"Not bad."

"I am Ning Tianlin."

Ning Tianlin looked directly at the other person, and did not avoid it. You are strong, but not strong enough to make him look up.

"I am empty and bright."

"President Nanzhan, the fourth general."

The old man declares his identity, since he wants the other party to be obediently surrender, he will also show the strength and prestige of making the opponent obediently surrender.

The seventh general, I think it should be enough!

"I am Zenghuang."

"Under the command of Nanzhan Palace, the fifth general."

The middle age person on the right also reported himself later identity.

"I am a small man."

"The sixth general under the command of Nanzhan Palace."

The same goes for the middle age person on the left.


As these three reported their families, the whole group of people who followed the development of the incident boiled over, especially the stars of Nanzhan who had heard a little about it. Excited, after so many years, a general of this level actually took the shot himself.

And there are still three at once.

You Ning Tianlin may not know what this Ranked Fourth number five and sixth means, but for many people who know Nanzhan Mansion well, this is already the ultimate power of Nanzhan Mansion's guardianship.

Better than them, full of money, the entire Nanzhan Mansion will not exceed ten!

They shot, the sky fell apart, earth shattering is not an exaggeration!




Ning Tianlin scanned a group of three people , There was a solemn look in his eyes. These three people alone brought such a strong oppression to himself. What about the first general, the second general, and the third general?

As a result, Ning Tianlin even thinks of the other princesses of the 36 princesses, those tyrannical princesses who are arranged in the front, in the memory of Nine Eyes, those princesses are also overwhelming. Strength.

Especially the top four princesses, definitely have the ability to defeat him with one palm.

More importantly, the subordinates are like this, what about Palace Master Nanzhan who rules them?

What kind of existence is that?

I am afraid that the battle strength has already exceeded 2 million, even reached 3 million, and even more!

I am facing him now, and it is impossible to win!

"You killed Panlan, did you obediently surrender yourself? Or did we do it?"

The headed Kongming was also shocked. Although he has learned from other people that Ning Tianlin is very young, he didn't expect to be so young, let alone a hundred years old, not even fifty years old.

This kind of person can drive such a terrifying creature to kill Pan Lan.

Although Panlan is not very good, it is really strong, and he would die in the hands of such a youngster. Also, he couldn't help but glanced at Nine Eyes, feeling a little strange.

The princess who killed yourself and the same level, don't you quickly persuade your subordinate to surrender, but you actually stood with him. Although you did not say anything about Nine Eyes, it is precisely because you did not say anything that you have already stated your position.

It shouldn’t.

You are the princess, and you are a subordinate of Nanzhan Palace. Don’t you have this awareness?

However, he only felt strange, guessing that Jiumu might be reluctant to be strangled by such a powerful genius before he grew up. He did not expect that the real Jiumu was dead. NS.

Now standing in front of him is just a manipulative shell.

"obediently surrender?"

Ning Tianlin stared into the eyes of the three people, snorted, shook the head, "Ning Tianlin, the only thing I will never do in my life, is obediently Surrender!"

"No matter what I do, even if I die, I will struggle a bit!"

"If you want me to catch, then fight!"

Speaking, a long Dualbladed Halberd was in his palm, and a life-saving Great Revitalizing Pill appeared directly in his mouth.

Life-saving Great Revitalizing Pill, an essential medicine for life-saving, no matter what kind of attack you bear, you can live, even if it is a deadly blow!

The sky collapses and the earth falls, the fleshy body will last forever!

It is worth ten million points!


Ning Tianlin gave a wry smile in his heart, no way, he must use this thing, without the battle strength system hint how much battle strength the opponent has, he feels Be like a blind oneself, do things with little hands and feet.

In the past, if the enemy did not move, he knew how much battle strength the opponent had, that is, he fully knew the opponent's emptiness and reality, and he also had a bottom in his heart, knowing whether to fight hard or slowly.

But now, he can only try and feel it himself.

The opponent is very strong, he knows, but he doesn't know how strong it is. If he is really strong enough to give himself a second, he still crying to death?

Although ten million points of essence are precious, they are still far from the point where they can take risks with their lives. Besides, if you hold it in your mouth, you don't necessarily have to swallow it. If the opponent's battle strength is not much different from his own, and the strength is not too strong, he might not use it.

Moreover, he has a guess in his heart, obediently surrender!

The other party makes himself obediently surrender!

In other words, these three people are very likely to capture themselves alive!

They were sent by the Nanzhan Palace Master, that is to say, Nanzhan Palace mainly captures himself alive!

Not beheaded on the spot!

This sign up for the Great Revitalizing Pill, he won’t swallow it until the end! As a last resort.

"Unfortunately, this is just a low-level life-saving Great Revitalizing Pill, not invincible."

Ning Tianlin also knows that the effect of this medicine pill is too far behind invincible, invincible, It is truly invincible, even if the Lord of Universe is here, he can hold it, even if the universe collapses, he can be invincible in a short time.

However, this life-saving Great Revitalizing Pill, which is exchanged for ten million essence points, is only a low-level life-saving Great Revitalizing Pill. If the battle strength exceeds 10 million, it can be directly crushed, and it must exist. Get down.

Moreover, the biggest difference with Invincible is that Invincible is not injured. It will be like the Divine Emperor, unbreakable with swords and spears, but the Great Revitalizing Pill will be injured.

The opponent just can't kill him, medicine pill maintains his last heartbeat, but he will also be injured. You must swallow the healing medicine at a critical moment in order to recover to the best condition.

"Sure enough, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!"

Seeing that Ning Tianlin took out the weapon, the three of them looked at each other, they all sneered in their hearts, really thought they were killed Can Panlan compete with them?

Others are in mind, Panlan is great, but they only have to carry shoes!

Without a trick, you have to kneel!


It’s just that the three of them are not ready to do something, they are about to say something to smash people, but they see a long blast of Heavenly Halberd light, which has enveloped them , Accompanied by huge coercion, pressed towards them!

Since the decision has been made, how can Ning Tianlin passively defend?

Active offense is the best defense method!

"You dare!"

The three of Kongming were angry, and they didn't expect that Ning Tianlin actually dared to take the lead! Attack them first!

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