
"You want my ring!"

At this time, Hao Yang has reacted over.

So this Ning Tianlin, playing the ring in his hand idea!

heart is too hard, right!

You know, stuff While this space ring in the store, but contain most of his net worth!

Even accounted for 98 percent!

Now Ning Tianlin say that the gambling space ring, in fact, is to bet his entire net worth!

The other side of the bet, but also in the hands of space ring!

I know you Tamar space ring in something much more than ah, put what I know what! If only installed a hair, you have to use your space ring with me to bet, that I am not a big loss!

fool would bet with you!

is gambling, but also know your space ring is filled with what the job!


"is to use the ring as a bet!"

Then, Ning Tianlin looked white from one, two of them will be in the hands of the space ring off, suspended void.

Just because the space ring activated, are integrated into the master's divine sense, so Yang Hao is unable to view the two space ring in there or something.

"Go ahead."

Ning Tianlin ranging from Hao Yang answer, once again crouched down, ready licensing.

white from keep up. Some excitement.

First, because to begin Landlords, and he liked the game, and secondly, it is his excitement and he knows he space ring inside, but nothing at all.

Not to mention the huge treasure, is a hair do not!

And Ning Tianlin also true, like him!

wearing their hands, are just two active, not loaded Bansi things space ring!

They are to pay a small price for big rewards in return!


Hao Yang face some blue, "I did not say start."

"I did not say I agree."

he had vaguely aware of the piece does not, these two people, it is also too impatient, do not let people under exploration space ring things in it?

If peer how to do?

He is not dead loss?

"Why do not you agree?"

Ning Tianlin still smile, sharp-eyed stare Hao Yang, "You should agree."

" because the casino is yours, who is looking for you gamble, you should all agree! "

" you rejected the kindness gamblers, gamblers angry, but you will be smashed casinos and even serious consequences but you're looking for the owner of reckoning. "

here Ning days, the tone has some Senleng," maybe gamblers are not satisfied, it will take you vent of. "

"even more, you do not kill the impossible!"

the last few words, but stressing each syllable Road.

"You threaten me?"

Hao Yang eyes squint up, because he knows, Ning Tianlin said Hao Yang is his own!

If Ning Tianlin to his satisfaction, the other from the storm is likely to kill him!

But, as prolonged life and death powerhouse, so nothing is impossible also struggling with weakness. Opening retorted.


Ning Tianlin laughed, "how can you say threat, I just kindly remind it."

"Moreover, what are you worried ? we worry about cheating? or worried that you will lose? "

Ning Tianlin smile, he had not thought of cheating, and now there is no battle strength system, he did not hold people in a well-casino in front of cheating. Was caught, his old head may really do not know where to put up.

most important, he sure!

Landlords Board, after all, is everything!

Although fight technology, but two four A king four quarters this terrible cards in hand, no one can win!

or luck is everything.

random exchange and licensing of intelligent robots, no one even think about cheating!

long been playing, there will always win!

"I'm worried you did not stuff in space ring!"

"This bureau bet this is not fair!"

Yang Hao almost spit out gas blood.

What will be lost?

He epic generation, which will lose?

What cheating? I got in front of you can do harm?

Just kidding!

He was worried, but Ning Tianlin and white from the two space ring inside nothing!


Ning Tianlin laughed, "Hao adults joking, this world, so how fair thing."

"Now is a gamble, and that is what the bet! everything has gone from just started! Landlords are bet! What we have space ring, there is in fact something to bet! "

" are gambling, and What can care about the. "

Ning Tianlin finish, waved his hand, a robot dressed in beautiful clothing dealer, appear in three side, ready to start licensing.

"In order to make Hao adults worry, you can look up, we do not cheat."

"This card, as well as this robot, have not been implanted in any program."

Ning Tianlin indicated that he is open-minded, not the kind of people who will cheat.


Hao Yang waved.

He gas almost to vomit blood! There are thought to check this!

When did he promise to start the Landlords?

"Come on!"

"you coming!"

"I have to thank the other flowers!"

At this time, the edge of the white from the speaker urged.

And Yang Hao did not speak, but its eyes firmly fixed on Ning Tianlin, imposing manner rising.

He knew that if it is really he crouched down, I am afraid will be miserable!

imposing manner rising, also forcibly moved towards Ning Tianlin pressure of the past.

But, he as a mountain of imposing manner, to the front of Ning Tianlin, has gone unacknowledged general, simply do not have any hit from the storm. Ning Tianlin still smiling, he looked pale.

But, the eyes are slightly squint up, is about to become a crack, it already contains cold light.

As Mans, such as swords, straight times Hao Yang mind.


"I bet!"

Mother after a brief silence, Hao Yang breathless.

Not bad!


Even his back, is already densely packed cold sweat, feeling tense muscles, organs and even in the shock involuntarily.

Even the words uttered, he was involuntarily spit a big a mouthful of blood, sprayed on the front of the cards.

He lost!

In fact, between just two people invisible, has been an invisible than fighting!

He lost!

lose thoroughly!

Even he knows that as long as Ning Tianlin willing, in just a moment, the other side can use Spirit Attack, will direct his mind to destroy! He will instantly killed.

He is scared!

How many years had no mood to give birth spread over in his mind.

He reckoned, if he still refuses to bend over and start, the other will lose patience, directly kill him!

the other side of the battle strength, far more than he is now!

space ring no more can be earned, but not a life, what really gone.

This Ning Tianlin not please him, but forced him!

"Aiya it."

"Is not it a gamble!"

"Hao how adults are anxious vomiting blood of it, the cards Dounong dirty it. "

" adult affirmative recently Firelight strong, too yang enough of. "

Ning Tianlin

instigator of, are like do not know what happened like, laughed road.

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