"Big beauty."

The young woman dressed up in fashion in front of her, although she is not an Earth person, but based on Ning Tianlin's harsh criteria for judging beauty, she can also Nine points or more.

Even higher.

Although the other party is still wearing big sunglasses, how can this thing hide Ning Tianlin's Divine Consciousness. It is easy to find that under this perfect figure, there is an extremely beautiful face.

Especially every word with a frenzy is infinitely pure.

But if you look closely, you will find that this infinite purity is also infinitely charming.

The two unmatched, or even opposite, adjectives appeared so appropriately on a beautiful woman, making Ning Tianlin feel that the woman in front of her was completely reincarnated as a fairy.

I couldn't help but, eyes shined, I took a few more glances.

But it just took a few more glances, and soon turned his mind, thinking about what the other party had just said, and even frowned.

This woman wants to take away her spaceship!

And it's the D-Rank spaceship worth 1.6 billion galaxy coins! It is also the spaceship with the highest battle strength among this batch of spaceships! The fastest spaceship! It is also his most valued spaceship.

With this spaceship, he can also greatly shorten the flight time when he is roaming the galaxy.

"Mr. Ning, what I said is true, you can ask the boss of this shop, this D-Rank spaceship, I really ordered it a long time ago."


Seeing Ning Tianlin's eyes staring at her, there is still light in her eyes. This very fashionable and beautiful young girl originally thought that the other party recognized herself, and even waited for the other party to call her name.

After all, I am considered a celebrity. Even though I wear sunglasses, if the other party pays attention to it, I might be able to find out who I am!

But soon, she noticed Ning Tianlin's frowning brow. There was a thump in my heart.

What are you frowning?

What is this expression?

Don’t you recognize me?

It shouldn’t.

Although this is not the very center of the galaxy, it is just a house, but at any rate I can be regarded as a super-top star. The entertainment section of the entire galaxy network has its own reports every once in a while.

From the elderly to the children, you should have seen yourself.

This super rich second generation should be the beauties around him, who cares about beauties, how could he not recognize himself.

It's just that frowning is frowning, and it makes her feel a little bit in her heart, and she hastened to reiterate that this spaceship is her own, and she has bought it a long time ago.

To be someone else, she may not be so cautious, but Mr. Ning, who is about the same size as herself, is a super rich man who can spend 10 billion Galaxy coins.

This kind of person, she travels to the galaxy and often deals with the wealthy Young Master. She knows that the most taboo of these people is that what they are looking for is taken away, and she hates them very much. If I say this now, I am afraid I have offended him.

This cosmic spaceship was really ordered by her a long time ago, and it cost her nearly 50% of her net worth. She bought it in installments. She didn't want to let anyone else. She will perform in the Milky Way in the future, and there are so many places to use it.

Safety can also be greatly guaranteed.

Furthermore, she is not too afraid of the super rich second generation in front of her. You are rich, but she came to Nanzhan Mansion this time, but she was invited by the Nanzhan Palace Lord to come in a week later. Performed at the opening ceremony of the genius trials held in Namzhanfu.

If you offend her at this time, you will offend Palace Master Nanzhan!

No matter how rich you are, can you still have this ultimate boss in Nanzhan Mansion?

With love and reason, she will not back down.

"You ordered it very early?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback and couldn't help but fixed his gaze on the salesperson beside him. He acted domineering, but also not that This kind of unreasonable person, especially the woman in front of him, made him feel very comfortable.

Not the kind of coquettish, unruly master.

It’s just that when his eyes fell on the salesperson, he was taken aback, because at this moment the salesperson’s expression seemed to be very excited, his red lips were wide, and his face was incredible. The color.

Seeing Ning Tianlin's question, not only did not answer, but looked at the woman in front of him, and rushed forward very excitedly and shouted, "You are Huai Fairy!"

"You It's Huai Fairy!"

He looked excited, not much different from those of Earth fans who saw the stars in person.

It’s just that the body that she rushed up was blocked by the opponent’s bodyguard, but it was only for a moment when Huai Fairy waved her hand and let the bodyguard leave and let her say with a smile, "Well."

"I am."

One smile, then smile all over the country.

merely this.

"You are really Huai Fairy!"

"You are really Huai Fairy!"

"I see Daoist!"

"I actually saw the daoist!"

The salesperson's expression was very excited, and there was even a hint of abnormal flushing on his face, "I... I can ask you to sign it." Is a name?"

"I like your singing very much. I can sing every song of yours."

"I like you very much."

"I've watched all the movies and TV series you starred in!"

The words were a little trembling, very excited.

"It turned out to be a star!"

Ning Tianlin also understood the identity of this woman at this time, a star! A star in the entertainment industry.

Even he noticed that the tour guide beside him also looked the same, his face was full of excitement, as if he had met a very extraordinary person, but he was more forbearing than the salesperson, and he didn't rush directly. Go.

But with the trembling appearance, she betrayed her overwhelmed by emotions a long time ago.

Ning Tianlin guessed that she was not here, she had already spoken in front of the mountain.

"Is it just necessary for this."

Ning Tianlin was a little funny. When he was in Earth, he felt that those who chased stars were crazy and could do anything. Come out, before a concert has not started, bring a tent in line to buy tickets in the middle of the night.

Able to attack people who insult the celebrities he likes, and even search for a lot of human flesh, and go to the other party's house to make trouble.

Sometimes, I can even look at the other person just to save money without eating or drinking.

Now that I left Earth, I encountered this kind of star-chasing scene again.

Even more.

In Earth, boys still prefer female celebrities, and girls prefer male celebrities, but the fan of Fairy is all female. Does she kill men, women and children?

It’s just how Ning Tianlin knows that he wants to be famous in the Milky Way, and become a superstar in the Milky Way. Compared with becoming famous in Earth, it is a sky and an underground.

The population base alone is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Earth has killed billions of people, while the Milky Way is terabytes!

If you want to stand out among so many people, the difficulty is no less than that of becoming a princess with super battle strength!

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