
The medicine pill was sent into the mouth of Wanzu centipede with a flick of the right hand.

Swallowing heaven and earth!

Ning Tianlin forcibly took the evolution direction of the Wanzu centipede and once again chose to swallow the sky!

This is also the last time he discussed with the battle strength system. It is also for himself and the Wanzu centipede to maximize the benefits. When the time comes, this swallowing heaven and eclipse really takes shape, but inside the body it forms a universe by itself.

Living creatures can survive inside!!

The most important thing is these living creatures, which can continuously provide the centipede of ten thousand feet, that is, Ning Tianlin, with one hundred millionth of their battle strength.

Although it sounds only one part per billion, it can’t hold back many lives!

Earth has billions of creatures. A single person has dozens of points of battle strength. If there are more planets and creatures, this battle strength will reach the point of exploding.

This ability alone can push Wanzu centipede and himself to the top of the universe powerhouse!

However, this road into Dao Transformation is also the most difficult and long. If it weren't for the battle strength system, anyone would come, and it would be impossible to fix the evolution direction of Wanzu centipede.


At the entrance of medicine pill, Ning Tianlin saw that all the cells were silent for an instant, not only the energy in the chaos, but also the inside of its centipede body The original energy was all moved towards the purple vortex in the abdomen.

The embryo!

The battle strength system of the day described the purple vortex like this.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

When these energies reach the purple vortex, It was all swallowed and rolled in. Slowly, slowly, the purple vortex began to rotate, and every time it rotated, the shape became solidified.

If it started out as a dense gauze pattern, at the end, it will be fully materialized, almost like an oval egg, purple and illusory, just like a universe that has not yet formed.

"The blue and yellow are not divided, the chaos is not open, the beginning of the avenue."

Abruptly, this sentence emerged in Ning Tianlin's mind. Could it be that the third evolution is to break the egg and reopen the Heaven and Earth universe?

Ning Tianlin still remembers that in the words of Ancient God, Pangu opened Heaven and Earth, that's it.


"Who can predict what will happen in the future."

Ning Tianlin shook the head in his heart, and is unwilling to do it again Guess, after all, this third evolution, I don't know when it will start. Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, or even ten thousand years are possible.

This evolution is random and unpredictable.

Maybe it will be the next second, but maybe it will be 10,000 years from now.

"It's just a pity. The chosen one is not very useful for me now, and it won't bring much change."

Ning Tianlin knows There is no other way. Wanzu centipede has a variety of evolution directions, and some of them can quickly improve a lot of battle strength after each evolution.

But the staying power is incomparable compared to it.

In the future, it will definitely exist against the sky.

"It's just that I hope I can live to the day when the evolution is successful."

Ning Tianlin hehe smiled, and didn't know whether he was right or wrong for choosing this long road. , After all, the universe is extremely dangerous, and there is the possibility of death at any time. Even though he has the battle strength system, he doesn't know how many times he almost died.

Live in the moment is the most important thing.

But this evolutionary direction is what he prepared for the real powerhouse road in the future.


Only soon, Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, shook the head, and gave this kind of anxiety, more precisely, the idea that the temperament is not firm Disperse, now that you have chosen, don't regret it!

Kneeling to finish!

"It's time to go to the Milky Way."

The evolution is over, Ning Tianlin is also ready to leave here. The Galaxy genius Martial Dao tournament will start soon. This is something he must do. Seeing other geniuses in the Galaxy is next.

The Lord of the Galaxy is what he wants to see most!

After all, strictly calculated, the Lord of the Galaxy is a genius amongst geniuses!

Two thousand years ago, he was only a few hundred years old, and he could defeat the Lord of the Galaxy!

He is Ning Tianlin, and I don’t know if he can do it in the future.

"It’s just that, my current battle strength is not a tiny bit worse than the master of the galaxy."

The battle strength of the master of the galaxy is already With more than ten million, Ning Tianlin could not imagine how much battle strength this galaxy lord who could defeat him would have. Now that more than two thousand years have passed, I don't know where it has grown.


The figure flickered, and when he reappeared, he was already in the palace of Princess Gongshan. In the very center of this place, there is a teleportation array, which is also the fastest way to get to the Milky Way from here.

Otherwise, it would take three to five years to travel to Tanglin Mansion on a cosmic spaceship alone.

However, Ning Tianlin did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he followed Gongshan County controlled by Puppet Insect and went to several places where treasures were hidden. It was only after making sure that the entire Gongshan Mansion was almost completely searched. Choose to leave.

At this time, his essence points have increased by more than 500 million points.

. . . . . .

Tanglin Mansion Teleportation Array.

There are five towers, divided into East, South, West, and North, corresponding to 36 counties. Every nine counties directly lead to a teleportation array. The location where Ning Tianlin appears belongs to the northeast corner.

There is no way. If you want to go to the Milky Way, you have to go to Tanglin Mansion first, and then take Tanglin Mansion’s teleportation array to the Galaxy. In Miyayama County, there is no teleportation array directly to the Milky Way.

The distance is too far, and the cost is too great.

And this teleportation array to the galaxy is located nowhere else, in the palace of Tanglin Palace.

"Let’s go shopping first."

"Go to this Tanglin Palace again."

Ning Tianlin doesn’t know that he is now with this Tanglin Palace Lord. Who’s strong in battle strength, he can compete with the powerhouse of 4 million battle strength, but not only the county lord, but the four palace lords are also strong and weak.

He is not sure, he must be the opponent of Palace Lord Tanglin.

If not, he is not borrowing from Tanglin Mansion, but a lamb in a tiger's den.


The figure flickered, and when he reappeared, he had transformed into another appearance, standing at the door of a big shopping mall.

This is also the fastest way to improve battle strength that Ning Tianlin can think of now.

Shopping spree.

Redeem resources!

Furthermore, this is a large shopping mall in a government after all. In terms of scale, I don’t know how strong it is compared to a county.

After all his crazy purchases, it was already more than a week.

It’s just that, in order to be low-key and unobtrusive, he changes his appearance every few shopping spots.

Four planets, almost 1 month later, he exchanged almost the resources of all the large shopping malls in Tanglin.

At this time, his spirit points have increased crazily to two hundred and five 1.8 billion!

Only less than the two-and-a-half years spent slaughtering skeletons wildly and earning less in Death Forbidden Land!

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