"Okay, now tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"Just to see my fellow?"

Xiang Yu ended his conversation and asked the two of them.

He didn't ask how Ning Tianlin and Bai Qi grew up. Everyone has their own secrets. Xiang Yu is not such a gossip. He can get Secret Realm, why can the other party.

Even this is the answer he meditated on.

In Earth, this is the only way for both of them to obtain Secret Realm.


Speaking of business affairs, Ning Tianlin cheered up, because it really concerns the life and death of Earth. If it is not handled well, Ning Tianlin will still Really will become the sinner of Earth.

At the very least, this generation of Earth people, even Earth, will be destroyed and submerged.

"This is how things are."

Ning Tianlin thought for a moment, organized the language, and accepted the entire process of development.

"Hao Family?"

"You mean, the remnants of Hao Family have passed Cuttlefish Star and are on their way to Earth. It will take less than three months to arrive Earth? And today's Earth, don't have any means to deal with it?"

When Xiang Yu heard this, he was also frowned.

Does this mean that Earth is now in serious trouble, even in danger of breaking?

"You are the responsibility of this matter, but what you did is really good. Kill to the last one, compared to me back then, very ruthless is a lot more determined. Things are like this, I can only say Poor consideration."

Xiang Yu still appreciates Ning Tianlin's methods.

The very ruthless shot is decisive and never procrastinates.

If he had this idea when he was in Earth, there would be nothing wrong with Liu Bang. When he defeated him for the first time, he should have killed him.

Now he has already absorbed this experience, cut weeds and eliminate the roots. Therefore, I still have some appreciation for Ning Tianlin's approach.

"But this matter, I am afraid it is a bit troublesome."

Xiang Yu frowned.

He knows why Ning Tianlin came to him.

He wanted him to break through the space and rush to Earth as quickly as possible to prevent the destruction of the remnants of Hao Family.

But it was really difficult for him.

He may not be able to do it.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Tianlin was shocked and asked quickly.

If Xiang Yu can't do it, he really doesn't know what to do. The best way is to use the random transmission symbol to perform random transmission in the galaxy, where it is transmitted.

But the Milky Way is so big, even if he consumes hundreds of billions of essence points, he may not be able to reach Earth.

It won’t even work where you can go back within two months.

"It’s true that you know that the battle strength of more than ten million can break through the space. It can be used for long-distance Spatial Teleportation, but you don’t know that if you want to transmit accurately, you have to Space is extremely proficient!"

"All I can do now is brute force to tear the space apart, but I can’t perform precise teleportation!"

"I haven’t learned this. Aspect skills."

Xiang Yu did not lie.

With his current battle strength, he can easily tear a lot of space, but he will not perform Spatial Teleportation! Because he has not learned the concept of systematic space! All he can do now is to master some skills for arranging teleportation arrays.

He is simply not proficient in Fleshy body Spatial Teleportation.


"You mean, you can Tearing Space, but you don't know where you can send it to?"

"Can't locate yet "

Ning Tianlin also frowned. In this case, it's like holding a phone in your hand but not having the other party's phone number, and you don't know who to call.


Although Xiang Yu's face is slightly red, this is true. His master Yanhuang left him a lot of inheritance, but they all need to be unblocked layer by layer. Regarding the use of space, only the simplest arrangement Space Transmission Array has been unpacked.

As for Fleshy body teleportation, he really doesn't.

"My lord means that I have not mastered the method of Spatial Teleportation." Ning Tianlin said in his mouth, and his eyes lit up quickly, "What if I teach an adult Space Secret Technique?"


"As long as you master it, will you be able to rush back to Earth?"

Others don't have secret skills, he does!

There are endless things in the exchange platform of the battle strength system.

Only if the essence is enough, there is nothing that cannot be exchanged.

"Do you have Space Secret Technique?"

Xiang Yu was taken aback and looked at Ning Tianlin in shock.

He knows that this thing is very precious, especially about space, which rarely appears in the universe, but Ning Tianlin is just a youngster in his twenties, how could he have it in his hands? Such precious things.

It’s him, and he doesn’t know if the brilliant Space Secret Technique will appear as the Yanhuang master’s seal is released.

This Ning Tianlin seems to have gained a lot of good things on Earth.

The Bai Qi on the side is not surprising, no matter what Ning Tianlin can take out, he feels that there is nothing to surprise. The most important, at this time, he simply doesn't know what Space Secret Technique means.

This is something that the universe lacks.

Only in the hands of true powerhouse.


Ning Tianlin nodded, when he stretched out his hands, a thick blue book like a starry sky appeared in his palm, floating in the void, and he looked at it. Not a mortal thing, it exudes a touch of Star Power.

"Space Secret Technique".

Simply four words, but infinite information.


Xiang Yu Yixi, not hypocritical, directly took this book and turned it over, it seems that this is the best way he can think of now. Only in this way is the fastest way to return to Earth.

It's just that soon, but he frowned again, and said to Ning Tianlin, "One time!"

"According to this "Space Secret Technique", within three months , I can perform Spatial Teleportation at most once!"

"With my ability at this time, this will be the limit."

"Not only will it cause a great load on my body, And after consuming all my energy, I will lose my perception of the spatial elements. It is basically impossible to carry out the next Spatial Teleportation."


Xiang Yu Hesitating to say it or not, because this is fundamentally impossible. The items recorded in "Space Secret Technique" are all very high-end items.

"Unless what?"

Ning Tianlin asked quickly.

"I can tolerate the damage to my body, and I can also use medicine pill to treat it, but if there is only one Spatial Teleportation, the distance is not enough! I estimate that it will take at least three times!"

Xiang Yu said, "And after one time, I will run out of space energy and lose my perception of space. If I want to do something, I must have something called Kong Spirit Pill. I can swallow it before I can continue. Perceive space."

"I don’t know where I got this thing!"

Xiang Yu was a little discouraged. Without this Spirit Pill, even if he was broken into pieces, he couldn’t get it back. Earth.

"You don't have me."

Only at this time, Ning Tianlin's voice surprised him, and at the same time, a pure white medicine pill appeared in Ning Tianlin's hands again. , "Did you say this in the book?"

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