This map is magnificent, expansive, and immense. With just a glance, Ning Tianlin is a little caught in it. It’s no different from an ordinary person watching Star River immersively, but it’s just In an instant, he recovered.

Because he knows that this is the map of Nanzhanfu and Jiumu County.

He clearly saw a nine-eye star marked on it as a reference. No one knows except him that Earth is in the southernmost part of Jiumu County, but it's not on this statistical star map.

"Don't mean it."

Ning Tianlin didn't even think about it, but refused. The tone is firm, even though the opponent is the tyrannical Palace Master Nanzhan with battle strength!

Just kidding, this is his bottom line and his root!

If Earth hasn't fully grown up, how could he mark the location of Earth so that he will be exposed to the public, especially in front of the people of this level of Palace Lord Nanzhan.

If something really happens, and you run away, Earth will suffer along with you!

He doesn't want to be this sinner through the ages!


Abruptly, an imposing manner erupted from the body of Palace Lord Nanzhan, like a needle, like a light, piercing Ning Tianlin's mind, Even more momentarily, it made him feel like a lonely boat swaying in the wind and rain, which might be submerged at any time.


It's a hard chair made of unknown material under his butt, which is also stretched to pieces under this invisible pressure.

Even Ning Tianlin felt a thick killing intent all over his body, a killing intent that could kill him at any time!

"Doesn't mean."

It's just that Ning Tianlin clenched his teeth and persisted. Although the skeleton and muscles on his body were all cracking and cracking, he still didn't want to say it. But just as the pressure was getting stronger and stronger, he almost couldn't support it. When he wanted to crush the Teleportation Talisman in the space ring, the vast and boundless killing intent that was pressing on him suddenly disappeared without a trace.


After a while, Ning Tianlin was gasping for breath, and the whole body was dripping with cold sweat, but it was evaporated by him afterwards, and finally, staring at Nan Zhan angrily. The palace lord asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

Although your battle strength is strong, you have to quack if you want to kill. He is Ning Tianlin, but he is really not the kind of person who can handle it. Servings!

He came here to improve the relationship, or in other words, he didn't want to give up the large-scale serial task arranged by the battle strength system.

Your Palace Master Nanzhan is now amazing, but it won’t take decades, no, ten years, he Ning Tianlin, he will be able to respond in the same way now!


"It doesn't mean anything."

Without killing intent, Palace Lord Nanzhan is already like a harmless youngster, right Ning Tianlin laughed. He knew that, in any case, the other party would not tell the exact location of Earth.

But he quickly changed the subject, not entangled in the issue just now, but said, "If you don't say it, don't say it, it depends on your nervousness."

I also seem to know. I didn't know how to joke, and asked in doubt, "You really don't know, why do I say you are not a galactic?"

There was shock, speculation, and weirdness on his face.

It shouldn’t.

Just now about the issue of hundreds of thousands of years of rice wine, everyone in the galaxy should know that you are so wrong!

"Why?" Ning Tianlin stared at Palace Master Nanzhan suspiciously.

"Because! The rice wine you just said appeared hundreds of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, every galaxy person knows it is wrong!"

"Because it is the lord of the galaxy Named, then you should know that this time the Lord of the Galaxy, he became the Lord of the Galaxy more than two thousand years ago!"

"In other words, the rice wine is more than two thousand years ago. It came out a year ago!"

Palace Master Nanzhan said the crux of the specific problem, making Ning Tianlin even more stunned, and asked inconceivably, "What?"

" You said that the Lord of the Galaxy was only appointed more than two thousand years ago?"

Ning Tianlin knows that it is possible for the Lord of the Galaxy to change back and forth, just like being an emperor. Transposition, but didn't expect that the Lord of the Galaxy this term actually succeeded more than two thousand years ago!

He has only succeeded to the throne for more than two thousand years!

"Not bad."

Palace Lord Nanzhan, nodded, asked very strangely, "This is a fact that everyone in the galaxy should know, don't say you are twenty Three years old, five or six years old, should know this result!"

"About the life of the Lord of the Galaxy, but any school must teach it!"

This is also Nanzhan The palace owner suspects that Ning Tianlin is not the real cause of the Milky Way at all. After all, this kind of big thing, even a small child, should know, why you have lived for 23 years and still don’t know?

This is a sin of disrespect to the lord of the galaxy!

Unless you come from outside the galaxy, you may not know it!

It’s just a sudden a single thought, flashing through his mind, "Does this Ning Tianlin really come from the indigenous planet?"

"There is no information about the Lord of the Galaxy yet It's reached?"

It is possible for the indigenous planet, after all, it cannot be integrated into the galaxy, and many news are blocked as a matter of course.


"I got it."

Ning Tianlin shook the head in his heart. It turned out that the root cause appeared here, and he was suspected by the other party. Let alone, he has been wandering in the galaxy for several years, but he hasn't really browsed the galaxy's network.

Especially about the Lord of the Galaxy.

Once, he thought that it was still a very distant existence from him, and it was not too late for him to care when he arrived. On the other hand, he could do it by asking the battle strength system if he had something to do, and there was no need to go online at all. Inquire.

Just what really needs to be asked, the battle strength system can also directly help him tune it out and present it in front of him.

So, in the past few years, he really has not even entered the Milky Way network three times! Not to mention knowing the result!


"Stop talking, drink!"

Palace Lord Nanzhan glanced at Ning Tianlin again, regardless of what he said Really fake, began to persuade Ning Tianlin to drink. Anyway, his real purpose is not here, just a little bit of Qiufeng.


Ning Tianlin didn't want to be entangled with this issue either, picked up the wine glass and drank it.

I have had three rounds of wine.

The atmosphere on the dinner table was not like that of the indifferent time. Palace Lord Nanzhan stared at Ning Tianlin’s eyes and asked seriously, "Ning Tianlin, I invite you to come this time. There is actually one I’m busy, I need your help."

"In other words, there is a presumptuous request, I hope you can agree to it."

I don’t know how many years it has been, he Nanzhan The Palace Master had not spoken so politely to a person with a lower battle strength than him, but he had to do this to Ning Tianlin. One is a genius, and the other is that he is really not sure that he can use violence to force him to surrender.

"The topic is coming!"

Ning Tianlin squinted in his heart, really want to say, since it is a presumptuous request, don't say it, but treat this person, he Still chose a gentle tone, "Palace Lord, please say."

"Can you teach me the secret technique of battle strength Formation!"

Palace Lord Nanzhan After thinking about it, he finally said he was polite.

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