
"Why can't you see it!"

Bai Qi was a little anxious, which was not what he wanted.

He wants answers now!

After waiting for a thousand years, the answer is close at hand, he can't wait any longer!


Without thinking about it, he flew up directly, flew out of the VIP room, and then moved straight towards the body of the lord of the galaxy and flew away.

Since I can’t see it here, then I will stand in front of you and look!

You can definitely see it there!


"Master Bai!"

Palace Master Nanzhan was surprised, how did Bai Qi fly out at this time. Especially when I saw the white body moving towards the body of the galaxy lord, I suddenly realized something.

The scared face is a little pale.

What are you going to do at this time!

When the Lord of the Galaxy speaks, he least likes to be disturbed by people.

Especially this kind of scene of focal point of ten thousands, even the old acquaintance is not good.

He knew that Bai Qi might be an old acquaintance of the Lord of the Galaxy. At the gate of the Lord of the Galaxy, too much happened that day. On that day, Bai Qi said "old acquaintances visit"!

But now, regardless of your old acquaintance, you must stop!

The lord of the galaxy has the majesty of the lord of the galaxy, and no one can collide.


The figure flew out, and quickly moved towards Bai Qi chased him.

When the opponent flew ten meters away, he had already blocked Baiqi.

His battle strength, although not as good as Ning Tianlin, is far from what Baiqi can compare. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Baiqi in his hand, then turned around, and raised it without waiting for the other party to answer. Went back.

Even the moment he turned around, he saw that some of the temple experts for maintaining public order, moved towards this direction, looked over.

"Master Bai, you can't go there."

Palace Lord Nanzhan brought Bai Qi into the house, and said seriously.

Not a discussion, but an order!

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's face, he would not even call Lord Bai, but his name.

"I want to see him!"

"I want to know who he is!"

As soon as Bai Qi settles down, I will prepare again for not even think He rushed out, but this time he rammed Palace Master Nanzhan's body directly, was blocked, and couldn't move forward.

"He is the lord of the galaxy!"

"No one can be impudent!"

The main road of Nanzhan Mansion.

At this time, charge ahead, he is really tired and crooked in vain.

If the lord of the galaxy is not your old acquaintance or a fellow, you will definitely die!

For Ning Tianlin's face, he did this for nothing.

"The lord of the galaxy?"

"He is the lord of the galaxy, but also my lord!"

Bai Qi struggled a while, still Did not open, could not help but shout.


Palace Lord Nanzhan was taken aback, isn't it an old acquaintance? How did you become the master?

"You don't even see the adult's face, how do you know that he is your master?" Nanzhan Palace Master asked.

"Because I can't see clearly, I'm going to see it now!" Bai Qi said, looking extremely anxious.

More than two thousand years, the answer is right in front of him, he really doesn't want to wait.

"If you can't see clearly, it means guessing."

"It's just a guess, you can't go down!"

At this time, Palace Lord Nanzhan showed The majesty and domineering of the Lord of a Prefecture, he is polite and polite in front of Ning Tianlin like a tortoise, but now, his tortoise is about to show his head.

"Besides, for more than two thousand years, no one has simply seen the face of the Lord of the Galaxy. How do you know that he is your Lord?"

This is also the South Palace Master Zhan’s doubts.

He doesn't know why Ning Tianlin and Bai Qi are so sure that the lord of the galaxy is their fellow and old acquaintance.

For more than two thousand years, no one has seen his face, how do you know.

It is his Nanzhan Palace Master. If the opponent stands in front of him and does not indicate his identity, he will not know that the opponent is the Lord of the Milky Way.


"No one has seen his face for more than two thousand years?"

This time, Bai Qi was stunned.

What's the matter?

What is your lord hiding?

Don't even dare to show your true colors?

Or what to guard against?


Palace Master Nanzhan is nodded, "Don't say it's you, that's just that I've dealt with adults many times, but I don't know what he looks like. Standing in front of me, it looks like there is a thin mist."

This is also what his Nanzhan Palace Master, and even the major Palace Masters expert, are curious about.

Why the Lord of the Galaxy never shows his true colors. It's like an underground worker.

"How could this happen?"

Bai Qi was stunned, and looked at the silhouette below again, puzzled.

"Master Bai, you can just wait a moment."

"Master Hoth sent a message that day, didn't you say that the Lord of the Galaxy will meet with you today?"


"I want to see you, and I don't care about being in a hurry for this moment."

Palace Master Nanzhan once again advised.

He didn't expect Bai Qi to be so impulsive, he even dared to recognize people!


Hearing this, Bai Qi suddenly startled.


The Lord of the Galaxy promised to see them today.

If you really are Lord Shi Huang, you will definitely be one word worth nine sacred tripods, and you won’t be fooled.

This doesn’t mean that as long as you don’t see yourself today, you can determine the identity of the other person.

See you, I have a chance to know.

No, absolutely not! Lord Shi Huang is disdainful of lying!


"Then I will wait here."

Took a deep breath, Bai Qi said again.

Yes, I have been waiting for more than two thousand years. Do you care about these few minutes?

And Ning Tianlin below, also has this impulse, wanting to lie down to see if it is the first emperor. But he forcibly held it back. Because he knows that if the other party is really distorted space, even if he stands in front of the other party and is more than ten centimeters away, he can't see the other party's face!

It has been twisted in the void!

Unless you can get him out of it!

"The Lord of the Galaxy!"

"The Lord of the Galaxy!"

"The Lord of the Galaxy!"

The audience outside, But it seemed that he was not surprised by this phenomenon, and continued to shout the title of Lord of the Milky Way, until the other party stretched out two hands and pressed down in the air before stopping.

"Today is the grand age of our galaxy once in a thousand years!"

Soon, the lord of the galaxy spoke.

It's just a sound illusory, I can't hear his true voice, but it also echoes in everyone's ears.

"I am very happy to stand here and watch the genius of our galaxy lineage thrive, and finally shine on the Star River."

The words of the lord of the galaxy make the lower part extremely excited. After a few words, someone applauded, and the sound was thunderous, and it was even more loud in the audience when the Lord of the Galaxy announced that the genius Martial Dao would officially begin five or six minutes later.

After everything is over, the silhouette of the Lord of the Galaxy also disappeared.


Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, a little unbelievable.

Why did you leave like this?

Didn't you say that you want to see him and Bai Qi?

It's just the Baiqi people in the VIP room, but they were shocked. They stared at the man who appeared abruptly in the VIP room. There was a voice even in Ning Tianlin's mind," I am in the private room."

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