
A tingling sound of temptation came from Ah Zi's mouth, which made people feel bone-shattered, but After calling for less than five seconds, he stopped, and then said to the phone, "Handsome guy, how is it, how does it sound?"

"What's so nice! Like an old cat! Compared to those professionals in Dongguan The staff is far away!" Ning Tianlin has never been to Dongguan or received that kind of service. When he knew the name, it had already been sealed, and he had no chance to go.

But in order to start Shabu Azi, he still pretended to be very professional.

"haha, old cat! Azi, he said that your cry is like an old cat! Haha! It's not a cat called a lip, just now I wondered if you were an old driver, but now I am very good. Sure, you are an old driver who specializes in driving and is an experienced old driver! Please take me on the road!"

"Return to Dongguan! Azi, she said you are not as professional as those in Dongguan, haha! Yes! Learn to learn!"

"Fuck, it turns out that this great god was killed from Dongguan, no wonder it can be so calm! Thank you!"

The comments came up in an instant. It made Ah Zi's face all green. Old cat, she actually said that her barking. The bed sounded like an old cat, which old cat is still springing up! Moreover, she, my mother, I came from Dongguan, OK? What does it mean to have no professionalism in Dongguan!

I think back then, I was also professionally trained!

"Really?" Is it really so bad? Zi is so sad! "But for the sake of popularity, for the live broadcast, and for the big rocket, she endured it! She began to act coquettishly on the phone again, and her eyes rolled, "Since Azi's scream is not good, the handsome guy yells twice. I like the handsome guy the most! "

"666! A Zi is beautiful with this trick. "

"Azi, you are so unremarkable, we guys don't want to hear a big master call, you have to call twice to compensate us!" "

"That is, add one upstairs, you have to call twice to compensate us! We don't want to listen to the calls of the great masters! "

Only this time, Azi ignored the comments, but held her breath and watched the other party's answer. She felt that she seemed to have encountered an opponent this time.

" You are paralyzed! As soon as I open my throat, you can't help it! "Ning Tianlin didn't give the other person a face directly, "Aren't you empty, lonely and cold? Then, beside the right hand of your computer desk, isn't there a cucumber just right?" "

"Pick up the cucumber and make it yourself!" "

"This is definitely not empty below! "

The other party's every move, like a high-definition video, appears in front of his eyes, and can even rotate 360 ​​degrees, just like face to face, so of course, Ning Tianlin can see the opponent’s computer Cucumber.

And this cucumber is just a prop in the live video of Azi.

"You! "

"How do you know that I am in front of the computer now?" And there is a cucumber beside the computer desk! "

Originally, the other party’s tone of "calling you paralyzed" made A Zi instantly angry, but then, the other party’s words made her complexion greatly changed. You know, what she just said to the other party, She is on the bed! Not next to the computer!

Also, it’s all about having a cucumber, how do you know that it’s on the right hand side!

"You...you don’t Will be watching my live video! "

Azi thought of this possibility in an instant. If not, how could the other party say so clearly and terrifyingly terrifying!

Moreover, the same thought as her, but also There are these live viewers in front of her computer.

"Fuck, isn't it? Is the other party watching the live broadcast too, is it one of the 1,132 people in our room?" "One person was surprised on the screen.

"Impossible, did the other party guess it?" "One person is a little confused.

"Guess you are paralyzed, guess that it is possible in front of the computer, but guess that there is a cucumber on the right hand of the computer, how is it possible! Why doesn't he call this cucumber an eggplant! "One person retorted on the spot.

"Yes, definitely not guessed! How could he guess that a cucumber can satisfy Zi! "At this time, some people can't forget to wipe the oil.

"Watching the live broadcast? You were broadcasting? You are forcing you! You were kidding me! "Ning Tianlin just wants to take the other party to kick it, how can it be admitted, and sarcastically said to her again.

"Huh? Isn't it? "Not only Azi was stunned, but all the audience were also stunned. "Does the other party really didn't watch the live broadcast when he said that?" "

"impossible! Absolutely impossible! How can you guess this kind of thing! "Azi couldn't believe it," You are definitely watching my live broadcast! "

"It's really stupid like a pig. How does your IQ compare to me?" If you can't guess, it means I can't guess? You are Believing or Not, I can still guess that your underwear is pink, with a Pikachu printed on it! "

After Ning Tianlin said this, A Zi was stunned for an instant, because the other party was very correct, she is really wearing pink underwear with Pikachu printed on it now!

" No, Azi, is it right? Are you really wearing pink panties with Pikachu? "Seeing Azi's stunned look, the audience in front of the screen, how can they not know, the other party's words are likely to be correct!

"Azi, I want to see, I want to see Pikachu! "At this time, some people didn't forget to booze.

"Azi, hurry up, take off your clothes, we want to confirm! Confirm that this person is right! "

Azi wore khaki breeches. I simply couldn't see what color underwear he was wearing, let alone printed with patterns. This kind of speculation instantly stunned the live audience. Is there really such a high IQ person in this world?

After a long time, Azi yelled abruptly, and his voice was no longer the tingling numb, "I know, you I must be watching my live broadcast. I am a fan of the live broadcast. These panties, I wore them when I was wearing a skirt. Maybe you saw it at that time and wrote it down! "

Thinking of this possibility, Azi’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and only this possibility can explain everything.

It’s just her words that quickly invites Ning Tianlin to be ruthless. The irony, "You can really put gold on your face! See you live, or you are a fan of the live broadcast! How can you say such a thing? Which green onion do I know you? "

"I told you that a person with a high IQ like me is not what a 2B like you can understand! You are really a gold B on the face of the anchor! It's not ashamed. "

For this kind of person, Ning Tianlin doesn't have the slightest affection for him. In the middle of the night, he can take me off? If I were really an ordinary man, I might be really fooled. I couldn't sleep all night when I was angry. ! This time, on behalf of the vast number of male compatriots, we will wipe out your harmful insect!

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