"On me?"

Ning Rong was taken aback, a little unclear, but when he saw a pattern of a flying eagle implanted on the back of his hand, it kept lighting up At that time, the whole person was suddenly energetic, and suddenly remembered something.


Kadar from Cuttlefish Star has come!

The pattern on this arm was given to me when the other party left Earth, saying that once the signal of Earth is connected, it will send a message to myself through this!

"Could it be?"

In an instant, Ning Rong thought of a possibility, and his whole body was a little excited.

Is the network connected?

"It's on!"

"The signal tower is on!"

At the same time.

Earth’s Cuttlefish technicians who are in charge of joining the Galaxy Network, looked at the signal tower in front of them, with red light constantly flashing, and they knew it was a success! The Archon has returned to the Cuttlefish Star and activated the signal!

As long as he presses the button below his hand again, the Earth network will start and join the Galaxy network quickly! When the time comes, you can freely browse any network information in the galaxy!


"This is released!"

"We are going to develop!"

Enclose the signal The people on the side of the tower shouted in excitement. Although they were all slaves, when the signal tower was being built, Lord Ning of Earth’s a region's Overlord could say that as long as this can be successful, they will be rewarded every time. Ten thousand Galaxy coins!

Ten thousand Galaxy coins!

This is also a great fortune in Cuttlefish Star!

That is, they may not be able to make a profit after a thousand or ten thousand years of work!


This is released!


Just a flexible mind, I walked out of the room quickly, moved towards the location where Ning Rong was, and rushed towards the location where Ning Rong was located. At this time, he is a fool if he doesn't go up and ask for a reward! They knew that Master Ning Rong also valued this very seriously.

At this time, whoever is the first to report the good news, when the time comes, will definitely be rewarded!

And soon, Hua Lao, League of Legends Vice Alliance Lord Shi Xiaojun, and many high-level people who have been yearning for the Milky Way, all got the news immediately, and all of them quickly moved towards Ning Rong’s location. go!

This is a major event!

An epoch-making major event!

From today, they will not be blinds of the galaxy, but fanatics who can obtain all kinds of information and knowledge through the Internet. Although they have not yet the ability to get out of Earth, they can already start to look outside. world!

Know what kind of existence the outside world is!

Just like when Earth had a network, it will represent the rapid development of the times!

Ning Mansion.

And when Ning Rong hung up the phone with Kadar and looked at the people around him, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly. You guys came too fast, it’s less than 3 minutes. , I haven't finished the call.

Only, he can also feel the eagerness in everyone’s hearts, opened the mouth and said, “It’s so set, three days later, at twelve o’clock, global access to the network, we Earth people, officially can Start browsing the Galaxy network!"

"Become an official netizen of the Galaxy!"


Everyone cheers!

Happy, excited, from now on, Earth’s development speed will be improved qualitatively.

"Also, on behalf of the Invincible Group, I set up a private bank to open the exchange of Galaxy Coins and Earth Coins."

"The exchange ratio will be set at one to one for the time being. !"

Ning Rong considered going down.


As Ning Rong’s words fell, the people around him boiled again, because they all saw it and knew that it was Ning Rong who was working for the benefit of the Earth people. If not, why should he open this exchange business? All the Galaxy coins can be completely in his own hands.

In the Milky Way, what is the use of Huaxia Coin?

Who recognizes your legitimacy?

The Galaxy Coin is the only one!

Now, the entire Earth holds the Galaxy Coin, only his Ning Family!

"As for whether you want to make adjustments in the future, then make your plans."

"If you are willing to redeem, redeem first, and if you don’t want to, don’t force it."

Ning Rong road.


Everyone glanced at each other, nodded.

After all, although they have not entered the Galaxy network, they must be similar to the Earth network. In addition to various news, it is still a consumer hole with various consumption places.

At this time, Galaxy Coins will be used.

If there is no Galaxy Coin, many things are estimated to be impossible.

"Then 100 billion Galaxy Coins will be opened first!"

"The maximum exchange rate for each person is 1,000 Galaxy Coins!"

"Hands are fast, but hands are slow!" "

Finally, Ning Rong added a condition. He did this, must be in order to Earth people for benefits, not for rich people. Each person can have up to 1,000 Yinhe coins. Then it won't cause too many people to have no Galaxy Coins.

If there are no restrictions, the Galaxy Coins given to him by his son are definitely not enough for these people to redeem!

Although he can also lower the exchange rate a little bit, one hundred renminbi is exchanged for one Galaxy coin, there must be too many people to exchange it. But thinking about Kadar's suggestion, he gave up.

Because the son once told Kadar, this exchange is his idea!

Because he doesn’t know how big his son Ning Tianlin’s ambitions are, because this exchange ratio is just a stopgap measure, waiting for him Ning Tianlin to become the level of the lord of the galaxy, and even more If it is high, he will forcefully allow the Galaxy Coins in the Galaxy Center to be exchanged with Earth Huaxia Coins!

When the time comes, one Huaxia coin can be exchanged for one hundred galaxy coins, one thousand galaxy coins, and even more!

When the time comes, whoever holds the Hua Xia coins in his hands is a super rich man! Although Ning Family seems to have lost a lot now, when the time comes, I am afraid it will make a lot of money!

All this, as long as his Ning Tianlin's battle strength is reached, there will be no problem at all!

At the same time.

Different from Earth’s madness.

The center of the galaxy.

A large courtyard occupying enormous land.

Bejeweled Jade Tower, peaks and ridges, like a palace in the sky, all kinds of exotic flowers and rare herbs in the courtyard are so fragrant, anyone who comes here will be shocked by the luxury and beauty in it.

Moreover, to occupy such a large house in the center of the galaxy on extremely expensive land, you don’t need to guess, you know that the owner of this house has great strength and great influence.

And the owner of this yard is no one else. It was in Nanzhan Mansion that day that he almost killed the Hao Family of Ning Tianlin.

Hao Family patriarch, as well as the thirty-two direct descendants, live here.

"My lord, there is a situation!"

"Found traces of Earth!"

A room suspended in the air.

The closed door was quickly pushed open, and a big black clothed man rushed in. When he spoke, his eyes were filled with excitement.

Three years.

In nearly three years, I finally found the trace of Earth!



The old man sitting in the room suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes exuding a terrifying light.

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