He is not the opponent of King Yama at all. If he doesn't leave, he must explain it here!

Since he was defeated last time and lost his position as the lord of the galaxy, he has become that kind of scary bird. If not, he would not sit in the center of the teleportation formation all the time, ready to leave at any time.

He is always guarding the Earth man.

It's just didn't expect, the same two people from Earth who didn't wait, but waited for the same two people from Earth!

And one of them is even more terrifying!

"Want to go?"

King Yama, who was floating in the void, sneered, as if he hadn't seen the thin old man whose body was becoming extremely light, he lifted his right Arms, hands out, fingers spread out.

Suddenly, Heaven and Earth changed color.

The boundless rolling dead air around the whole area is as if still, becoming motionless, like floating dust, even the flashing space around the thin old man, all in an instant, stopped.

The old man had already become a body that was not very visible, but slowly began to recover. In the end, it fell from the void and fell directly into the center of the teleportation formation. .


In an instant, this teleportation array that had existed for one or two thousand years was also shattered at this moment and turned into nothingness.


Ning Tianlin, standing behind, is staring at it, this. . . . . . Is this the end? Forcibly pulled a person out of the dying teleportation array, this. . . . . . This is too powerful.

And so easy!

Obviously, King Yama in front of him, obviously simply didn't exert much effort.


The thin old man who just fell into the fragments of the teleportation array was also greatly changed, but he didn't hesitate at all. When he got upset, he would move towards Fly ahead! At the same time, control the surrounding huge bone beasts, baring fangs and brandishing claws moved towards King Yama and rush away!

The teleportation array can’t be used, just fly!

Bone beast blocked him!

He must go now!

Otherwise, the wait will only be dead!


Just as his figure was about to violent, he saw King Yama open his right palm again. In an instant, his body was as thin as it was pinched. Like a mouse, it can't move. Although I tried my best, my body was useless except for the struggle.

"Master King Yama, don't kill me!"

"Don't kill me!"

The skinny old man's mouth can still be used, and he faces crazy. King Yama shouted, he didn't want to die, especially after experiencing the death of that day, he has thoroughly felt the fear.

I really don’t want to do it again!

He wants to live.

Although it is almost like a skeleton now, it is an undead wizard! Can manipulate thousands of bones! If you give him some more time, maybe people with the status of the lord of the galaxy will be trained into puppets by him!

His future is still infinitely great, and he can't die now!

"Must die!"

Ning Tianlin, who just stared at him angrily, did not speak, but shouted in the heart, this person must die, his memory has been read If it is spread, I am afraid the powerhouse of the entire universe will find him!

Even existences more powerful than Lord King Yama will come here.

This person must be killed!


"You moved my friend and told me a reason why I can't kill you?"

King Yama asked with a smile.

People who just know him know that this smile is probably not even perfunctory, it should be said to be a sneer.


Ning Tianlin next to him, he was taken aback when he heard this term. Lord King Yama actually regarded him as a friend instead of a Junior. This The difference is completely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Junior is Junior, and the other party just cares for you, but friends are the kind of friendship that can talk about each other's concerns, and even pierce each other, especially the true powerhouse like King Yama's stand by one's word .

"Master King Yama, can this man be killed?"

"He can't stay."

Finally, think about it, Ning Tianlin look Looking into King Yama's eyes, he said seriously. However, he did not say any reason, because he knew that King Yama knew very well that the other party had read his memory!

"Of course."

King Yama faced Ning Tianlin nodded without hesitation, said with a smile, "Little Friend Lin, you request, I promise." Even Asked, "Do you do it or me do it?"


Ning Tianlin thought for a while and wanted to answer.

He is not afraid of not killing this old man, as long as he is restrained, he has 10,000 ways to kill him, even he has already figured out a way.


King Yama smiled and agreed. At the same time, flicks with the finger, with a strong force, hit the old man's face, but in an instant, the old man who was struggling crazily calmed down.

At the same time, the color of horror on his face is stronger.

Because he felt that all the energy in his body was blocked by this Qi Qi, he didn't have any response when he wanted to mobilize it.

He was banned!


"Master King Yama, I have something to say!"

I can’t move, but I can say something. The skinny old man is crazy Yelled, "Master King Yama, you don't know, your friend Ning Tianlin has a big secret in his mind!"

"For you, it is also a big secret!"

At this moment, he can only bet. The friendship between the two is not so reliable at all. He, King Yama, also wants to know the secret of this day! Even in the face of real interests, it is possible to turn against each other.

At the end, I was worried that King Yama would not waver. He added, "Master King Yama, the secret in his body is that the most powerhouse in the universe will be greedy!"

The most powerhouse in the universe?

And when I heard King Yama here, although his face hadn't changed much, he was shocked in his heart. Even the most powerhouse in the universe must be greedy for the secret, what kind of secret it would be!

No wonder this Ning Tianlin can attract Master's level of attention.

There is a great opportunity!

With him, what is the difference between secret and chance? Now that Ning Tianlin can achieve such a great achievement at such an age, it must have something to do with this secret. This secret is his chance of Ning Tianlin.

He doesn't think that to seize this opportunity on himself is his own opportunity. At his level, he has faintly felt a certain Universe Rule, who owns it, and can never change it.

You are just forcibly snatching, maybe there is no benefit, it will only bring endless harm and trouble.

If not, why not his Master, but just pay attention and cultivate?

People of Great Destiny, it's not a joke!

So, he was only shocked, shocked by the secrets in Ning Tianlin's body, but he was not tempted at all. Luck this thing, it’s not his or his, it’s useless to snatch it forcibly.

And Ning Tianlin next to him, after hearing the thin old man said this sentence, although his face was pretending to be relaxed, his spirit was extremely tense, because he did not know that King Yama would Will not be tempted by his secrets.

Especially this secret, the skinny old man has already said, it is something that the most powerhouse in the universe will grab!

It's just that he didn't speak, but just stood so quietly.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going.

His heart is the same.

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