
Just when Ning Tianlin blasted all the people who showed up, the elite of the poisonous mansion gradually appeared. They hide in poisonous weeds all year round, or soak in corrosive river water.

A poisonous one!

They are the middle force guarding the Poison Mansion.

The one who was bombarded and killed by Ning Tianlin just now can only be regarded as a miscellaneous servant.

Even different from these servants is that these elites make their moves, screaming and screaming with Ben, everything is going on quietly, even with the poison qi in the sky, quietly Ning Tianlin package.

"My lord, poison!"

"Be careful!"

The two Dongsha Shen behind Ning Tianlin were shocked when they saw this, and even quickly held their breath , But they also know that it won’t be long before these poison mists get close to their bodies, it will penetrate their pores into their skins.

These poison mists cannot be avoided!

Unless you don’t stay here!


Just after they had finished speaking, they saw Ning Tianlin's big mouth in front of him, and the suction power came, and directly sent the poison mist around him, all like It was swallowed and sucked into his body.

Also let the elite guards in front of them open their eyes in shock, staring at Ning Tianlin inconceivably.

Why. . . . . . how come!

Eat the poison mist!

It is them, who are soaked in poison all year round and dare not do so.

Know that if you inhale your body, you must enter the internal organs! Although their internal organs also have some resistance, they are not too strong. The reason why they can adapt to the poison mist is only the defense on the surface of the body.

. . . . . .


At this moment, in the central room of the Poison Mansion, there were two middle age persons, one on the left and one on the right. They were surprised to see this scene. They thought that this poison mist might not be able to do anything with this youngster, but they didn’t expect that, he would swallow all the poison mist into the body in this way!

They noticed this youngster when they broke the door in Ning Tianlin. Even the old man on the right has recognized who this Ning Tianlin is!

"Brother Poison, it seems that this youngster is not simple. He has one hand."

The middle age person sitting on the left, dressed in a Chinese costume, with a tall green top The hat, although sitting on a chair, has a great majesty in every gesture.

At this moment, he was quite surprised to the old man on the right.


"Such insignificant ability. Don't worry about it."

The elderly who are called "poisonous brothers", although they are quite in their hearts In astonishment, it was strange that the other party had inhaled all the poison mist into his abdomen, but he didn't praise too much, or even despised it.

A kid who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth.

Do you really think their Poison Mansion is so nice?

This poison mist is just an appetizer!

"Come on, sir, let's continue to play chess."

"The things handed down from the lord of the galaxy are really not simple. It's easy to get started, but difficult to master."

The old man on the right faces the middle age person on the left.

In the middle of their table, there was a plate of black and white round beads. Black was black and white was white. In the small basin beside them, there were also this kind of round chess pieces. If Ning Tianlin's mind swept this place, he would find that these black and white things are just the Go game spread by Earth!

"Are you really going to check it out?"

"I think this youngster is not simple."

middle age person right hand Pick up the black chess , Did not rush down, but said to the old man on the right.

"No need."

The old man waved his hand and didn't care. He believed, "My lord, don't you believe me?"

"This It’s just a youngster who doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth."

"It won’t be long before he will know that the sky is how high, the earth is how deep!"

He is a poison patriarch, and he still has some understanding of the ability of his cronies. This youngster is just like jumping, jumping and jumping a few times. A slap in the past is also an immediate death.



Middle age person smiles, nodded.

That's right, this is the base camp of poisoners after all, so it's definitely not that easy to break into.

Furthermore, the entire poison house was destroyed. As long as the old man on the side is still around, it is only a matter of time before he re-establishes his rise.

He didn't even ask why the youngster came here. He didn't care about the things in the Fang Family.

"But, do you really think this Go is wide-ranging and profound?"

The middle age person smiled at the old man hehe, "If you want me to say it, it's just a tool for entertainment and entertainment That's fine, it doesn't have much effect. If it weren't for the Lord of the Galaxy to like this, who knows what shit this Go is!"

During his speech and behavior, he didn't show any respect for the Lord of the Galaxy.


The old man smiled, "My lord is right."

He seems to know that the middle age person in front of him has something to do with the lord of the galaxy. Dissatisfied, or the opponent often looks in front of him, so when he heard the disrespect, he was not so shocked, but agreed,

"If you want me to say, this Go is just like this. , With our minds, playing this is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain? If it weren't for the Lord of the Galaxy to play this, how could this thing be passed down and returned to our Miyayama County."

"It's just that they are big, so let's cater to them."

The identity of the old man is the poison patriarch. The battle strength has reached one million, and in front of this middle age person, he still has some It means to please, it is called an adult. Because the other party's identity is very big, he is the princess of Gongshan County, Gongshan!


"Yes, people are powerful."

Gongshan smiled, but this smile contains a layer of I can’t feel the meaning at all, I slandered with a voice that only I could hear, "How big is it?"

"When an adult truly rises and cultivates the secret technique of the undead, he is the lord of the galaxy. !"

"When the time comes, it is not the world of adults!"

"My lord will one day regain the position of the lord of the galaxy!"

Gong Shan firmly believes in his heart that this day will finally come.

"It's just that, why can't I contact the adults recently?"

"The adults have not given me orders for a long time."

It's just Ling Gong Shan was surprised that the adult in his heart hadn't given him an order for a long time, and he still couldn't contact him. This had never happened before!

Since the other party found himself more than two thousand years ago, he has never been in this situation!

As long as he wants, he can contact the adults at any time!

But these days, they have lost contact!

However, he didn't set out to look for it. Maybe it was just an adult retreating, and some kind of secret cultivation reached an important juncture and couldn't get away. After all, in this galaxy, besides the lord of the galaxy, who else would be an adult's opponent?

The safety of adults will never be a problem.

"Okay, let's not talk about it."

"Let's play chess."

"Since the Lord of the Galaxy likes it, we are like this, we still do I do. Otherwise, I’ll be beaten up and reported, maybe the position of my princess will be changed!"

Miyayama, the princess laughed, and began to play the chess pieces with the old man. .

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