


murky heavens dark earth, Sun and Moon lost radiance, no one could have imagined that such a young pet master would really have been in the hands of these three generals for such a long time, and in the end three generals would go together without subduing this one!

The most important thing is that this youngster is a pet master!

It's been so long, why didn't I even see a pet's hair? What about the extremely ferocious pet in the legend? What about the pet that killed the Lord Panlan in just one bite?

Where did you go?

Isn't it coming out after playing for so long?

This Ning Tianlin, Martial Dao battle strength is so terrifying, then if it is worthy of a pet, who else is his opponent?


"It's finally over!"

The headed Kongming finally took a long breath in the heart, this Move down, this Ning Tianlin will definitely be abolished, he is already an arrow at the end of its flight and can't sustain it anymore.

However, he also admired Ning Tianlin a little in his heart, so young, he has the strength to compete with them, and it is three-on-one to win so hard.

If the Nanzhan Palace Lord does not kill him this time, when he grows up, he will definitely be the mainstay of the Nanzhan Palace. In terms of function, I am afraid that it will be much larger than the total of the ten Panlans. !


One hundred, one thousand may not be comparable to this youngster.


Only after he thought his decisive last move was used, the energy of the entire space suddenly changed, especially the top of his head, including his The whole body was enveloped by a mysterious energy.

Only an instant, he felt that his blood, including the breath that circulates throughout his body, became a little slow, as if being suppressed by life, so that part of his battle strength could not be exerted.


In an instant, the halberd light flashed, not only him, but also Zeng Huang and Bu Xiaoduo beside him, they all broke their arms together, blood splashed. His eyes were wide and he looked at everything incredible.

How is it possible?

They were clearly going to win, but why did they lose!

Unfathomable mystery!

Kuangming stared at Ning Tianlin incredibly, even not caring about the broken arm and the pain in his heart, muttered in his mouth, "Why?"

"How could this be?"

Is it poisoned?

Same as Panlan, that pet’s poison?

From the beginning to the end, he didn't see the scary pet appearing!

"How did it fail!"

"How well did it fail?"

"It's clear to win!"

several dozen li In addition, many people around you are also watching, oh oh, I look at you, there is an incredible color in my eyes, according to the situation just now, it is clear that the three generals are about to win, why suddenly Lost?

The defeat is without warning!

Is it an awkward performance from beginning to end?

To tease them?

Compared with their shocked gaze, they have been hiding in the void, and they have been observing Nan Zhan here, but their eyes are horrified, as if they have seen something incredible, and their mouths are even more muttered. "Could it be..."

"Is it the Formation?"

"The legendary battle strength Formation?"

Nan looking at the eyes Stupefied, he saw an unbelievable picture. He just saw clearly that Ning Tianlin made a mysterious gesture, and a strange energy filled the sky above Kongming.

After that, the Kongming trio failed.

The three of you and Kongming look at me, and I hope you don’t understand the situation differently. He looks south, and he is also considered to be a great official of the Milky Way, and he has some insights. He knows Formation, and knows that Formation has many branches.

Space Array, attribute Formation, deceleration Formation, holdings Formation, Protection Formation Law, etc., but he also knows that in this world, in addition to mysterious time Formation, there are still battle strength formations that everyone envy. of!

Even he still knows that this battle strength formation is divided into various details such as battle strength increase, battle strength weakening, and battle strength transfer.

It's just that he just knows, but he has never seen it.

Because of battle strength formation, it is almost as rare as time formation, deep and unmeasurable.

He is the Lord of a Prefecture, and he exists like an official of the galaxy, but he has only heard of it from the Lord of the Milky Way, but he has never seen it. Because even the lord of the galaxy admires the battle strength formation and time formation, he doesn't even know it!


"There is a gesture style, a closing style, and a space energy for change."

"It should be Formation, not bad! "

"Moreover, it can play a key decisive role in battle. Battle strength Formation should be good!"

Pan Lan's eyes are shining, because of this method, let alone He himself, even the lord of the galaxy, might have never owned it before, but now he appears in the hands of a youngster who is less than twenty-three years old.

What this means is obvious!

This youngster is not only a pet master, Martial Dao genius, but also a Formation genius! And also the kind of genius who has mastered the unfathomable battle strength formation! This kind of person actually appeared in their Nanzhan Mansion!

"It's just that the origin of this youngster..."

The more I think about it, the more he hesitates, because any of the three battle methods is the same. , It is very likely that there is a special inheritance, especially this Formation Dao, there is definitely a special inheritance!

Without systematic training, it is absolutely impossible to master!

Especially the very mysterious battle strength Formation.

Behind this Ning Tianlin, I am afraid that there is already a powerhouse, a powerhouse specializing in training him.

Thinking of this, he looked south, a little hesitant to wait. If it is a lonely family, Heaven's Chosen Child will be fine. Nanzhan thinks he can handle it, but behind him, there is a super powerhouse mastering the battle strength formation. It is hard to say.


Only when he guessed, Ning Tianlin’s battle halberd had already fallen again, cutting off the other arm of the three of Kongming. At the same time, they stretched out their hands, and the space ring carried on the arms of the three of them all entered Ning Tianlin's hands.

After playing for so long, it is time to charge some interest.

their three people, the battle strength is higher than Panlan, I am afraid the collection will be more abundant.

"Did you kill you, or did you disconnect yourself from this space ring?"

Ning Tianlin asked the three generals just like the question.

"Isn't it?"

"He is going to kill three generals?"

The three Kongming people don’t care yet, the people watching But it has already exploded the pot, this Ning Tianlin is crazy, is it going to kill three generals, but also to take away the space ring they are carrying.

Is this something coveted?

If you really dare to kill these three people, you will definitely be irreconcilable with Namzhan Mansion!

Palace Lord Nanzhan will never let you go!

It's just that, thinking that Ning Tianlin has killed a princess, Pan Lan, maybe it is really possible.

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