
As if to hear the best joke in the world, the two bad guys heard what Ning Tianlin said, looked at each other, and then laughed heartily, "You mean, you are going to kill us? And these ghosts?"

"Do you know what you are talking about?

"It's from Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master is here, and dare not say such big words! "

"Only you? "

The two bad guys looked towards Ning Tianlin like lunatics, always feeling that he is like Heavenly Book. Now the entire Earth is in Dharma End Era, and a few have the ability to kill them These ghosts? Two slaps to death!

Besides, they represent the entire Netherworld. Killing them is like fighting against the public officials of the entire Netherworld!

I won’t let him go, Magistrate won’t let him go, and King Yama won’t let him go!


Just sneer and ask questions to them, and answer them It's a dagger, a silver white, a battle strength dagger that is less than five inches long, exuding a trace of coldness, ice soul. And Ning Tianlin's fast forward, shooting out the body!

"Magical Artifact! "

"It turned out to be a Magical Artifact! "

"No wonder you dare to say such a big thing! "

The difference between the two was startled, because in this era, the Magical Artifact on Earth is too rare. Even if there are, they are all amulets for safety and security. As weapons in Magical Artifact, It’s too rare.

The Magical Artifact is working on their bodies!

The firearms and heat weapons on Earth, they are simply not afraid, they are bombs. It exploded under their eyelids, and they just smiled, but the Magical Artifact is different. It really can kill them!


The two did not hesitate, stretched out their hands, a mourning stick, each appeared in their hands, their eyes solemn, looking at the Ning Tianlin rushing.

This mourning stick is completely black, It is about one meter long and has an unknown insect beast on it. It is the standard equipment of Netherworld for all bad things. It is like a police baton to deter criminals from beatings.

Although it is not Magical Artifact , But it’s not much worse than the last Magical Artifact.


Ning Tianlin's speed is very fast, ten meters away, not even a second is used. When he swung his dagger, he moved towards the fiercely on the left side of the bad neck fiercely. The tyrannical force brought out the sound of breaking wind in the air.

Now his Ning Tianlin's physical fitness is complete He can control his body, so he can hit wherever he points, no difference! Moreover, the reason why he attacked the left side first is because his battle strength is the highest, reaching 105 points, which is the closest to him with 107 points, only difference. Two points.

The other one, 103 points of battle strength, is four points behind him.

As long as you kill this person, you will be able to attack all the ghosts, including the other one. In my heart, I leave the impression that I can't beat him at all! When the time comes, killing other ghosts is absolutely easy!

"Dang! "

The bad guy on the left was horrified. He didn't expect that the speed of the youngster in front of him was so fast that he could almost respond in a hurry! Although he was already prepared!


Fortunately, the mourning stick and the opponent's dagger finally came into close contact and blocked this killer blow. It's just that his entire body was also under the tyrannical force of Ning Tianlin. Unsteady, he staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground.

Even the crying stick in his hand was unstable and fell to the side.


Ning Tianlin didn't stop at all, he just bullied himself up, and was about to kill the other party! Even the other wicked crying stick has already moved towards his body!


At the same time, falling into the eyes of the bad guy on the ground, a bright light suddenly shot out. Ning Tianlin only felt that his spirit was in a trance, but it was only a moment, the dagger in his hand, Or fiercely stuck on the other's neck.

"How is it possible..."

"How can Spirit Attack be invalid! "

As soon as this thought arose in the mind of this yin chap, he felt a cold neck, and then a large stream of life energy flowed quickly along with the contact between the dagger and the neck, less than a second. I no longer have the power to open my eyes.

Close it completely and forever.

"Spirit Attack is invalid because my spirit attribute is higher than you! "

"It is even higher than after you use the mysterious technique! "

Ning Tianlin's current physical attribute, the strongest, happens to be the spirit attribute. The space ring and the dagger ice soul have added a lot to it, especially the space ring, which pays the most attention to the spirit.


Moreover, the two bad battle strengths reported to him by the battle strength system are not only the sum of battle strength, but also the detailed indication of each body attribute, how much strength and how much agility there is , Spirit, and Physique are all listed in detail.

Even the martial skills and mysterious skills of the other party are all clear.

So, Ning Tianlin is also ready, with a high concentration of energy, just to prevent the other party’s Spirit Attack!


Only at the same time, another wicked crying stick , And fell on him without any accident. He would rather take this blow and kill the opponent!


involuntarily, Ning Tianlin His body flew upside down, volleyed in the air, and couldn't help but spurt a mouthful of blood, rolling heavily on the ground. The difference between the two was only four points of battle strength, and by this heavy blow, he could not do a complete defense.

Only soon, a medicine pill and dark green appeared in Ning Tianlin's hands. Just when they were taken out of the space ring, Heaven and Earth filled with a scent of medicine. Without hesitation, It was swallowed directly into the mouth.

melts in the mouth.

And for a while, Ning Tianlin felt the severe pain from the vibration of the viscera, disappeared without a trace, even The strength and energy just consumed are instantly replenished.

The resuscitation pill repairs the injury in an instant and replenishes the fleshy body. It is a simple healing medicine that Ning Tianlin was preparing to do. , It was redeemed from the exchange platform with ten points of essence. As for the higher level healing medicine, he did not redeem it because he originally planned to only receive this blow.

And now , Everything is in his plan.


Ning Tianlin, who was demobilized, quickly got up, rolled and jumped from the ground, and with a dagger in his hand, fiercely stabbed another bad guy and fought into a ball.

After one minute, he pierced his neck with a dagger and killed him!

"Next, it's up to you!"

Since the ghosts have been killed in front of so many ghosts, Ning Tianlin is also impossible to let them go. All ghosts fear In his gaze, he jumped, like tiger entering a flock of sheep, to kill. Ten minutes later, the whole movie of Heaven and Earth, there was no more ghost.

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