"pay respects to the lord of the palace!"

"The subordinates do not do well, please the lord of the house to punish!"

He didn't pay attention to the two people's gaze, but after the visit, they took the responsibility in fear. In any case, they did not complete the task assigned to them by the palace lord.

No matter how they didn't expect, they weren't the opponents of a 23-year-old youngster.

"It's okay."

Nan Zhan waved his hand and didn't care. He didn't expect this result. He originally thought that he had overestimated it. Ning Tianlin, let the three of Kongming come together, but now it seems that Ning Tianlin is still underestimated!

How he didn't expect, this Ning Tianlin, unexpectedly will have unfathomable battle strength formation!

It is that he will not, he just heard it mentioned by the lord of the galaxy by chance.

Only afterwards, Nan Zhan does not pay attention to the three people behind him, but looks directly at Ning Tianlin's face. After watching for about five or six seconds, he slowly said, "Twenty-three years old. , Peak battle strength exceeded 1.5 million."

"At a young age, there is such a battle strength. I dare to conclude that without participating in this genius battle, you are a well-deserved Number One Person!"


1.5 million battle strength!

Some of the crowds onlookers in the distance are students participating this time, some are local residents of Nanzhan Star, and some are unrelated people who come to Nanzhan Star for tourism, but no matter who they are, they are all held by Nanzhan Palace. These words were stunned!

The sound of suck in a cold breath is everywhere!

They thought that Ning Tianlin is very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong, the battle strength exceeds 1.5 million! Is that human being? He was only twenty-three years old, and he had this terrifying battle strength!

They wouldn't doubt what Palace Master Nanzhan said, he said yes, that would surely be it.

Especially the nine students who followed Ning Tianlin and Jiumu, who always thought that Ning Tianlin was a pet master, but didn't expect that his battle strength exceeded 1.5 million!

Fortunately, in the trial of the nine-eye Academy, there was not much conflict with him, otherwise, I really don’t know how I died!

"The lord of the palace has praised it."

Ning Tianlin neither nodded to admit, nor shook his head to deny. The number one in Nanzhan Mansion, he would not care about it. His ultimate goal is It is the first place in the Martial Dao game of geniuses in the entire galaxy.

Only when he reaches that height, his large-scale serial mission is over.

It's just that the attitude of Palace Master Nanzhan made him a little confused. When you came up, shouldn't you just do it directly and take me down? Compared with me here?

Compliment me again?

Does the great character do everything like this?

"You can do it."

Palace Master Nanzhan did not smile, nor was he slightly angry. His words were plain and flat, but Ning Tianlin couldn't figure out his thoughts." It's just that, in Nanzhanxing, you murdered in the street, and there is also a princess, should you give me an explanation?"

Look straight into Ning Tianlin's eyes, faint smile.

"Furthermore, the three generals are serving their loyalty in Nanzhan Mansion. You want to seize their wealth and cut their arms. Shouldn't you give them an explanation?"

Although there is still no anger, but the tone of questioning has slowly leaked out.


"Palace Master came this time, is to seek justice for them?"

Ning Tianlin looked directly at Nan Zhan's gaze , Counterattack back without the slightest fear.

"If you think so, I won't deny it."

Nanzhan is nodded, no denying that such a thing has happened, and under the broad daylight, there are so many People watch, of course he has to give these people an explanation.

Just because of the death of Princess Panlan, I don’t know how many times I have died for a long time.

"Then I don't know the palace lord, how can I ask for justice?"

"You know, I will resist."

Ning Tianlin directly stated Attitude, he is not the kind of silly mermaid, even if he really wants to die, he will struggle with all his strength.

As his words fell, countless people were shocked.


"This Ning Tianlin wants to resist?"

"I heard it right!"

No one I dare to believe what Ning Tianlin said, even the top princesses, and those powerful generals, also couldn't believe my ears, wondering if I heard them wrong.

It is them. If the palace owner wants to take their lives face to face, they dare not resist at all.

Because you don't resist, maybe it's just a simple death, but if you dare to resist, the palace lord has thousands of ways to let you seek life but can't, seek death but can't!

This Ning Tianlin, really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, actually wants to resist!

Do you really think that Palace Master’s battle strength is that Pan Lan, and how many people can compare it with Kongming?

It is all of them together, not enough for him to poke with a finger!

You have to resist!

I really don’t know how dead words are written!

However, the nine nine-eye Academy students who followed Ning Tianlin felt a little short of breath after hearing this. Could it be that Ning Tianlin should bring surprises to them, even Palace Lord Nanzhan Can it be beaten?

If you change to someone else, they may think that this is fundamentally impossible, and it is fantastic!

But his Ning Tianlin is different. This person is too immeasurable. He brings surprises to them time and time again. You say you can’t kill Princess Panlan, but he just releases the pet, so he can do it with one trick. solved.

You said that you can't defeat the three famous generals, and he won with a smashing horse, and even terrifying pets are useless!

Now you say that he can't defeat Palace Lord Nanzhan, they are really not sure.

What if you win?

This person represents a miracle!

If you haven't fought, no one knows the result.



Nan Zhan was taken aback, as if he had not expected that Ning Tianlin would answer him like this. eyes shined, is this Ning Tianlin, what other means hasn't been used? In other words, he is not afraid of himself at all, even if he can't fight, he has the absolute certainty to escape from his own hands?

It's just that he broke his head and couldn't figure it out. Now Ning Tianlin, how can he dare to resist himself.

"Why don't we make a bet then?"

However, Nan Zhan knew what his purpose was this time, so he didn't say anything harsh, and faced Ning Tianlin. Said, "Don't you want to resist, then I will give you a chance to resist."

"As long as you can survive a move in my hands, I will set you free. Even the space ring of the empty three people can be given to you as spoils of war."

"But if you can't survive, you have to listen to me in the next thousand years. I will let you Do what you have to do!"


After speaking, staring into Ning Tianlin's eyes, waiting for his answer.


Following the words of Palace Lord Nanzhan, Ning Tianlin has not answered yet. The rest of the people who have been paying attention to the development here are shocked. !

The palace lord didn't even kill this Ning Tianlin!

But he should obey himself for a thousand years!

Although a thousand years may seem long, for a real powerhouse, it is just a fleeting effort.

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