"How is it possible!"

Uncle Lan's face changed a lot, and he couldn't even believe the feeling in his hands. How could this be possible! How could there be such a ring! It can increase the battle strength attribute at the same time, and there is room for storage space. Don't say I have seen it before, but I have never heard of it before!

These are two completely different attributes, how can they be stored in a ring? Don't say he didn't, his patriarch, even the Lord of the Galaxy, didn't have this kind of ring!

Because this is against the rules!

According to legend, each person can only choose one of the space ring and the battle strength ring in his lifetime, because the battle strength ring contains energy that can increase the battle strength, and the space ring contains space energy.

But the nature is different, but it is all energy!

And for a person, the energy the body can bear is limited!

If you choose to increase the energy of battle strength, you must give up part of the space energy. Otherwise, the extra space energy is attached to your body and it can also destroy your body.

The most important thing is that these two kinds of energies are relatively repulsive. Although it is not extreme, they all act on the fingers and spread to all parts of the body through the fingers. If anyone's fingers have two kinds of rings together, they will break their hands in the slightest, and die in the worst!

So, most people will only wear one of the rings.

In particular, the space ring is very useful for storing portable items. Therefore, many people will replace that part of the battle strength energy with other equipment and save the space ring.

The disadvantage of this is that it makes other parts of the equipment too heavy, and it is difficult to maximize it. After all, the most suitable equipment is the one that can maximize the battle strength. Forcibly dispersing the energy on the ring to other equipment, it is difficult to be suitable.

If the battle strength of a piece of equipment is 100,000, the consequence of this is that the battle strength played is only ninety thousand five-six thousand, which is less. Although there is only a trace, but at a critical moment, when the battle strength of the two is not much different, encountering an evenly matched opponent can affect your life!

In particular, the larger the cubic space of the space ring, the greater the impact!

If there is a large space ring, the next mountain that can be installed, a planet, dozens of planets, etc., may have an impact on itself by as much as 10%!


Ten percent!

The impact is extremely terrifying!

With this kind of Martial Dao's common sense of life, Uncle Lan saw this ring, which contained both spatial energy and the energy to increase battle strength. How could he not get excited.

This kind of existence completely broke his cognition!


"Peerless baby!"

Although he hasn't worn it in his hands, Uncle Lan is already very excited. In the small one, it's just something that affects some battle strength, but when it comes to the big one, it can determine your life!

Expert, it's not a big deal!

Even to the point of his battle strength, not to mention 10%, it is 1%, there are tens of thousands of battle strength!

How can he not care!

"Only this time, I am afraid that the trouble will be big!

"What kind of ordinary person is who can have this thing! "

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Lan was frowned and thought of this possibility. This thing, which the Lord of the Galaxy saw as a treasure, now appeared on a youngster of unknown origin.

And this youngster, he just thought it was from the Earth Great Family!

Now, he still feels a little underestimated the strength of this Great Family! Can you get this thing for me? Those of the younger generation are probably the peerless Great Family! The peerless Great Family hidden in the galaxy!

"No! "

"Maybe it's not the Milky Way, this Earth, maybe it's another galaxy! "

"In other words, from above! "

He has to think like this. He has occasionally walked through other galaxies, but he has never seen this kind of ring. It is very possible that this Earth, this family, comes from the upper part of the galaxy. That kind of existence.

Thinking of this, his original normal complexion is faintly pale. If this is the case, he would really cause a lot of trouble for Hao Family!

"Huh! "

It's just that he shook his head abruptly, and shook away the horror in his heart. What happened to him? How could he be timid? Everything was just guessed by himself, not necessarily facts. !

Maybe, these two surnames Ning, simply don’t matter, this ring was only picked up by accident by the youngster who was killed by himself.

I am either. How could an expert with a battle strength of 3 million be scared like this.

Moreover, he scared himself completely!

Nothing in the end!

However, he knows that his guess is very likely to be true. They are all named Ning, all appearing in Nanzhan Mansion, and they are all abnormalities of young age and high battle strength. There is no such a coincidence in this world. Matter!

If it weren’t for him to conclude that the two were not the same person, he would almost think that they were both the contestant named Ning who was valued by Palace Master Nanzhan!

There must be both. Inevitable connection!

"Perhaps, takes part or not, just look at it. "

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility. Maybe it is not difficult to solve all the puzzles. As long as he finds that Ning Tianlin himself, he can see what the ring he is wearing is. !

If it is exactly the same as the ring in your hand, it means that the two are definitely from the same Great Family!

when the time comes, you can also know from the mouth of Ning Tianlin This Earth, what the hell is going on with this Great Family!

"That’s it! "

Uncle Lan, who was walking slowly, stopped abruptly and looked towards a corner to the northeast. He knew that it was the post station of Jiumu County. Anyone who came from Jiumu County, They all live there!

"Uncle Lan, what's wrong? "

Seeing that Uncle Lan stopped, Young Master Hao quickly asked.

He also noticed Uncle Lan who always face doesn't change. I will frown, and now I stopped, knowing that there must be something I didn't know.

"Third Young Master, wait for me for a while. "

"I will come as soon as I go! "

It will never take more than 3 minutes to get this done. Although this Ning Tianlin is a person that Palace Master Nanzhan values, but if he doesn't kill him, nothing will happen.

"Ah, Uncle Lan, are you leaving? "

Hao Young Master was taken aback after hearing this, and asked quickly, "Uncle Lan, did you find this person's identity information in this space ring?" "

"space ring! "

When I heard this, Uncle Lan eyes shined and sighed in his heart. It's really a mystery for the authorities. How did I forget this!

Maybe there is himself in this space ring The result you want!

Now that the other party is dead, then this space ring has broken the spiritual imprint and became a masterless object. Of course, you can explore it yourself, and you can even look at the ring that you have never seen before. How amazing!

At the end, I directly released my spirit and slowly moved towards the ring invasion.

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