"What the hell is this?"

Ning Tianlin was also shocked. He only felt that the aura exuded by the other party was soaring, which was almost higher than the initial time. How many percent. He wanted to stop it, but he knew that if he rushed forward, he would only be hit hard.

Can't even get close.

"In this world, the real thaumaturgy secret technique is far from what I can imagine."

"There are too many secret techniques that can increase battle strength."

Ning Tianlin said with emotion, knowing that his battle strength formation and Medusa eyes are just two of these secret skills. After a lifetime, I am afraid that these secret techniques may not be able to be mastered completely.

You may not even be able to see it completely.

"However, you have a way to improve battle strength, and I also have it in Ning Tianlin!"

"First exchange one hundred billion essence points!"

Ning Tianlin's body now has more than 430 billion points of essence. The essence that he plundered from the top ten experts is collected by him, and even the essence of exchange from various small shopping malls is also gathered by him. .

These essences are reserved for Spatial Teleportation.

If when the time comes, the Lord of the Galaxy cannot break through the space and rush back to Earth in time, Ning Tianlin will convert all these essence points into random transmission symbols for a full range of random transmission.

Although there are more than 400 billion points of essence, it is not necessarily enough for him to descend directly to Earth.

These essences were originally reserved for that time, but now they seem to be used.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for upgrading!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the provincial level!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for upgrading!"

The prompt sound of the battle strength system kept ringing in Ning Tianlin's ears, and it didn't stop until after more than seven hundred consecutive ringings. It also made him feel emotional, what a huge astronomical number of 100 billion points of energy at the beginning.

But now, he can only be promoted to level 700!

After switching to this level, I am afraid that this level will be even stronger.


"Good younger brother, I don't think you still have your strength hidden."

Just when Ning Tianlin felt almost the same, Zi Jisha of the pupil tribe, with bright eyes facing Ning Tianlin said with a lovable smile. She could feel the improvement of Ning Tianlin's qi and blood. Although it was not much higher than before, it was really improved.

"Let the elder sister see how your strength has improved."


Gissa said, stretching out her palm, A palm grabbed Ning Tianlin's body, but in an instant, Ning Tianlin felt that his surrounding space was completely enclosed, not to mention the air, even the space he couldn't feel.


There was no room for defense. His entire body was firmly grasped by the phantom of the opponent's palm.

"hehe, good younger brother, it seems that you can't do it."

"I got caught so easily."

Jissa smiled. But the movement in his hand did not stop at all, an extremely majestic pressure squeezed Ning Tianlin's body, causing his skeleton and veins to make the sound of creak creak.


Some even shattered directly.

"really strong!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked. This is the strength of battle strength exceeding ten million? Although he has improved a few levels, it is still not the opponent's strength at all.


The arm burst.


The chest cavity is broken.


The whole body has turned into a powder.


"Good younger brother, your body is too weak, right? What's the matter?"

See Ning Tianlin Shattered into flesh and blood, Gisha said with a laugh. She knew that Ning Tianlin was not dead. She had known some of Ning Tianlin's past and knew that this kind of body breaking would not kill him.

Moreover, she never thought of killing Ning Tianlin.

If Ning Tianlin fleshy body is passed away, who else does she control?

"Isn't it?"

"Ning Tianlin is dead?"

"Just like this?"

Countless people are shocked Looking at Ning Tianlin on the ring, almost can't believe his eyes, Ning Tianlin is dead?

Just like this?

Are you killed by an obscure purple pupil?

How is this possible!

You are the super expert who defeated the ranked 5th in the Galaxy!

Why was the body crushed by someone, and the whole body was dead.

"Die your sister!"

"Have you never seen Ning Tianlin's video?"

"Will he die if he gets hurt like this?"

Some people who know Ning Tianlin's past and methods sarcastically said, "Not to mention the slag, even the slag is broken into air, Ning Tianlin can't die, he is Immortal Body 1 "

"If you want to kill him, I guess there is no such possibility!"

After finishing speaking, ignoring the reaction of the person next to him, he stared directly at the broken Ning Tianlin Fleshy body, I want to see when and how he recovers.


And his eyes did not look for nothing, just after he finished speaking, the flesh and blood on the ground began to regroup, as if there was a big hand invisible, put them Pinched together again.

In a moment, another intact Ning Tianlin appeared in the ring.


"Good job!"

"Ning Tianlin is good! Come on, you will definitely win!"

"You must be the ultimate king!"

Countless fans cheered, all excited for Ning Tianlin's reunion.

This game is worth seeing!

I thought it was a battle that could be solved in one second, but didn't expect it to be the dragon wars, the tiger battles, and even the fleshy body of Ning Tianlin was broken once.


"Recondensed, but the energy of your fleshy body is not weakened at all!"

Gisha, the initiator, seems to be special I wanted to see how Ning Tianlin reunited her body. When the flesh and blood flowed, she simply didn't stop her and watched Ning Tianlin fleshy body reunited.

But when the complete Ning Tianlin stood in front of her again, she was browsing slightly wrinkle, because she did not feel the slight weakening of Ning Tianlin's fleshy body and spirit.

Should not?

If the fleshy body is really reunited, there will be energy loss, but now, this is not the case!

Just where did she know that, in order to maintain the Peak state, Ning Tianlin had already redeemed the high level medicine pill from the battle strength system redemption platform when reorganizing the body, and incorporated it into the fleshy body.

He had already made up for the wasted energy.

"Good younger brother, look at it again."


As Ji Sha said, she easily crushed the fleshy body that Ning Tianlin had just reunited with again. And just when Ning Tianlin recondensed, she used her palm to send five or six pieces of minced meat into another layer of space!

For her with a battle strength of more than ten million, she can already do some small things about space.

She wanted to see how the fleshy body of Ning Tianlin was reunited without losing some flesh and blood.

“bang! ”

It’s just shocking to her that after she sent the extremely fast minced meat into the broken space, after the Ning Tianlin fleshy body was reorganized, there was not only the slightest Her exhaustion and energy dissipated, and she still felt exactly the same as before.

They are all so exuberant.


"Good younger brother, you are so interesting."

Gissa shines in her eyes, if she also masters this , Her survivability has not increased ten thousand times!

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