
He now has capital!



But Ning Tianlin simply do not know, he Hao Guangming mind, it is actually rolling on, butterflies in their stomachs!

Because he was here, even if they know the location of Earth, so what?

Ning Tianlin from there, we can see how there is terror!

own three sons and a blue t go there, but what's the catch?

Is it possible to Earth deep and unmeasurable to the leveled?

In Qatar, where cuttlefish star, they simply did not get any useful information, but also simply do not know the Earth in the end how much is the highest battle strength!

information they have, are all from Earth to the network!

From there they know, Earth is just a garbage planet, nothing, the highest battle strength, is what looks like League of Legends in person. But the specific how many thousands of these users do not know.

can only say that a ballpark.

What ten thousand battle strength is the expert.

funny it?

How is this possible!

If ten thousand is a battle strength expert, then Ning Tianlin how to say!

Now there is also a white onwards, this white from the battle strength, all fifty-sixty million, and a further million! Absolutely the wrong message! Earth might be deliberately released paralyzed man!

But Earth is not the technologically advanced planet is a fact.

if not, Earth is also impossible now connected to the network, even when the deck is also by squid star Alice so there is no level, it is easy to get sent.

It is also because of this, he Hao Guangming just want to try.


This is because all cases there is an explanation, is everything Tianlin Ning, not Earth-given, but he left Earth, get out of.

This is the white from!

Today from Ning Tianlin's reaction, he looks like a bet on! So to be more straight waist, to have confidence!

But just looks like!

If all just speculation, then he probably will regret it forever!

even think about alive today!

"Well, how did you find cuttlefish star?"

a deep breath, Ning Tianlin think it should make yourself calm down.

Perhaps the thing, and not as bad as you want.

He also wanted to silently read each other's memory to see, but they differ in the two battle strength is not great, if forced to read, definitely make other discoveries.

Unless beat him half to death is not spiritual.

But now look, this practice was temporarily held good.

And he really wanted to know whether it was his own people recognize there is a problem, is not it all come from the body slave Qatar.

His words down, from the edge of the white, also pricked up his ears, wondering how it was.

He has just been seen, someone has traveled to Earth!

And these people's battle strength is probably not low, far from Earth who can be compared.


"We have found Earth through the network."

Hao Guangming said.

These things are not what matters secret, but important results. And said that the more he Ning Tianlin will be more confident that their people have traveled to the Earth.

it will not killers!

There is also a fear of him, if he is obediently spoke then the other person to give you a memory read!

down, many concealed the secret really.


Ning Tianlin surprised a moment.

Some confuse it.

"In the information through your house looking south nine Academy project, we know that you are from Earth." Hao Light Dao.

Ning Tianlin did not speak acquiesced, because he knows this is the information you provide.


nine participating projects Academy when he used was this planet.

"Originally, we know that Earth's name, but simply can not find."

"We spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but also did not find Earth where it is."

"even once thought that it is not in the Milky Way, from galaxies."

Hao Light Dao, "until more than a year ago, almost two years, we monitor the Galaxy network, the sudden appearance of a large number of Earth's name, many to Earth as the beginning of the network name, or mentioned in conversation Earth, we have been given to the monitor. "

Ning Tianlin heard here, I have learned more than half .


will certainly be Earth, at that time incorporated the Galaxy network!

He remembered, he let go of Qatar Earth, must somehow Earth to join the Galaxy network thing!

It seems that at that time, Qatar completed his requirements.

And, he knows Hao Guangming said screen name at the beginning of what it means to Earth, as Earth Long Aotian, Earth Daphne, Earth Ultraman, when used to play online games, a lot of people liked what family name as a prefix, such as the Temple of the prodigal son, the Temple of fairies, cranes and other large temple.

These people, this also brought problems to the Galaxy network!

"You Earth, the Milky Way is incorporated into the network, and it is cuttlefish star as a springboard, hidden behind the scenes." Hao Light Dao, "but cuttlefish star technology, is to be commended."

"in our family elite disciple there is slag slag soon gave crack, and find out everything."

"understand the position where the Earth."

"also in that immediately, I let three sons, there was a bright blue background, with people immediately went to the cuttlefish star."

"calamity is a mess out of the two of them, of course they have their own resolve. "

Then, Hao Guangming also specifically looked Ning Tianlin one again.

means self-evident.

That is, the uncle ah, calamity is the two of them out of the mess, you go to them now, it does not matter with us.

but, Ning Tianlin simply ignored his eyes, but lost in thought.

In the final analysis, the fact still blame themselves.

is the Earth's own leaked the information.

Earth should not be revealed in his column information.

Yi Tan mind not help.

This is just out from home, do not dare say even the name of Earth export, as well as battles in galactic cosmic face it.

In addition, he also thought about this day possible, is squid star technical means, but also can not conceal caring people, caring people estimated to be found, Earth as a springboard into the galaxy by star cuttlefish.

After all, Earth network technician, is also divided into high and low levels of.

A good hacker can Dangxia hundreds of people together to attack the no difficulty with.

But at that time, he Ning Tianlin have no alternative.

To contact the family and as soon as possible, cuttlefish star was his only choice.

And, he did not really expect that he would achieve so much success in such a short period of time, to let off noticed.

"things here, we must first find the Galaxy last technician to go."

Ning Tianlin Road finished, it will be sharp eyes fell Hao Guangming body, asked, "you say, how to solve?"

"I put!"

"What we everyone minds their own business!"

"after never again conflict! "

Hao Guangming saw hope alive, quickly he said.

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