
Except for the boiling sound of blood around, only the sound of Ning Tianlin's own breathing was left. He didn't expect that there would be such a place in this place where lifeless energy was condensed.

Even the teleportation array!

Furthermore, although the thin old man sitting in the center of the teleportation formation just glanced at him, it brought him great pressure, even in his life!

When he was in the Earth Mansion, he saw Lord King Yama and a staff of officials, but all the auras were converged against him, that is, the display was only a very small part of the display.

The old man in the teleportation array is different. The monstrous ferocity diffuses all the surrounding space, especially staring at his eyes, full of killing intents, as if he was going to be killed at any time in the next second. Kill.

Even Ning Tianlin saw strong hatred from his eyes swollen.


Why does he hate himself?

Although not very sure, Ning Tianlin also feels pretty close.

"Earth people, hello."

Maybe it’s been a long time since I spoke. The old man’s voice is extremely hoarse, making it difficult to hear what he is saying, as if his throat is completely broken. NS. In the past, when he ordered the skeletons here, he did it directly in the Divine Consciousness Sea, and never needed to speak.

For more than two thousand years, he hasn't spoken.

Even the old man himself did not know that he was originally going to directly attack the opponent's Divine Consciousness Sea, read the opponent's memory, and then killed him, but in the end, when the matter came to a juncture, he wanted to talk.

Talk to someone.

Two thousand years of loneliness, except for the skeletons he conceived, there is no one.

In the past, he lived a noisy life every day and night.

"Earth people!"

Ning Tianlin, who was originally a little dazed, suddenly narrowed his eyes after hearing these three words, as if there was a basin of cold water from him. Pouring his head up and down, making him clever all over!

Earth people!

He actually knew my origin!

He saw that he was from Earth!

But how is this possible!

Earth has not yet joined the Galaxy at all, and there is no information about it on the Internet! Except for a handful of people who knew their identity, no one knew about it, except for a few people, such as Jiumu County Lord and Nanzhan Palace Lord!

Moreover, those people are still in the far away Nanzhan Mansion now!

How could his information appear here!

"Who are you?"

Ning Tianlin did not refute, it was a tacit consent. Since the other party dared to speak out his identity so surely, he seemed a little too absent if he lied again. Taking responsibility, I couldn't help but be curious about the identity of this old man.

Although the old man didn't look up at him from beginning to end, he felt that his whole body was up and down, and there was nothing he couldn't keep his eyes on at all times!

Even from the old man’s "Hello", he did not realize the slightest greeting, but was completely cold, as if he only had to deny it, he would immediately kill himself Like.

"Who am I?"


"Who am I?"

When I heard Ning Tianlin asked back The old man was stunned for his origin, but hehe smiled immediately, but Ning Tianlin felt only endless desolation and sadness from this slightly terrifying laugh.

Furthermore, the old man’s laughter became louder and louder, and the boiling blood around him began to spurt like a volcanic eruption, sputtering continuously, as if it would fluctuate with the old man’s emotions.

"Earth person, do you want to listen to a story?"

When Ning Tianlin had some not knowing what to do, the old man suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Ning Tianlin's eyes ,Icily said.

What kind of eyes are they like, there are no pupils, no focal length, only a piece of whiteness, but in this whiteness, it exudes endless gray air, like a hurricane circling.

Only one glance, Ning Tianlin's soul was almost absorbed by this circling hurricane, scared him to be clever.


Ning Tianlin repeats, listening to your sister's story, I just want to know who you are! But before he could answer, the old man had already spoken slowly, and his gray eyes were filled with faint years of death.

"A long, long time ago, in the galaxy, there was a genius named Ayibsing."

"He rose and died, even though he was not like a prominent person in other families. Young Master has a lot of battle strength resources, but when he was forty-six years old, he already had one million battle strength."

"When he was three thousand years old, he had five One million battle strength."

"When I was twenty thousand years old, I had 10 million points of battle strength!"

"It is called the most shining by all people in the galaxy Stars."

Speaking of this, the old man's turbid eyes appeared extremely bright, and it seemed that the long-lasting mind had returned to the original memory. And this memory is really the most dazzling light in his life.

And Ning Tianlin narrowed his eyes when he heard these short words. If he didn't compare with himself, this person could indeed be called the most dazzling star in the Milky Way.

An obvious example, the youngsters in Jiumu County participating in the Battle of Nanzhanfu Geniuses are nearly 100 years old, but their battle strength is around 500,000, and this person, At the age of forty-six, it reached more than one million!

This kind of genius is really terrifying!

He also had contact with Palace Master Nanzhan, and he estimated that this person’s age is over tens of thousands of years, but at this age, he has less than three-four hundred million battle strength, and this person , But already had five million battle strength at the age of three thousand!

I have to say, really worthy of the word genius!

"And with the continuous increase of battle strength, one day, a powerhouse fell behind. It is logical that he inherited the title and status of the powerhouse as the highest battle strength, and became a region's Overlord."

"Govern a galaxy."

The more the old man talks, the brighter his eyes, because this is the Peak of his life! The highest height that can be reached!

"Clear the galaxy?"

"The lord of the galaxy?"

"Isn't this the identity of the lord of the galaxy?"

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin's eyes shrank suddenly, and the four words "Lord of the Milky Way" popped out abruptly in his mind! It can be the Sovereign of a galaxy, and it is actually no different from the Lord of the Galaxy!

The lord of the galaxy is the true Sovereign of a galaxy!

This youngster can grow to this point, and it can be regarded as successful.

Even Ning Tianlin faintly felt that the talented youngster among the old people was talking about himself, but he shook the head instantly, not funny! A galaxy master, how could human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost stay here!

Stay in this sea of ​​blood.

How could this old man be the master of a galaxy!

Although he is powerful, no matter his demeanor or appearance, he cannot be called the lord of the galaxy!

Note: Kavan, I haven’t figured out how Ning Tianlin can avoid the old man’s Divine Consciousness Attack. I have written it and deleted it, sorry.

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