"Let’s turn around first and get to know this temple star before speaking."

Ning Tianlin walked out of the door, and what caught your eye was an endless and magnificent world, the sky Those who walked on the ground, there were Martial Artists walking through them, and there were machines leaping through them. When I swept across them, I discovered a lot of alien creatures, not Human Race.

He has seen these lives in other planets, but they are far less dense than they are now. The other planets are all one planet scanned, only to find that there are only one or two, or none at all.

But now, it can be seen everywhere.

There are people crawling slowly on the ground, walking on tall stones of several ten zhang, and even strange creatures with trees all over their bodies and various branches acting as arms.

This also reminded Ning Tianlin that more than 40 days later, the upcoming Martial Dao Tournament of genius, but it is known as a race for hegemony by thousands of races, not just humans! It's just a race that is neutral in the universe or has a good relationship with Human Race.

The real enemy of the human-insect clan, Machine Race, the seductive clan, is one that will not invite.


"Is my top priority."

"With forty days to go, how much can I increase Battle strength, just increase the battle strength."

Ning Tianlin knows that this time, he will either fly into the sky and become an extremely dazzling existence in the Milky Way, or become like a pinch of loess and become a stream of wind and sand. . Because his enemy, in addition to the geniuses in Martial Dao, there is another one, the Great Family Hao Family!

Although it does not say that the bloody vengeance, but he must avenge the life-threatening vengeance!

When the time comes, it must be the collision between battle strength and battle strength. Taking advantage of this time, increase the battle strength and secretly collect some details about the Hao Family.


"What kind of building is this?"

It's just that after seeing some buildings with different styles, he An extremely tall, floating building stopped in front of it.

It is weird because the whole building is about more than three hundred meters high. This is nothing. Ning Tianlin has seen a building hundreds of times taller than this. What makes him feel strange is that seven or eight long black chains are hanging diagonally from the head to the bottom of the building.

This chain is not a building structure, but a real chain.

Large, broad, and heavy.

The sky is connected to the earth!

It is as if this building is locked from top to bottom!

It gives people a sense of depression and dullness.

"The gate is directly below this building."

Ning Tianlin also saw a few large characters written on the building, which are probably signs and the like, but for the text of the Milky Way, He doesn't know anything. Now there is no response from the battle strength system, and he doesn't bother to know what the above means.

Go in and check it out.

Over the years, he has done this for buildings that he finds strange.


The figure leapt up and got in through the door hole below. The building is quite big, the door is also quite big, Ning Tianlin estimates that it is a hundred meters in size. Think about it, the stone man I just saw was almost 100 meters away.

If the door is not bigger, how can these people get in?



"ao 嗷!"

Just as soon as he entered the gate, he heard it There are countless roars that can almost explode the eardrums. But these roars, a huge part of them are howls of excitement, and only from the inside, can you hear some painful meanings.

"It turns out that there is something else here!"

"Space Array has been arranged!"

When Ning Tianlin swept past, it was the heart startled, because there is something else in this building. It looks like several hundred meters tall outside, but now it is hundreds of thousands of kilometers in front of you!

Space Array!

A Space Array has been arranged here!

"However, it is relatively rough. Although it is relatively stable, the surrounding space is convex and convex, and it is irregular."

Ning Tianlin also only judged in an instant. Out of the opponent's level, he is still a bit worse than himself, but this has already shocked him a bit. This is the first time I have seen the Formation of space in so many years.

I don’t know who arranged this.


"Kill him!"

"What kind of beast, so unbeaten!"

"I can't beat even a little girl!"

When Ning Tianlin was looking around, there was a more messy shout from the side. Ning Tianlin heard the voice of one of them clearly, turned his head and looked, only to see a tall fatty, flustered and exasperated waving a ticket in his hand.

screamed at a huge iron cage in front of him.

It is not appropriate to say that it is an iron cage, because this huge cage encloses all the thousands of kilometers in front of it. The black hair on the surface is bright, and it flashes with electric light from time to time. Fan Tie.

Vajra cold iron!

One is the powerhouse with a battle strength of up to 5 million, and it is a metal that can't be damaged!

Just this cage that separates outsiders is extremely expensive!

"It turned out to be the Colosseum!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin finally understood what this place was for, the Colosseum!

Earth has existed a fighting place thousands of years ago!

One party is a human, the other can also be a human, but it can also be a beast. The two are locked in a cage to fight, and the one who survives in the end is the victor and the survivor.

"Unexpectedly, in the center of the galaxy, I can see this thing."

Ning Tianlin sneered, human nature is evil, this kind of life and death struggle, it is estimated that only humans can do Get excited and like it. Seeing the people around them staring at the cage in front of them and shouting hysterically, they knew that these people must have participated in the gambling and made bets.

What they care about is not the lives of the creatures inside, but the money in their hands.

It’s just that he is not a good person, and he thinks he is not a good person. He will not stop this kind of thing. There is a reason for existence. He Ning Tianlin is not a nosy person. .


Just as he turned around and was about to leave this place, in the iron cage, there was a huge scream, and at the same time he heard a loud voice, Resounded throughout the building, forcibly overwhelmed everyone's howls.

Just listen to the voice, "Su Luoman wins!"


And just when the voice fell, countless screams sounded, some disappointed that the ticket in their hands fell to the ground, some sighed, some were silent, and when more It was a howl of excitement.

"Victory! Victory! Haha! Su Luoman has won again!"

"This Su Luoman is really awesome! Haha!"

" Let me just say, Suroman must have won! She has won fifty-eight games in a row, and she will definitely win this one! Isn’t it just a big bear with a battle strength of three to four hundred thousand! haha!"

"This Su Luoman is really a genius! Is she really only sixteen years old?" one person said with emotion.


When Ning Tianlin was about to turn around, he was taken aback for a moment, and his steps stopped consciously.

Sixteen years old?

Just killed three to four hundred thousand rare beasts?

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