
"This is a game!"

I wonder who under Dao Altar said such a thing.

"Yes, really shameless, it turned out not to be a player, but an actor! It made me excited for a long time."

One person on the side agreed.

It’s just that, despite the verbal abuse, I feel a little envious in my heart.


Ning Tianlin's signature was obtained by him.

You must know that today’s Ning Tianlin is the popular fried chicken in the hearts of all Martial Artists today. His signature is definitely better than those celebrities at a good price, and it is also very worth collecting.

It's just that they can't think of it now, a few years later, the Barbarella they laughed at now has really done a great thing for his offspring! When his family was ruined and nearly extinct, his descendants were unable to auction off the treasured sword, but directly sold it for a sky-high price.

Because of Ning Tianlin at that time, it has become the level of Lord of Universe!

Megatron Universe!

Especially in his hometown, Yinhe, where it is known to everyone and known to everyone. Not to mention schools, palaces and other public places, even in some people's homes, there are portraits of Ning Tianlin all over.

His signature, and it is only one public signature, how precious it is!

The final value of this knife photographed is more valuable than hundreds of galaxies combined! Barbarella's family also jumped up directly, stronger than ever.

"Ning Tianlin wins!"

After Baba Leila flew away, the intelligent machine judge judged. At the same time, he continued, "Next, Ma Ma Jianglin."


The voice fell, and there was a silhouette of a pretty woman who turned over and landed on the field.


Countless people exclaimed.

Many people didn't expect that in this Martial Dao meeting, they could see such a beautiful woman. Although the appearance is not top-notch, but in terms of body, it is definitely hot and a perfect S-shaped curve. The convex place is convex, and the concave place is concave.

There is not a single place of fat.

The years of Martial Dao cultivation have made her outstanding in Essence, Qi, and Spirit. Compared with those stars, she is less charming and a bit more valiant and formidable looking.


But in the eyes of Ning Tianlin, it is just a woman.

In the past few years, he has traveled all over the world and he has seen quite a few beauties. The Huai Fairy who is staying with his discipline now has several points of taste. Moreover, with his status, as long as he is willing, he can hardly get it.

It's just that he is dedicated to battle strength, and he is not very interested in beauty.

"Big Brother Ning."

The woman fell on the ground, did not pull out the long sword she was carrying behind her back, but bowed and shouted to Ning Tianlin. After speaking, he raised his head a little nervously and looked at Ning Tianlin's reaction.

Different from the silhouette of valiant and formidable looking, the voice is charming, and only one sentence makes the bones of the people underneath crumble.

"Baby magic sound."

Ning Tianlin's scalp is a little numb, this sound reminds him of a beautiful woman in Earth, the devil's body, the devil's sound, just listen to her voice, All men know that this star is definitely on the stage, which is very special.


Ning Tianlin doesn't know what the other party is going to do, nodded.

"Big Brother Ning, can you sign me as well, I am a big fan of you."

The woman blinked her eyes and said, looking forward to it.

She was originally not going to take the stage, but she made up her mind very early. If unfortunately she ran into Ning Tianlin, she would only abstain. Who of this kind of madman would be his opponent.

It is definitely the first Seeded Contestant.

Not even the seed.

The default is the first one!

But the previous player opened a door to her. It can even be said that it opened such a door to all the players. It turns out that this kind of operation is still possible.


I love it!

Not only will it not be ashamed, but it will also attract the envy of countless people!

We can have the opportunity to contact Ning Tianlin, do you have it!

We are the participants of the Martial Dao Club. We are not fake, but we are also human.

Take this opportunity to get in touch with Ning Tianlin. Maybe with her beauty, she can still attract the other person and let him be his servant.

Others are too lazy to tease, but Ning Tianlin, she doesn't mind at all.


It's just that what makes him and all the audience incredible is that Ning Tianlin directly refused.

He is here to compete, not to be a star.

One time is enough. Everyone will be like this afterwards. How does he play?

His purpose is to save time and end early. Instead of wasting time.


"Big Brother Ning, don't do it."

The woman yelled softly, changing to someone else, her bones are completely crisp NS. "Big Brother Ning, don't you know where to sign it? Look, can it be done here?"

Speaking, he tucked up his clothes, revealing most of his shoulders.

A piece of white, dazzling human eyes.

"Sao fox!"


Many women saw this scene and they all made a spit of "pooh" and wished they would take it on themselves. .

Replace this woman with them!

If you want to seduce Ning Tianlin, it should be them too, what kind of a showy fox is making.

"gu lu."

The majority of men swallowed involuntarily, especially when they saw each other’s white shoulders and a huge piece below. Can't wait to kick Ning Tianlin down and stand there.

To sign, I'll sign it for you.

It is best to return to house to sign.

This Ning Tianlin is really beautiful.

When signing, I didn’t just wipe the oil as I wanted.


It's just that everyone is incredible that the answer to this woman is a side kick. I saw Ning Tianlin standing in place, with a kick, the huge astral qi, directly kicked the woman out of the field.

And it is the other's beautiful face.


The woman sprayed a mouthful of blood in the air before she fell to the ground, and her sharp eyes found that there were many teeth in the blood. Obviously, the tooth has been knocked out.


Then he slammed into the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood, his five internal organs shifted, and he fainted.

"I rely on!"

"Destroy flowers!"

I don't know who shouted so, and they were all shocked by Ning Tianlin's actions.

Such a seduced woman, would you be a murderer?

All the teeth you beat?

And what is bad for you to hit, do you have to hit her in the face?

However, enjoyable!

Why does Tamar feel so enjoyable.

"Good fight!"

"Kill this fox!"

Many female audience members clapped their hands and asked you to seduce and shameless. , To make you feel bad in front of so many people, I should come here, why do you go!

Deserve it!

"Ning Tianlin, win!"

Soon, the intelligent machine referee came to a conclusion after confirming that the opponent had completely lost the battle strength.

"Next, Gubu Nini."

The intelligent machine judge said.


A silhouette fell on the ground.

"Ning Da..."

Also, he didn't do anything, but he spoke first, but the word "person" of his "adult" hadn't been spoken yet. The whole silhouette has already flown out, falling to the ground without knowing the life or death.

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