"Are you still doing something?"

Director Fang frowned, this matter has already made him a little embarrassed, he will inevitably have some complaints among the students, but now , Ning Tianlin has something to do! I just thought that the other party had his "lifeblood" in his hands, and could only endure, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's too difficult, I can't do it!"

" Not difficult." Ning Tianlin hehe smiled, "It's just that I may not go to school often in the future. Most of the time, it is difficult to stay in school and have things to do. Therefore, I want the dean to say hello to the teachers and take care of them."

"Let my studies go on smoothly."

To be honest, Ning Tianlin doesn't care about the school now, but there are some things in the future. He needs an identity. This student is a very good student. shield. If his parents knew that he was still alive, they would let him continue to study.

But now that the battle strength system is in place, he is impossible to stay in school often, so he must be prepared in advance.


Director Fang originally thought that the other party would make some excessive demands, but this is not difficult. As long as he doesn't say anything to expel someone, let Whoever is downgraded is that no matter how big the teachers' opinions are, it is useless! This kind of decision must be signed by the leader of his department.

Furthermore, the teachers are not fools. Seeing that they protect this Ning Tianlin like this, they will be able to guess one or two. If they think it has something to do with them, they will also look at their own face and not attend classes. This kind of thing will go away.

"Okay, I see."

Director Fang nodded, indicating that he can do it.


At this moment, Fang Anming's cell phone rang, prompting him to have a text message. It's just that at this moment because of Ning Tianlin's affairs, he is not in the mood to open it, just staring at Ning Tianlin to see if there is anything wrong with him.

"Director Fang, you'd better read the text message prompt."

"Do you just care about money like this? That's five million."

At this time, Ning Tianlin spoke suddenly, leaning on the sofa, facing Fang Anming. He doesn't need to read it, he knows what the content of the text message is, he asked in the heart to ask the battle strength system to do so.


Fang Anming is frowned, I don't know what Ning Tianlin is talking about, but what text message prompts, five million, he still hears clearly, so he quickly picked up the table I opened the interface on the phone on the phone and looked at it.

"Dear customer, there has just been a transaction with your ICBC card ending in XXXX, and the income is 5 million yuan. It has been received, please check it!"

There were not many words, but Fang Anming's expression was shocked, and he looked at Ning Tianlin incredibly. He knew that these five million must be inseparable from the Ning Tianlin in front of him! Otherwise, he would not remind himself to read the text messages on his mobile phone.

"Did you do it?"

Fang Anming was shocked, but more inconceivable. You know, this is five million, not five hundred! How can an ordinary student get it! Is this Ning Tianlin a rich second generation?

It’s just that, he has known the information of these students a long time ago, and he has known who can provoke and who can’t. There are one or two rich people, but they are just ordinary rich second generations, not big rich. Home, there is nothing at worst, as for the official background, there is no one.

So, he, the dean of the department, can completely ignore these students!

But among the wealthy students, there is absolutely no such Ning Tianlin, and now he can actually get 5 million! And it looks very casual!

You know, he has been the dean of the department for more than ten years, hard work, cautiously greedy for more than ten years, and only less than two million! It can be said that excluding fixed assets like houses and cars, this five million is more than his total net worth!

"I did it."

Ning Tianlin smiled, nodded. Of course he knows the relationship between slap and a sweet date, the crime is equivalent to a slap, and this money is equivalent to sweet date. Although five million sounds a lot, to him now, it is only five points of spirit. , Like the hair, it's not a fart.

Moreover, the dean of this department is a crucial step in his future school life.

"What do you mean?" Director Fang stared at Ning Tianlin, wanting to see what his intentions were!

"It doesn't mean anything." Ning Tianlin said, "I just want to raise you as a dog. These five million are your dog food."

Ning Tianlin has long been Knowing that the other party is who, and there is no need to be polite, he said sarcastically.


Fang Anming complexion changed, I really want to rush up now, fiercely slap this Ning Tianlin two slaps, he is the head of the department, what a dog! Even the dog belongs to the Principal, not your Ning Tianlin.

However, the thought of making five million dog food is not bad!

Furthermore, since Ning Tianlin gave him five million in vain, it means that there should be nothing wrong with the mail crime evidence. If not, the other party can use this threat without giving him five million.

Five million, I am afraid I want to do my best.

Whipping and temptation are fundamentally different!

"What are you?"

Ning Tianlin saw that the other party was still angry, and couldn't help but sneered, "You dog, give me peace of mind in the future, don't go out What Yaozi. Don’t worry, what you will do in the future will definitely be related to the school and within your abilities. It won’t make you embarrassed."

"This time, it’s the fight. Suppress me and give that idiot Wang Nan a punishment!"

"If this matter is not handled well, wait, your evidence of crime will definitely spread on the Internet very quickly !"

Speaking, before Director Fang could answer, he got up from the sofa, opened the door, and went straight out.

Yes, his Ning Tianlin is to raise Fang Anming, the dean of the department, as a dog. Slap, sweet jujube, everything is given so that things in the school will be more convenient in the future.

As for whether Fang Anming is a good person or a bad person, what can he do with Ning Tianlin! As long as he can do things for Ning Tianlin, he is a useful person! Moreover, in this world, there is no obvious boundary between the good and the bad.

Bad people are bad people in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of their families, they are for their own benefit and good for the family. They are the good people in their hearts!

And everyone in the eyes of good people, but in the eyes of their own family, it is very likely that they do not care about the family, do not care about the child, always worry about other people’s family matters, is an irresponsible person, because of this divorce Too much to go!

His Ning Tianlin, experienced righteous bravery and was stabbed to death. Except for his family, no one person is crying, and even the girl whose phone was retrieved did not show up to his family and say thank you for this. When I planted it, I already knew that nowadays society does not need sex.

He doesn't want to be a good person anymore.

To kill to stop killing is his current belief!

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