"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"He is not a thief in Tianlin!" When Shu Yishan gave way, Shu Yishan was already standing next to Ning Tianlin's empty position, but instead of sitting down, facing Wang Nan, he scolded.

"Wang Nan, if you don't have real evidence, don't talk nonsense."

"You don't know how hurtful you are!"

How could she not know that Ning Tianlin was a thief? When the freshman year started, it almost spread to the entire class, and even many people in the department knew about it. At that time, she was suspicious. Since the security department was dispatched and no evidence was found, why do you say that they are thieves!

Now, Shu Yishan affirmed this idea even more in the heart. He Ning Tianlin is absolutely impossible to be a thief! With a net worth of billions, how could it be possible to steal your three thousand dollars! Three thousand yuan, it is estimated that no one’s meal is expensive!

"Yishan, what are you doing?"

Wang Nan was stunned, Ning Tianlin was stunned, everyone in the class was stunned, because Shu Yishan's words were round and questioning Almost 30 people in the class heard them. They all turned around and stared at Shu Yishan with an incredible expression. They couldn't figure out why she said such things!

Good point, how could she stand up for Ning Tianlin!

Whether Ning Tianlin is a thief, it's her business!

Especially Wang Nan, staring at Shu Yishan inconceivably, never thought that he was "kind" and gave way to her in exchange for her humiliation! or for the thief argued! And at this moment, the whole class is staring at them, so he can't get off the stage!

"Yishan, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Nan suppressed his anger, pretending to be innocent, "He Ning Tianlin is a thief! He stole three thousand dollars from me Although there was no evidence at the time, he was the only one in the dormitory at the time. Who else could he have!"

"Although the three thousand dollars were just drizzle, it was nothing to me, a week’s allowance It’s only money, but I can’t watch being bullied by him like this! This kind of person, if you don’t tell the story, he might have already stolen the second and third!"

" When the time comes, it is not to protect him, but to harm him!" At this time, his Wang Nan still did not forget to show himself in front of Shu Yishan, with a wealth of 3,000 yuan, It's just a week's pocket money, and I'm talking about it all because of my friend's friend!

"Why are you like this!"

Shu Yishan's face is slightly red, and she doesn't want to fight in front of so many people, but when she hears him slander Ning Tianlin like this, she feels very upset. Comfortable, and in her heart, Ning Tianlin is absolutely impossible to be such a person! He can even take out the 30 million yuan for the presidential suite without blinking an eye. Would he care about your 3,000 yuan?

He might not pick it up if he throws it on the ground!

"You have said that you have no evidence. If Tianlin is alone, you can say that he stole it. How can you be so arbitrary! And make this kind of thing happen to everyone I know, Tianlin is not a thief, you will call him a thief!"

"From now on, I hope you don’t talk nonsense!"

Wang Nan’s expression also changed a little. Now, being reprimanded in front of so many people, he still had the first experience in his life, but he still resisted, saying, "Yishan, you don't understand the situation at that time. At that time, only his Ning Tianlin had... ..."

"Please call me Shu Yishan, I have a surname!" When Shu Yishan heard that the other party still wanted to put a hat on Ning Tianlin's head, his face was already hard, "He is not Tianlin... ...."

"Okay, Yishan, sit down!" At this moment, a strong hand grabbed her wrist directly and interrupted her. At the same time, the voice said again, "I'll tell him about this."

At this time, Ning Tianlin knew that he could not pretend to sleep anymore, and Shu Yishan almost quarreled for himself. , And beside him, how could he remain indifferent. At the same time, he got up, put his hands on Shu Yishan's shoulders, and pressed her to the seat.

"Sit down and leave it to me."

The voice is very soft and gentle. Staring at Shu Yishan's eyes gave her a relieved look, and at the same time a smile on the corners of her mouth made Shu Yishan's heart warm inexplicably.


"I know you are not a thief."

Shu Yishan also smiled, charming Qingcheng.

"My grass!"

"Shu Yishan and Ning Tianlin don't have anything."

At this time, many classmates also found them. The strangeness of this tender eyes, if it's nothing, they won't believe it to death!

"I won't be gone this summer, let's get involved." Someone whispered speculated.

"How is it possible? You are all blind! How can Shu Yishan, a beauty at school level, fall in love with people like Ning Tianlin! It's too ordinary!" Of course, some people don't believe in evil ways. And the one speaking is a girl with freckles. Even he felt that Ning Tianlin was too ordinary, and he looked down upon it.

"Yes, I see, it must be just Shu Yishan's good heart. I think Ning Tianlin is wanted. I just argued a few words, but I didn't expect things to develop to this point." Some people disagreed. .

As for Wang Nan on the opposite side, fire was exploding in his eyes at this time, Shu Yishan's hand, can you also be able to pull it by Ning Tianlin! Should your Ning Tianlin be able to take it! Shu Yishan is his Wang Nan's inevitable girlfriend, he can only touch him alone!

who dares to attack, who did he find someone to kill!

"Ning Tianlin, take away your dog paws that only imitate the dog and steal chicken!"

Seeing Ning Tianlin's hands thrown on Shu Yishan's shoulders , Wang Nan was angry, and stepped forward to grab his hand and throw him away! And from beginning to end, he simply didn't take Ning Tianlin in his eyes!

The reason why he dared to call the other party a thief all year is because he thinks Ning Tianlin is a bully, he doesn't talk much, and he doesn't have many friends.

Bullying is all white bullying!


It's just that when Wang Nan was about to start his hand, when he grabbed Ning Tianlin's wrist, Ning Tianlin just backhanded and slapped it on the face with a slap, "pa!" The whole class heard a thief.

Even this slap was so heavy that it directly defeated Wang Nan, dazed.

"Wang Nan, whether I stole three thousand yuan, you know in your heart!"

Ning Tianlin has passed the battle strength system and knows that the other party has found three thousand yuan. , And yelled to himself a thief, he was already angry, "Before, I was too lazy to take care of your 2B, I think we are simply not annoying people, no need to intersect."

" But today, if you have to jump out and provoke a mess, then I’m not welcome! The past, we both count today! I won’t tell you the reason, no matter who is right or wrong!"

"Because I am a person who can solve problems by hand, I will never BB!"

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