"No...Is it not."


" This Mr. Ning is dead!"

Powerful and panic, endless pressure.

The youngster, who was still alive and well just now, died like this, turning into a sky full of ground meat. No one knows what is going on, but everyone's growing mouth and horrified eyes know that this is the truth.

Mr. Ning, you can't die again!

No one can survive this kind of injury!

Don't talk about him, it's Palace Master Nanzhan, this is impossible!


"Who did it?"

"Who killed him?"

Everyone looked around all Mr. Hao, who just walked from the line of life and death, slowly rolled his eyes to look around, wondering who made the hand, that is, his legs were weak.

He is not a fool, knowing that someone just saved him.

At the same time, Ning Tianlin was killed.



It’s just that someone yelled soon, because I don’t know when, 100 meters above everyone’s head, A blue silhouette is floating in the void, standing there quietly. In addition, the background above the upper bunk is the dark blue color that represents the starry sky. If you don't observe carefully, it is really difficult to find a blue clothed person who is almost fuse with the background.

"Uncle Lan!"

"It's you!"

When he saw the silhouette of this man, Master Hao Young’s eyes suddenly lit up. Even the whole body is faintly trembling, heart relaxed, my own person! It was Uncle Lan who saved himself!

The reason why Uncle Lan is called Uncle Lan is because he always wears blue robe. In the memory of Master Hao Young, this is the case when they meet for the first time. Even over time, no one knew his name except for a limited number of people.

Many people in the Hao Family call him Mr. Lan.


"It's me."

The blue clothed person body flashed, already standing in front of Master Hao Young, nodded. At the same time, he glanced at the ground meat and didn't care. Shattered like this, absolutely impossible to come alive.

"Uncle Lan, why are you here?"

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid this time..."

Hao Young Master Said with lingering fears.

Just now he really felt that death was closer to what he had never had before. Without Uncle Lan, the master who is now full of minced meat is likely to be himself! Don't be afraid, it's fake!

"Actually, I have always been behind you. From the time you left the clan, you just didn't notice it."

Uncle Lan’s expression always seems to be the same. There is no smile, only indifference, and even to that stop, the bitter chill can suffocate the people around him. If you have participated in life and death battles all the year round, it is easy to see that this is a killing intent!

This Uncle Lan, who died in his hands, probably countless.

But in the eyes of Master Hao Young, it looks very kind at this moment.

At the very least, he will never be against himself.

"My father sent you?"

Hao Young Master faintly thought of something, and then asked.


Uncle Lan nodded, "You act high-profile, and you like to get in touch with flowers and grass everywhere. Trouble is definitely unavoidable. Although you have guards by your side, but Patriarch is still a little worried, so he sent me to follow you all the time."

"I won't be there until the real critical moment."

"If not, You know I’m not even more impudent.”

This is why he didn’t show up even after Hao Young Master was cut off, because no matter how bad the injury was, it was just a medicine pill. Things that can be solved. If it is not critical to life and death, he will not care.


Hao Young Master is really grateful for his father's far-sightedness. If not, he would really explain it here today. At the same time, he just nodded, just watch Upon reaching a dark green medicine pill, it flew out of Uncle Lan's hand and slowly floated over his mouth.


He didn't hesitate to swallow the medicine pill with a big mouth.

After a while, his broken arm and thigh began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, and the broken and dilapidated body returned to its original appearance in less than one minute.

At the same time, one hand fell on the ground, and the space ring that was snatched by Ning Tianlin appeared in his palm. Divine Consciousness flashed, taking a new set of clothes from it and putting on himself.

Finally, I thanked Uncle Lan again, "Thank you Uncle Lan."

This Uncle Lan is an offering in the family, not a casual guard. I heard that battle strength is the same as the four major palace masters of the Galaxy. It is incomparable, but it is definitely birds of a feather.

This kind of person, although he is a Third Young Master, he must not offend him.

Even with his support, the position of patriarch will be increased in the future.

"Then Uncle Lan, what should I do now?"

"Do you know who this youngster is?"

"Is there any background?"

" p>

Hao Young Master still feels a little worried, this youngster surnamed Ning is too much! He is not as old as he is, but he can even kill more than a dozen guards with a battle strength of more than one million around him!

And it’s so easy!

He even took out 10 billion Galaxy coins without blinking.

This kind of person must also be born in the Great Family, and even most likely, is the genius that the Great Family strives to cultivate! Now that I'm dead, there won't be any trouble, right?

Although their family is not afraid, but if they cause any trouble, they need the family to come forward, his Third Young Master, the prestige in the family will drop a lot.

"I don't know."

"As far as I know, there is no such person in Nanzhan Mansion."

Uncle Lan shook the head, He was also extremely wondering, when did Nanzhan Mansion emerge such a genius, such a stunning and stunning character, shouldn't be silent.

The Milky Way has long been famous.

There are few such young characters in the entire galaxy!

"The Great Family of Nanzhan Mansion, I have some understanding, impossible is their people."

Uncle Lan directly rejected this possibility, but suddenly narrowed his eyes. , It seems to think of something, complexion slightly changed, and his mouth gurgled, "surname Ning?"

When he browsed the major event on the Nanzhanfu website in the past few days, he talked about the most. , It was an incident that happened on the side of the teleportation formation. A young genius named Ning killed a princess in the street.

After that, he defeated three generals at once.

Even in the end, it was forcibly to withstand the blow of Palace Lord Nanzhan without dying! He was also invited by the Nanzhan Palace Lord and entered his mansion.

"But it's not right."

"Although these two people have a surname, they look very different."

He can tell the difference. Real and fake appearances, now that can change appearances, are nothing more than Appearance Changing Technique, Transformation Technique or even plastic surgery such as technology, but these are absolutely impossible to escape his eyes.

He dared to judge that the youngster killed by himself was definitely not the genius who had the surname Ning and got the attention of Palace Lord Nanzhan.

That breath, the difference between Heaven and Earth!

It’s just that, he doesn’t know that there is another form of change in this world, which changes with the soul. One of the abilities of centipede is to condense the body by devouring enough soul of a certain creature.

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