides, being said to be stingy, there is a hair on his body.

It's the benefit that I have lost.

"That's a big deal, please, take out the green magic gold and let us have a look, right? I have never seen it before."

This At that time, another person suggested, "I ask you to refuse again, you are really not a friend."


"Take it out and let us take a long look. !"

Several people booed again.


"I can still meet your requirements."

Dafa laughed, nodded agrees. Now the bracelet made of green magic gold is already his. If anyone dared to take it away under his nose, he would be an enemy!

when the time comes, irreconcilable!

Besides, although his battle strength is not very high, there is still no problem dealing with these people in front of him.


Extend your hand, Ruomeng’s dark green bracelet just appeared in his palm, and if you look closely, you will find this jade In the green, there is actually a touch of rare golden.

"You can't move it!"

"If anyone dares to move, don't blame me for turning my face with others!"

The big man said coldly.

He knows what kind of stuff these friends are, they are not doing well, but if they are bad, they decide to make you scold your mother!


"Really beautiful."

"Dafa, I dare say, as long as you put this bracelet in front of a woman He said that if she wanted to send her off, there must be a woman who recommended herself to sleep with you!"

One person said with a smile.

"Why don't it be the woman just now."

"Take it from her and tell her that in the future, as long as the bed is warmed a hundred or eighty times, the jade bracelet will be returned. Give it to her!"

"I see, her figure and face are all good, great!"

It's another lust.


Dafa waved his hand directly, glanced at the youngster who was working on the desk, and saw that he hadn't noticed here, so he relaxed, scolded, "this Don’t talk less afterwards, the woman is what the boss of embarrassment is interested in. If she talks nonsense, she will be careful to embarrass the boss to tear your mouth!"

He has a big hair but knows the ins and outs. Something happened. He was just the boss Ma Tsai. It was just a scene they played. The other party didn't take seriously, but if he dared to steal a woman from the other party, he wouldn't know how he died!

This is a veritable bastard!

Although the battle strength of the embarrassing boss is inferior to him, it is the most wasteful spiritual practice, but who makes people swear by a good boss, the core student of Academy Middle School Ranked 1st, is also the number one expert among the student middle school students. Rice!

To annoy him, Chenmi might be able to help!


Just as soon as he finished saying this, the jade bracelet in his palm spun out of his body and flew into the air, just as he wanted to close his hand and grab it. When I lived, this jade bracelet had already fallen into the hands of Ning Tianlin who was floating in the air.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin clasped his palms into claws, and a huge suction force firmly wrapped the jade bracelet.

"Is it this?"

Ning Tianlin turned around, gave the jade bracelet to Ruo Meng'er next to him, and asked softly.



If Meng'er is nodded, like a chicken pecking at rice. She didn't expect it to be so easy to return to the original owner. But I also know that the follow-up troubles, I am afraid it will all be piled on Big Brother Ning.


"Who are you!"

"Courage is not small!"

"Dare to take me Jade bracelet!"

I was very angry, almost furious!

I didn't expect that the jade bracelet that was still in my own hand would be in someone else's hand at this moment!

I glanced at the two people in the air, and when I saw Ruo Meng'er, I knew that this was the helper invited by the other party. At the same time, I was angry, if the other party took his bracelet away while he was not paying attention, how could it be so easy to take things from him.


"Kill him!"

"Brother dare to pull out his teeth!"

So is the man on the edge Shouted.

It’s just that when they bullied themselves and saw the face of the man floating in the air, they thought of the now popular Academy video male protagonist. His legs were soft and his face turned pale!

Ning Tianlin!

It turned out to be Ning Tianlin!

How come this evil god is here!

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