Note: Thanks to the book friend "Qing Jian Hua Qing Yan" for his 10,000 book coins! ! !

"What's the matter? What's the matter? What's wrong with Zi? Why are the lights over there turned off?"

The audience, they know, when Zi is live, the room only has She was alone. Just now, they simply didn't see her getting up to turn off the light, but the light in the room went out after the man's voice fell to the ground!

"Is it really a ghost?"

"She is talking to a ghost?"

These people can’t see the phone screen, so they don’t I don't know exactly what happened, but every one of them felt a cold breath from the bottom of my heart, and I felt a pair of eyes staring at him behind him.

But still a little bold, not believing in evil, still leaving a message on the screen, "I don’t believe it, I don’t believe there are ghosts in this world! It must be fake! It must be this farce directed and performed by Azi. She’s playing with us! She’s acting for us!"

"Yes! Exactly!" At this time, some people also reacted, "Maybe, the mobile phone number just now was called Azi. Okay, she is teasing us with him!"

"Scumbags, you just want to see me?" Of course, Ning Tianlin can see what these audiences say on the computer. Coldly snorted, the sound is also emitted directly from the phone's loudspeaker, so that all audiences can hear it clearly.

At this moment, Ah Zi, who was curled up in the corner, turned pale when he heard this, and shivered, "Don't! Don't! Don't come out! I don't want to see you, I don't dare anymore. I don’t dare anymore!"

"A kind of show up! I don’t believe there are ghosts in this world!" On the screen, a bold man, typing like a madman, said, "I am Brother Da Fei, I am an atheist. I want to represent human beings and hit all monsters and monsters!"

"There is no ghost in this world!"

Ning Tianlin looked at the words that the other party typed , I was directly unstable, almost sitting on the ground, it also represents human beings, and you represent the pig sea almost!

"Big Fei is so good, this time the advanced leader played a good role, dare to challenge this ghost, I also want to see what this ghost looks like, I don't believe there are ghosts in this world?


Ning Tianlin was stunned. There are so many atheists? He turned into a negative test, "This is what you said, let me show up! Don't regret it! "

"I regret you..." Just when Da Fei was about to type the word "paralysis", his computer screen suddenly changed. It was originally a colorful live broadcast room, but Suddenly turned into a green and faint light curtain.

In the picture, a young man with short hair, surrounded by green, standing in the middle of the screen with blood on his face, holding a blood-red big knife, the big knife is very long , The handle of the knife is held in the hand, and the tip of the knife rests on the bloody ground.

Behind him, there are groups of corpses around him, stumps and broken arms, ox heads and ox tails flying around, blood flowing into a river. There is even a bull head, staring at the bull's eyes, staring straight at the screen, although the body is gone, it blinks from time to time.

Especially there is a one. The blood-red centipede, which is as long as a ruler, hung on the young man’s chest, crawling back and forth. From time to time, he showed his fangs and glanced at the screen.

"Ghost! "

"Ghost! "

In this scene, with only one glance, the Dafei immediately turned somersault from the chair, rolled on the ground, and crawled to the corner, staring tremblingly at the screen." ghost! ghost! "

"Don't come here! Don't you come here! "

"I believe it! I believe there are ghosts in this world! "

Da Fei's face was pale, and his thin body, which was already too much, began to tremble. After a while, the crotch became wet and he urinated directly.

At the same time, all the viewers watching the live broadcast have their computer screens turned into this. They were all turned over from their chairs in fright. There was even one unlucky one whose head just hit the edge of the table behind him. Fainted.

"Ah! Ghost! What a ghost! "For a moment, such a horrible howl came from more than 1,000 homes across China!

"Scums, tremble! Do you believe it now? "Ning Tianlin's voice, after being processed by the battle strength system, became extremely gloomy, as if walking out of the Asura hell, and it was also equipped with sound effects, with a gust of yin wind "wu wu" blowing through from time to time.

" Believe it! "

"We believe it! "Everyone trembles.

If you don’t believe it, there’s no way. The other party can speak in front of them without even holding a mobile phone. He also has a bloody knife in his hand, which is more than a foot long. My centipede is lying on my body, even the computer automatically turns into such a spooky full screen, what else can it be if it's not a ghost!

Moreover, this image, this sound effect, and a super ghost movie can’t be shot!

"Since you believe it, don't you smash your computer? Waiting for me to come out to find you? "Ning Tianlin yin******* smashed the computer?"

"Yes! I smashed! I smashed!"

Many people were taken aback, and then they realized something , Hurriedly nodded, and at the same time directly picked up the chair next to him or something, and smashed it at his computer! The meaning of this ghost seems to be that they smashed their computer and they can't get out!

In order not to have a heart attack or be scared to death, their first reaction is to do what the other party says!

There wasn't even a chair or something hard beside me, so I just huffed my hand and pushed the computer from the table to the ground. Just doing this action, but trembling in fear, because at this time, the body is closest to the screen! I am afraid that the other party will get out of the computer and use a big knife to chop him!

Even the anchor Azi, after hearing this, he hurriedly got up from the corner, ran to the computer, pushed his computer to the ground, and at the same time picked up the black voice microphone and pointed it to the ground. My phone, fiercely smashed it.

After a while, the entire phone was torn to pieces.


Last night everyone turned around and looked at the room all around. They only grew long when they were sure that the "ghost" was no longer there. With a sigh of relief, he fell softly on the ground or on the bed. It is estimated that in their lifetime, they will not forget about tonight!

When you make a random call, you encounter a ghost? And it's still such a terrifying ghost with a big sword!

Stop playing!

Never play live broadcast so late again!

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