Others are afraid of him Ning Tianlin, but he is not necessarily dusty!

You killed several guards of Fuchun Tower, but so what, if he does it, maybe he can win! It's just that there has been no chance to do it.

Now seeing Ning Tianlin don't give face so much, and slap his face so loudly, how can he not be angry!

"I'm okay, I need you to worry about it." Ning Tianlin said sarcastically again, "It's you, you can really force it, Bibi has been here for such a long time, there is a fart."


"Everyone is killed, you guys are not here to bite me?"

Ning Tianlin always wonders why some people like to talk nonsense. I always like to stay here and say something that is not nutritious, and then I seem to be able to lose my hair.

"Handle, you go up!"

Dust Mi couldn't hold back anymore, facing a youngster scolded next to him, "Kill him!"

He didn't do it directly, because he wanted to see the true strength of Ning Tianlin. He watched the video of the Fuchun Tower rioting several times. He knew Ning Tianlin's power very well, but he knew he could do it.

At this moment, I want to make some more intuitive judgments from my subordinates again.

Videos are videos after all, so how can I see them in person?


The youngster called the handle was taken aback, did not agree, but "Ah", how could it be him?

If he really dared to do it, he would have done it a long time ago, so he would wait until now. He has never fought against Ning Tianlin, but he also watched the video. If he rushed forward, he might be bitten to death by the pet that the opponent suddenly released!

He is not the opponent of the other party.

"Boss, I... I want to shit, my stomach hurts a bit, it is not convenient to do it... I am active, I am afraid of being pulled into my pants." He is called a handle. youngster brace oneself said.

Compared with death, shame is nothing.

"You!" Chen Mi's face was pale, didn't expect handle to say this remark, but now is not the time to train people, to another person, "Abiao, you go! Cut! Under his head, I'll take the wine for you!"

Chen Mi really doesn't want to take the lead on her own, and is ready to observe and talk about it.


"Boss, I last night... I shot too many shots last night, and my legs are still soft... . I haven’t recovered from ancient times, please let me take a moment."

A Biao also looked at his face and thought for a while before he came up with a reason, which is too much!

"Fuck your mother!" Chen Mi was angry, "You obviously stayed in the practice room last night, and you shot against the wall!" But such words, he Did not say it, just cursed in the heart.

"Champapa, you go!" Chen Mi was instructed at the other person on the side again!

"Boss, it won't work..." The youngster called Tsampapa touched him, his face changed drastically, but he really couldn't figure out any reason to refuse.

For Martial Artists like him, it is simply impossible to get sick.

"Why not!"

"You said!"

Dust and rice are vomiting blood out of anger. At this moment, I am really embarrassed. I have ordered several No one dared to go up, they all made all kinds of excuses, all fools knew what was going on! I was really angry, staring at Chan Papa, insisting on giving him a reason.


Tsampapa thought for a long time, but I really don’t know what excuses to say. I saw A Biao who just escaped with an excuse on the side. Taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, looking at myself, with an inspiration, the face was completely ignored, breathes deeply, "Boss... last night he shot me with A Biao... He was with me. Right..."

After finishing speaking, Tsampapa didn't dare to look into anyone's eyes, and his face was almost flushed with shit.

Well, since you Abiao shot too many shots last night, then there is always a target, then me!


As soon as Tsampapa's words were finished, the people who heard them were in an uproar.



Basic love!

The two big men were engaged in a relationship last night!

Although most of them know that this is fake, this is an excuse, but there are still some brainy eyes bright, this information is so big, two big men from Nine Heavens were in the room last night Are you always in love?

Even Ruo Meng'er on the side blushed. Although she knew it was fake, she said it in front of so many people. How courage is this to take blood medicine? It’s really good. Sewage!

And A Biao, who had found a lot of excuses, only felt 10,000 flies flying in his mouth at the moment, which made him feel nauseous. Your sister, I'm a real man! I don’t know how many beauties plop on my bed every day!

Besides, no matter what I do, I won’t find you like Chan Papa! Look at you, your name is Papa, who looks really like Baba, how could I get fucked with you!

Go to hell!

"get lost!"

But when I heard this, my face became extremely ugly. You guys are still shameless, you can say anything. Export, are you still the main force of my Nine Heavens help!

If people know that we are the chief of the Nine Heavens gang who is involved in the gang every night, then those who join us in the gang will be who, shemales!

"You guys can really talk nonsense!" Ning Tianlin saw this scene, but he said directly, "Don't talk nonsense, don't come one by one."

"You can go together. I don’t want to kill you, I’ll lose!"

Ning Tianlin doesn’t want to waste time in these boring places, but also knows how thick a thick-skinned person can be. I can’t help but be coldly snorted, Group ridicule is turned on.

"Let's go together?"

"Ning Tianlin want them to go together?"

Too many people are shocked by Ning Tianlin's domineering, Ruo Meng'er behind him was also taken aback. This is the capable helper of Nine Heavens. Although they are new students, they also know some news.

It’s just that they almost don’t know that this dust is the Gang Lord of the Nine Heavens Gang, and the Number One Person of the Nine Heavens Academy students.


What is domineering!

This is called domineering!

You are still discussing this one by one, and the other party asks you to come together, really treating you as a small insect!



"I Chenmi will meet you in person today. Let’s take a look at this year’s new students and see what happened. An enchanting evildoer!"

Others are shameless, he still has a face, as the chief student of the core, how can he really besiege a new student together? If it really spreads out, where will he put his old face in the future?


No more nonsense, as soon as he unfolded his hands, a large golden warblade appeared in his palm!

The knife, fierce, domineering, is also his dusty rules of conduct! Don't resist!

The figure burst out, mixed with the blade light, moved towards Ning Tianlin and cut away in the air! It also includes Ruo Meng'er next to Ning Tianlin!

Two, die together!

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