About seven in the morning.

On the national highway leading to Jinchuan City.

Ning Tianlin walked hurriedly towards the city. The task must be completed in twenty-four hours. Now that four hours have passed, he is a little anxious. After all, he hasn't nodded this task. Xu, I don’t know how to get so much money in a short time.

Moreover, he really doesn't want to waste time on the road.

Half way, he tried to block the car and drive him to the city, but without exception, he failed, but he did not complain about others, let alone why the good people who love to help others are so good now It is missing, because even his Ning Tianlin himself knows where the reason is!

The dress now is still a shroud crawling out of the coffin, like a ghost, even on the clothes, there is still blood to kill the six people.

Unkempt and unkempt.

If anyone dared to park and pick him up, it would be a hell of a ghost.

Although I have already realized this problem, Ning Tianlin has nothing to do. In the wilderness, I simply did not meet a family that can change clothes, so I can’t wear nothing and run naked and naked. Bar.

Furthermore, in the past four hours of walking, he has also discovered a problem, that is, his physical fitness seems to be better than before. In the past, although the body is good, it is absolutely impossible to run for more than four hours without breathing and heartbeat. Now there is not even a little sweat on the body!

"This is the added benefit of battle strength after the upgrade." Ning Tianlin could only think like this.

Xing Zhan once clearly told him that when level 1, whether it is strength, agility, spirit or physique, each will increase a bit. Climbing out of the grave to the present, his Ning Tianlin's battle strength has increased by eight points, and his equivalent to has risen by two levels, reaching the current Level 4! 16 o'clock battle strength!

In other words, his Ning Tianlin's current physical fitness is completely twice as high as before!

Twice may not sound like much, but you have to know that he has been exercising for more than ten years before he is at his current level, which is better than an ordinary person, and his effort has doubled in one night! It's not unpleasant!


"What is this?"

Just when Ning Tianlin was headless and brainless, a piece of red paper, Flying in the air, shaking, making him see a little unreal, but subconsciously, always feel that this thing is so familiar.

"I rely on it!"

"One hundred oceans!"

When Ning Tianlin realized what was this time, he couldn't help but smile, it was not毛grandfather's picture! He hurried to catch up and wanted to hold it in his hand. No one would like to pick up the money for nothing, and he thought as he walked, "If you come here a few more times, you don't have to worry about 4,800 yuan!"


"There are more words!"

It was only when Ning Tianlin took a lot of effort to get this hundred and fast in his hands. At that time, I discovered its strangeness in an instant, because the surface of this hundred pieces was actually full of large characters. Although scarlet as blood is very close to the color of paper, today's Ning Tianlin can still see it at a glance.

"Sixth floor, call the police, help me, Lin Jiayi!"

When I saw these nine characters clearly, Ning Tianlin was complexion changed, and I instantly realized that this The situation is absolutely true, someone has been kidnapped! No one will be so silly to use this method to play cutely! Joking with people!

This is a hundred renminbi!

Not one, five, ten dollars!

In addition to those in the wilderness, I am not afraid of loosing money in this way!

Cute and fun, it must be in the city, not here!

"Sixth floor!"

"Although there are some residents around here, they are all old houses left from the 1990s. If there is a sixth floor, only It turned out to be a small building for employees of a state-owned enterprise! But it has long been dilapidated and no one lives!"

"I played there when I was a child."

Ning Tianlin instantly realized that it was trapped. Lin Jiayi, will only stay in that one place!

"Call the police?"

"Report a policeman, I want to report, but I need a mobile phone!"

Ning Tianlin just crawled from the grave Come out, there are no mobile phones. The six people killed by him did have mobile phones, but Xing Zhan didn't know where they got them in order to destroy the evidence! He is still wearing a shroud now, how can he have a mobile phone!

"Forget it, I'll take a look first."

"It is estimated that there is really no way for that person. Otherwise, he won't use banknotes as a life-saving straw."

Ning Tianlin is the kind of warm-hearted and compassionate, and if not, would not chase thieves several li in the train station for a girl who had never known each other and lost her cell phone. , And finally stabbed to death by the opponent with a knife.

"Also, since there are people there, maybe they can get the 4,800 yuan for this task to complete the task."

Ning Tianlin wrinkled and decided Let's go and see first, after all, there is no clue about the task now. It is impossible to steal it in the city. It might be an opportunity now.

"It just so happens that this sixth layer building is not far from here, I will be there in half an hour!"

Ning Tianlin has lived around here since he was a child, eight or nine years old. At that time, I even played in this dilapidated staff building. I was familiar with it, so I decided to go and see what was going on first. Moreover, he also wanted to see how he was doing now.

The battle strength at sixteen o’clock, but twice as much! It can't be done in vain!



Just when Ning Tianlin was about to go, I suddenly discovered that in the grass of the wasteland, unexpectedly exposed A gray snake head, as for the snake body, hidden in the grass, I haven't seen it yet! And this little snake head, if it weren't for his sharp eyes, it would be difficult to find.

"It's just this snake...Why doesn't it move?"

Ning Tianlin is a bit strange, but there is no fear, just a snake, and not an ancient beast, as long as Give him a saber, he even dared to kill tigers! Even he had eaten snake meat more than once!

Snake, a cold-blooded animal, is simply nothing to him!

"It turned out to be full."

When Ning Tianlin pushed aside the grass and saw the two-meter-long snake's waist all bulge, he knew that the other party was Swallowing a living thing, probably a mouse or a rabbit, can't help but smile, this time, it is completely cheap to him.

He has never done anything like killing snakes, but now even people dare to kill, let alone just a snake!

As for the heart of compassion, what did his Ning Tianlin send to a beast, didn't he see that there is still a life in its stomach! Nature is weak are prey to the strong, this is the law! What pity does it have when the snake eats the rabbit.

When I meet Ning Tianlin, I can only say that it should be the fate.

Besides, Ning Tianlin needs to do this now! Because kill a snake, you will get essence, and essence is the key to leveling up and gaining battle strength. In addition, I'm going to the sixth layer building soon, and I'm likely to encounter gangsters and the like.

There is more battle strength and an extra guarantee.

"As for whether you can upgrade, you have to kill it first!"

According to the experience of playing games, this upgrade will only become more and more difficult in the future, and the essence required Also more and more. Moreover, based on Xing Zhan's urine quality, Ning Tianlin believes that it will never make every level the same.

"I can only say sorry."

Ning Tianlin bent over, picked up a stone from the ground, fiercely hit it down.

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