He is confident that under his sleeve, all the poison qi will be absorbed and then vanished.

The robe on his body is not simple. It is not only a battle strength equipment, it can increase battle strength, and it also has a strong anti-toxic effect. After all, he is dealing with toxins every day and night, and the requirements for this equipment are still extremely strict.

There are many small holes attached to the top of the equipment, which will be rapidly diluted by the medicine inside.

He is confident that none of the toxins appearing in Miyayama County today cannot be resisted by him! This ominous beast is nothing difficult!

Furthermore, if it weren't for Princess Miyayama here, he wouldn't bother to do this action of waving his sleeves and blocking the poison qi! Because his body has already condensed countless toxins, the poison qi that is coming up will simply not cause him the slightest harm!

“zi! ”

“zi! ”

It’s just that quickly, his look has changed a lot, because here poison qi just battled with him When the strength equipment comes into contact, it begins to corrode rapidly. The potions contained in it will not relieve the poison qi simply in the slightest!

He watched the equipment that had accompanied him for many years vanished.


Even after a while, he snorted softly. After the equipment was corroded, his self-confident body began to resound. Corrupted the sound and brought severe pain to his body at the same time.

But he resisted and did not scream.



It just broke a big hole in his arm, the flesh and blood corroded, and he was about to see the bones. The blue veins all over his body were violent, and he saw a snake-shaped creature shape rising from his abdomen, scurrying in his body.

After walking around for a while, his body, which had turned black, slowly slowed down and became the original appearance.

After that, the snake-shaped creature returned the same way and disappeared inside his body.


After everything was over, Du Lingxiao let out a long sigh, feeling that his whole body was soaked, just now, he unexpectedly I feel a long-lost Death Aura!

Moreover, I almost belched because of poisoning!

If it weren't for the creature in his abdomen, he might just be a corpse now!

"Good terrifying ominous beast!"

I couldn't help but, looking at Ning Tianlin, thinking of the ominous beast submerged in his body, Poison Lingxiao's eyes were filled with shock! This is completely the second poisonous thing I have ever seen!

Even he doesn't know if the toxicity of this ominous beast can be compared with that of his own body.

But he is deep in one's heart, and he doesn't want the opponent to win!

Because when the time comes, he will really have nothing.


Not only the Princess Gongshan next to Poison Lingxiao, but also the two Dongsha Shen behind Ning Tianlin, they also looked at all this in shock. Although it was only a moment, they also knew what happened!

This poisonous whistle, a poison patriarch who attacked Major Perfection, was injured by poison qi! He was even forced out of a trick!

What kind of creature was the ominous beast just now?

So amazing!

"Are you Ning Tianlin?"

When things have developed to this point, Poison Lingxiao and Gongshan County are a little scared. Because this person in front of him has killed a princess-like existence! And being able to keep that kind of poison, obviously also very proficient in the use of poison.

Everything about his poisonous whistling proudly might not have much effect on this youngster.

Can't help but, Poison Lingxiao thought for a while, and asked Ning Tianlin. He didn't even notice that the Lord Gongshan on the side had already unconsciously moved towards his right and stood for a while.

The distance between the two of them was more than fifty centimeters, but now they have reached about two meters.

Obviously, Princess Gongshan doesn't want to take this muddy water!

The other party is here to find a poisoner, and has nothing to do with him, he is just a guest.

If the other party is a soft persimmon, of course he will stab the poisonous Lingxiao, but now the other party is obviously not, he is a cruel character! Especially if it is really Ning Tianlin, that is what even the princess can kill!

"What do you say?"

Ning Tianlin did not affirm, nor deny, but used questions, but in the ears of these two people, it was already a default. If not, how could it be this reaction after hearing an unrelated Ning Tianlin name.

Shook your head directly.

It's just that the image of Ning Tianlin is even more mysterious in their hearts, because no matter how they observe, they haven't noticed any changes in Ning Tianlin's body.

In the past, if others disguised and disguised themselves, if they were more careful, especially after they knew the other person’s original appearance, they could find some clues.

But now, they really haven't found anything!

Simply did not notice the slightest change in appearance!

"Did they guess wrong?"

"In other words, what happened in the video that day was how Ning Tianlin changed his appearance. Now is the most real thing? "

They can only flood their minds with such questions. But how do they know that in this world, there is really an ability capable of Myriad Transformations, and it is impossible to detect it!

That is the ability of centipede to devour souls!

When there are more souls of one kind, he can transform into any kind of creatures.

"Whether you are or not, I hope this matter can end here." Poison Lingxiao took a deep breath, "You killed my offspring and almost destroyed my whole family, I can Let alone the past, you just need to leave now."

"If not!"

Poison Lingxiao didn't say the final cruel words, he didn't want to either the fish dies or the net splits. The creatures hidden in the body are too difficult to control. The last time I was excited, I don't know how many years ago it was.

But those repercussions can keep him awake at night until now.

"What if else?"

Ning Tianlin is a little funny, and even talks cruelly at this time, is it another master of Won't shed tears till you have seen your coffin? ? In his heart, the two of them are already dead, and they must kill them!

cut weeds and eliminate the roots, trouble will completely vanish!

"Are you a poison patriarch?"

However, before waiting for the other party to answer, Ning Tianlin still wanted to confirm the other party's identity. Finally standing here, it should be another character from BOSS-Rank.

"Master En, he is!"

At this time, Dongsha Shen behind him took the lead.

This man is his greatest enemy, how could he not remember. Although the other party probably doesn't know who his a nobody is, or even he has an enemy with him, he probably won't know.


Ning Tianlin nodded, turned around and asked the Lord Gongshan on the side, "What about you?"

"You are Who?"

Ning Tianlin somewhat despised this person. He obviously didn't have the courage to share the same hatred with the other party. He just stood with this poisonous patriarch, and now he is two or three meter away!

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