"What's going on?"

"What is this vortex!"

Earth countless people looked up in shock and didn't understand how to do it properly Yes, this vortex will suddenly appear! Moreover, although the power of vortex did not cover the entire Earth, most of China has seen it.

"Aliens are coming?"

Countless people exclaimed.

Although there was no cosmic spaceship, some sensitive people thought of this possibility in an instant.

This is not impossible, because back then, there were aliens coming.



"Anomalies found in the sky! Unknown Creature is highly suspected to come! Fighter lift off!"

"An abnormality was found in the sky! It is highly suspected that Unknown Creature is coming! Fighters take off!"

Almost all cities in China have sounded air defense alarms immediately. It reveals the eardrums of countless people.

Even the voices of the broadcasters that have almost never appeared before, also resounded throughout the sky and spread throughout the world.

Officials, civilians, businessmen, Martial Artists, scholars, etc., are all mentally strained at this moment, extremely nervous looking at the black hole that suddenly appears in the sky, panicking. I'm all afraid that terrifying creatures will come!

I was even a little timid, already rushing to the extremely deep cave dug early.

The last time the aliens invaded, it taught them a great lesson. If only they could hide under the deep ground. No matter how powerful this alien is, he won't find them nearly 10,000 meters underground. It is even more impossible to destroy the entire Earth.

What they don't know is that if an alien powerhouse really comes, one hand can explodes Earth into waste. It's no use hiding no matter how deep.

"Attention all heroes, get ready for battle!"

"Attention all heroes, get ready for battle equipment!"

Tsukawa City.

League of Legends headquarters.

A youngster's voice sounded in the great hall, piercing the eardrums of all heroes. Even the heroes who performed missions far away heard this voice from the message device.

It is no one else who uttered the voice, but Shi Xiaojun, Vice Alliance Lord of League of Legends.

Today’s League of Legends headquarters is no longer the size of a football field in the past, it has almost expanded tenfold! There are different architectural styles, including Foreign Domain style, classical towers, tower-like towers, and the tallest building in the world today!

One thousand three hundred and 82 floors!

The breakthrough of science, technology and materials has almost made the height of the highest floor a thousand floors higher than in previous years! Reach into the sky! But only a real powerhouse can live in it, and the thin oxygen is destined to be an impossible ordinary person to survive here.

"Live broadcast!"

"All Chinese citizens have the right to know what happened!"

In the Forbidden City, a majestic voice from Old Hua When it sounded, I saw countless satellites shining, and a lot of people's information devices began to broadcast live images. After all, the Black Hole Vortex above is still too far away.

The ordinary person can only see the natural phenomenon, but he doesn't know what is going on there.


Southern Sea.

A great island with extremely beautiful scenery, magnificent.

The trees are shaded and the hot springs are transpiring.



Although there are still many modern buildings in them, they have not affected the tranquility and tranquility of the island.

The architectural layout on this island is roughly a circular arch, with one ring enclosing one ring. Most of them are modern villa buildings, but in some places, they are very large courtyards with architectural features of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But without exception, there are no tall buildings.

There is no concrete.

Although the building materials here don't seem to be very eye-catching, let alone the Twelfth Layer earthquake, even the crazy tsunami came, and it is impossible to collapse and submerge these houses.

They will increase with the ups and downs of the sea. There are even a few places that are suspended in the void, not high, but they are also five or six meters above the ground.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the architecture of this island is very gated, which secretly fits a certain Heaven and Earth governance, like gossip, like Tai Chi, and seems like a great geomantic formation.

Only the vast yard in the center of the island is connected to the spring somewhere in the Southern Sea below. There is no crazy sea water, only the slightest Spiritual Qi emerges from this spring, containing the creatures in this house.

This mansion is a very large residence. From time to time, there are people who shuttle through it. There are children, middle age persons, Earth Chinese people, and aliens with dark green eyes and dark green skin.

But these people are not surprised by the existence of these aliens, nor are they shocked, they are completely commonplace. Even some thirteen-fourteen-year-old teenagers are playing games on these aliens.

The gate of this house is made by Millennium Gold Threaded Cedar. Although there are very few such plants in the original China, there are still quite a few in some parts of Southeast Asia, especially in some deep mountains and old forests.

It's just that, now the entire world and the entire Earth have become China's territory. Too many good things were shipped to China. The ordinary person can be dazzled, but more good things are still gathered in the hands of the powerful.

And the owner of this island occupies a very high position throughout China.

Because there is a plaque hanging above the gate of this house. Although there are only four characters on it, these four characters are personally mentioned by Mr. Hua in the Forbidden City. It is called "Ning Mansion Academy".

Those who walk around in the house are students from Ning Mansion Academy. Not only the children of Ning Mansion, but also some talented youngsters from all over the country are studying here. They were taught by the heroes of the League of Legends, as well as the aliens who came here from the Cuttlefish Star and the Nine Eyes Academy.

And not far from this house, there is a group of villas. No one else lives, but Ning Tianlin's parents, and some relatives, some are Ning Family's own family, and some are foreign relatives.

Ning Family!

patriarch is Ning Tianlin's father Ning Rong!

Although there are not many direct links, I think most of them are collateral relatives, but the family is not like this. If you don't have three blessings and nine relatives, they can all be counted as similar relatives. At that time, before Ning Tianlin had left, he had already let some relatives live outside his home.

First, the surname is Du Ning, and second, these people can speak with their parents to relieve boredom. This second point is also the main reason Ning Tianlin values ​​most.

This island is also called Ningdao by all Chinese people.

Three years ago, Ning Rong felt that Ning Family was not suitable for living in Jinchuan City. There were too many servants, and it was a bit noisy and unclean. Too many people came to visit each day, so Ning Rong Discuss with Chen Xi.


The final result of the discussion is to choose an independent island to live outside the Southern Sea!


The air is good!

blue sky and white clouds beach, suitable for living!

The construction started two years ago, and with the addition of extraterrestrial science and technology, it has already moved in a year ago, which is extremely fast.

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