


There was thunderous applause, Especially when there was a talented youngster and began to show its silhouette from the square, many people watching Xi were unable to help but stand up from their seats.

Compared with those stars, they care more about the young people in front of them!

Because many spectators in the audience are from all over the world, the parents and families of the talented youngsters who came from various places, as a glorious moment in the child’s life, how could they not be on the first scene? !

This is an honor!

A game is destined to be quite brilliant before it starts!

Because it can appear in the square, it represents the Milky Way Heaven's Chosen Child!

"Now moved towards us are ten talented youngsters from Tanglin." At this time, the host's voice continued to sound, indicating the identity of the ten.

Even as these teenagers entered, the host even recited the names of these ten people one by one.

And every time a person's name was spoken, one of the teenagers opened his arms and waved, indicating that this was his glory.

"Unexpectedly, it was Tanglin Mansion who took the lead!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin smiled in his heart. He didn't expect that the first person to appear was the Tanglin Mansion and was slaughtered by him. The clean and clean people of the Tanglin Palace Master.

Back then, if these people hadn't taken a step earlier, I'm afraid they wouldn't have had a chance to stand here.

It's dead!

"The order of appearance is random."

"There is no order, it is decided by lottery."

At this time, Palace Lord Nanzhan on the side Explained.

Although he doesn’t know the grievances between Palace Lord Tanglin and his Ning Tianlin, he is not in a good mood for Tanglin Palace. He was there in the backstage three hours ago, and he did it and fanned it. Tanglin's most Chief Steward slapped it.

Even the Huai Fairy next to him does not have a good impression of the people in Tanglin Palace.


Ning Tianlin nodded.

At the opening ceremony of Earth that year, the host is usually the first to appear. He originally thought that some of the geniuses of the Temple Star would show up first.

"Next, the geniuses from the Bobby's second clan will enter the field. There are five people in total. They are..." All the geniuses of Tanglin Mansion gathered together. When it was round the stage, the host's voice sounded again.



Above, all kinds of screams came from above, cheering for these five people, and obviously this is also the case People in the family, or kinship.



At this time, Ning Tianlin felt a huge vibration coming from the ground, and saw a dozen huge green The gray stone man appeared at the entrance of the square, and every step he took, the ground vibrated enormously.

"Stone Golem Race!"

Ning Tianlin has seen this kind of race on the Internet.

Some races that make good friends with the universe.

Not only in the Milky Way, but also in other galaxies, Star Domain has branches, but in terms of numbers, it is far less dense than humans.

And he already knew when he came, this Martial Dao competition, not only humans, all races that have good relations with humans, even neutral races, as long as they are active in the galaxy.

Some children who consider themselves geniuses can all take part in the competition.

Because this is also a great opportunity to honor the clan!

As long as a genius can be born in the clan, the best ability to suppress the Human Race genius is a blessing and major event in the clan.

"The following is the Stone Golem Race lineage for us, belonging to the Milky Way galaxy, and good friends with humans. There are a total of twelve people. Their names are respectively."

At this time, the voice of the host also made Ning Tianlin certain.

Stone Golem Race!

Human friendly race!

Not only in the Milky Way, but also in the universe, they all stand on the side of Human Race.

"Treant Race!"

Soon, Ning Tianlin saw another race. The bodies of these people were all branches and leaves, and the hardness of the branches and leaves was related to The hardest metal in the galaxy is not inferior to it.

The speed is very fast, not as slow as Ning Tianlin imagined.

"Fox Race!"

"Lionkin Race!"

"Leopard Human Race!"

. . . . . .

With the emergence of various races, Ning Tianlin is not surprising.

He counted them carefully, there are more than 700 races!

Some species of patriarch have two huge heads, short stature, but bright light glittering, full of muscles and flesh. Some patriarchs have long noses and are very pointed. They still compete on the ground.

It can be said that today is his Ning Tianlin who grew up so big, he has seen the most species of living creatures with his own eyes.

"The following moved towards us is a talented player from Nanzhan Mansion!"

At this time, the host's voice suddenly increased a lot, and his tone looked like More excited than ever before.

"Nanzhan Mansion!"

"It is Nanzhan Mansion!"

At this time, there was also a slight commotion on the audience stage.

Many people stopped chatting and farting, all craned their necks, released Divine Consciousness, and wanted to see the talented players from Nanzhan Mansion.

Because they know that Ning Tianlin, the hottest Ning Tianlin in the galaxy today, is from Nanzhan Mansion!

Although I don’t know which planet in Nanzhan Mansion, it is indeed Nanzhan Mansion!



"Fanlu no!"

When you say a name, there is a short pause, and the reaction on stage is somewhat different from before. Every time I said a name, it was a big cheer.

But now, except for a few people who responded, the overwhelming majority are silent, staring at the square with their eyes wide open!

"Ning Tianlin!"

When there were nine more people, Ning Tianlin's name was finally called out by the host as the finale.


In an instant, the audience is quiet!

It's surprisingly quiet!

You can hear the needle drop!

All are waiting for Ning Tianlin to leave.


Just one second, two seconds, three seconds later, Ning Tianlin's silhouette still did not appear.

Is it wrong?

What's the matter?

Generally, as long as the host calls the name, the players will walk out directly, the difference is less than a second!

But now, five seconds have passed, why doesn't it appear.

"Are you not here?"

Soon, there was a commotion on the surrounding tables.

In the beginning, I was still talking in a low voice, but for a moment, it buzzed.

Even the voice of the host was completely silent at this time.

Everyone is speculating whether Ning Tianlin has not come, after all, this is only the opening ceremony, and the players are not required to come. But almost everyone knows that this is an opportunity to show his face, how rare it is to show his face in front of the entire galaxy, and everyone cherishes it very much, and no one is absent.

Could it be that his Ning Tianlin is really absent?

"Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin!"

"We want to watch Ning Tianlin!"

At this time, side There was such a sound from the upper abruptly, and at first it was only a regional kick, but soon, it spread to the entire square.

"We want to see Ning Tianlin!"

"We want to see Ning Tianlin!"

The voice is full.

Implement Yunxiao.

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