"What are you polite."

"No effort at all."

King Yama smiled and didn't seem to care, "Now Outside, there must be 10,000 to be careful. The road to all things, don’t be impatient, take your time."

"You are still young, there is always a chance."

Although There is a mind lurking in the depths of Ning Tianlin's mind, but King Yama always remembers the Master's instructions and has never visited Ning Tianlin's Sea of ​​Consciousness. If not, he won't make a move at the last minute.

So, he didn't know anything about Ning Tianlin's journey along the way.

As it should be by rights, Ning Tianlin is eager to make progress. After all, now Ning Tianlin is only twenty-three years old and possesses such a high battle strength. It must be too much for success, too risky and radical to achieve things.

If it weren’t, there would definitely not be such a high battle strength.

I even offended this kind of battle strength level characters.

"Master King Yama said that."

"I will pay attention later."

Ning Tianlin nodded, there is no rebuttal, no explanation, this The second approach is indeed a bit radical. He clearly knew that this deadly place became more dangerous as he went back.

When I was brought by the huge bone creature, I didn't leave immediately. Instead, I didn't hold back the curiosity in my heart. I wanted to see what was in the end and what secrets were in this area.

But never thought that his random transmission symbol is useless.

A powerhouse with a battle strength of more than ten million, can rely on its tyrannical strength to forcibly block space! Let all his means of escape become nothingness.

If King Yama didn't save him this time, he would really fall here!


King Yama nodded, looked at Ning Tianlin with a faint smile, and said, "Little Friend Lin, don't you have anything to ask me?"

"Or, at this moment, are you in the heart to watch out for me?"

"Blame me for lurking on you, but you don't know anything?"


King Yama knows that he will have grievances in his heart for this matter. Although his life has been saved, there is a shadow of other people lurking in his body all the time, and he will be stared at every moment. Spy on privacy.

It’s okay if you don’t know. If you know, who’s not angry?

"There is a lot to ask."

Ning Tianlin is not the kind of person who pretend to be polite, and directly nodded. As for whether the other party has been spying on his own privacy, this has been It doesn't matter anymore. Because it is just prying, these privacy can be exchanged for their own life, and it is also worth it.

Besides, he doesn't think Lord King Yama would do this.

Because if he wanted to know his secret, he would have done it early when he was in Earth. Although he is the king and hegemony in Earth, before him, he is completely indistinguishable from ants.

Moreover, he doesn't believe that the other party will not read the secret technique of memory.

If he wants to know, even ten of them are impossible to hide.

And just now, he would let the skinny old man continue to talk, instead of just grabbing his neck and making him shut up.

"As for privacy, I believe you are not that kind of person."

Ning Tianlin looked up and looked directly at the other person, affirmed.



"It is worthy of being the one I valued by Yama."

King Yama laughed heartily , Explained, "Don’t worry, little friend, I really don’t know anything about you. I don’t know anything about it except through contact with us. I don’t have a trace of spying on the rest."

Being someone else, he is the honorable person of the whole world, and he would never open his mouth to explain, but since he is married to Ning Tianlin, and the other person is the person his Master urges to pay attention to, he certainly doesn't want the other person to be dissatisfied with him.

Now that Ning Tianlin can say this, he is of course happy. Even he knew very well that Ning Tianlin really thought so!


"You can speak up if you have any questions."

King Yama seemed to be in a good mood and said to Ning Tianlin .

"Master King Yama, how did you know that I am here?"

"Also, how did you come?"

This is also Ning Tianlin's biggest doubt was that when the crisis came, he thought about countless possibilities, but never thought that Lord King Yama, who is still far away in the Earth Yin Sector, would help himself.

At first, he thought it was the battle strength system that helped at the last minute.

"I knew you wanted to ask this."

King Yama smiled, "Do you remember that you went to the Netherworld for Tao Yuyu that day?"



Ning Tianlin nodded, Tao Yuyu, that is, his wife Shu Yishan's mother. In order to make Shu Yishan happy, Ning Tianlin promised to find her mother who had been away for many years.

It's just that Tao Yuyu at that time was already dead. Although he was still a nurse in the hospital, he was also a puppet controlled by a Western alchemist.

Originally, he wanted to exchange his original soul directly to Tao Yuyu from the battle strength system. However, the exchange of ready-made soul essence points was so great that he couldn't afford it at that time.

Secondly, the battle strength system released a task, "Go to Netherworld!"

For two reasons, he directly decided to go to Netherworld for his fleshy body to bring Tao Yuyu's soul. return.

"Do you remember that when you were about to leave, I asked you for a hair?"

"I told you, this hair Is it for us to contact in the future, just like mobile phone contact, even in front of your face, merge that hair into the heart of the tower?"

King Yama.


With King Yama’s reminder, Ning Tianlin’s mind opened up. Indeed, when he was about to leave the Netherworld that day, King Yama asked him to spend some time. Root hair!

That was King Yama's subsequent request after he refused to accept the tower heart he gave.

At that time, I thought it was just like a mobile phone, as a token of Yin-Yang communication, but didn't expect it turned out to be a great help at the critical moment.


King Yama looked at Ning Tianlin's expression and knew that he had thought of everything.


Ning Tianlin nodded, "That hair..."

"Actually, this hair is not just communication It contains your mind. It melts into the heart of the third floor of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. There is my mind again."

"So, at a certain moment, both of us My mind is interlinked."

"Just now, when I saw the tower's heart radiate, I knew you were in trouble. I quickly activated my mind and rushed over."


King Yama explained in detail. "For me, in Earth, in the Milky Way, and even in other planets at a higher level, it is possible to do it in the blink of an eye."

"Well, my little friend, you won't blame me, I lied to you at that time, saying that this hair is just for simple communication, right?"

Staring at Ning Tianlin, play said with a smile.

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