
As Ning Tianlin's words fell, a light curtain appeared before his eyes, and many words gradually appeared one by one. In the form of Earth Huaxia today.

Ning Tianlin's first glance was a squinting of his eyes, because he noticed that the title of these words was exactly "Spiritual Object Language of Death".


The secret of the undead clan!

Even Ning Tianlin looks down, the more shocked his mind is, because this is a general outline about the undead, not only introduces the types and nature of the undead in detail, but also tells the cultivation method of the undead.

It’s just that this is the First Chapter, and it’s also the general outline at the beginning. Although there are no introductions and secret techniques yet, it’s broken and always incomplete, and some places simply haven’t been introduced in detail.

But there are some, which are complete.

"The skinny old man, the lord of the galaxy who took office, can also be regarded as a genius amongst geniuses. Based on this, he can practice a secret technique for the undead, manipulating so many skeletons, it is almost a sea of ​​skeletons. Now."

Ning Tianlin can be regarded as a little admired for the thin old man, at least, because he himself is impossible to cultivate any secret technique, this kind of lacks a little, maybe nothing has been practiced, Train yourself into a lunatic first.

"Can you restore this "Spiritual Object Language"?"

Ning Tianlin asked the battle strength system.

Just after a while, the other party didn't reply, and he didn't show himself the recovered things, and he knew it couldn't be done. And this also made Ning Tianlin understand that the real battle strength system, or his soul, was experiencing something, or was hidden.

Because in the past, as long as you ask yourself what "can", it will definitely snort disdainfully!

Because there is nothing in it!

Everything will work!

As long as you have enough energy!

But now, without saying anything, it definitely seems that the battle strength system is definitely undergoing some kind of change that I don't know, and I really don't know whether it is good or bad.

"Well, leave the secret text of this person's skin first, and then replace everything with his essence points."

Ning Tianlin thought for a while, but decided to go first. Save this thing, as long as the battle strength system is restored, it will definitely repair it. Maybe then, you will be able to see the real "Spiritual Object Language of Death".

And in his deep in one's heart, he always felt that the original author of "Spiritual Object Language of Death" had invaded Earth in Ancient Times. Otherwise, how could the original Western world on Earth survive? The legend about the undead.

Being able to be an enemy of Earth in Ancient Times is definitely a mighty power in the universe.

It is absolutely important to be able to recover his own writing, even his cultivation method! Even if he Ning Tianlin doesn't cultivate, hand it over to Earth, it will also have a big effect.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming 380 million essence points."

Following Ning Tianlin's words, the voice of the battle strength system is in his ears. , Let him know that he has more than 300 million essence points into the account. It's just that there is still a gap between the essence of the princess who was killed last time.

"Come out!"

He didn't deal with these essences, but with a wave of his hand, he released the centipede.


As soon as the centipede appeared, it was floating in the starry sky, looking loudly roared towards the sky, and the figure continued to grow, from the original several meters to It is now several kilometers long!


"In other words, lethargic!"

This is what Ning Tianlin knows.

After all, his body was shattered just now, and Wanzu centipede also shattered along with it. If the two had not shared the powerful resilience of zombie Bowen, I am afraid that both would be inevitable.

The huge attack power of the skinny old man is not a joke.


When he looked at the thin old man floating in the air, Wanzu Centipede roared in excitement, took a big mouth, and bit the old man’s body directly into his mouth. In Ning Tianlin's shocked eyes, with a few cracks, all of them were bitten into pieces of meat, and then they swallowed directly.

"It's really a good mouth."

Ning Tianlin smiled.

There is a hint of luck in the wry smile. He was really worried about the teeth of Wanzu centipede, but he couldn't help this energetic corpse. After all, this can be regarded as the most powerful creature that the centipede has grown to this day.

Because he knows that when he cut off the thin old man’s head, he took so much effort to rush to the sky, with the help of huge momentum, it took him more than ten times to beheaded. Decapitated his head.

And the body of this old man, in the mouth of Wanzu centipede, is no different from that of bread and cake.

"I guess, this is your innate talent..."

Ning Tianlin is a little happy, because if this goes on, there is probably not much in this universe. , Is Wanzu centipede can't swallow it. You know, its current battle strength is still very low.

It is estimated that your mouth is the same as your belly, you can bite anything, and you can put everything down! Anything can be digested!

This situation reminded Ning Tianlin of the scene where the centipede swallowed something and would not be full.

I hope he can bite anything!


"After eating the biggest one, then continue to eat other things with you!"

Ning Tianlin smiled, again It merges with the centipede, and when the palm is unfolded, a golden talisman is activated by him. Then, his body appeared in the place where he was brought by the huge bone beast just now.

That is in front of a golden skeleton.

These golden skeletons have a battle strength of about 1.3 million, which he can kill. However, at the time, the skinny old man sent a purple bone beast to capture them, and even went all the way. Here, he saw various skeletons such as dark golden, faint golden, scarlet gold and so on.

One piece, densely packed.

There are hundreds of millions left!

I didn't kill Devouring completely at that time, then kill Devouring now!

The skinny old man is dead, and these skeletons have really become masterless objects. Without the constraints of the old man, they ran out wildly. I don't know how much disaster it will cause. His Ning Tianlin's doing this can be regarded as killing the Milky Way.

Moreover, he is also counting on killing and devouring these skeletons, so that he can return to Nanzhan Mansion for revenge!

He was killed in Nanzhan Mansion that day. There was no sign of his death, but his entire body was smashed to pieces. If it weren't for his fate, I'm afraid he has really become a pool of minced meat now!

This kind of grudge, how can his Ning Tianlin not report it!

When he was fighting against the thin old man, he converted most of his essence into a level. Now, his battle strength can be regarded as a big improvement, although he stopped halfway, Whether he continues to upgrade, he hasn't come to the statistics. But I guess, it must be much better than before!

Clean up these skeletons, and he will definitely improve again!

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