This is external work!

The main defense!

Ning Tianlin spends such energy, hoping that after he leaves, Earth will be able to protect himself. Formation is 10%, and the brilliant glazed sword alone can kill any Martial Artist with a battle strength of less than 30 million!

In other words, all Martial Artists below the three-day realm will have to brutally break into Earth!

And this is when they have the ability to see through the void and know that Earth exists.

It's just that this is not the limit of the 36 Heavenly Stars array. The reason why this Formation is strong and can be regarded as a highly respected array is because its formidable power can be constantly changed.

As long as the formation eye changes, its formidable power can change with it!

If it is replaced with a weapon of 50 million battle strength, it will kill any Martial Artist below 50 million that has rushed in!

Moreover, this is just a function of 36 Heavenly Stars.

It is the main killer, but it also has another effect, which is to slowly change the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi on Earth, release energy and nourish it slowly! One day, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi on Earth will change because of it!

And Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is the foundation of a planet Martial Artist!

The stronger the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, the faster and more stable the cultivation speed!


"Do you feel that the air seems to be good and becomes a little fresher."

It turned into light again in the dark, Some people with sensitive bodies feel a little strange, and it seems that the air around them has become a little fresher, as if they were there in the morning.

"Hey, yeah, yeah."

"I have this feeling too."

Martial Artist nodded echoed.

Although their battle strength is not very high, they can still detect the changes in the surrounding air in time. Heaven and Earth mutation, earth dragon stirred, everything is slowly changing.


"What's the matter?"

"Why so fast?"

Ning Tianlin fell to the ground , Also discovered this change, it even surprised him as a hard worker.

This is too fast.

There is a mutation so soon.

This is only a few minutes.

The Formation he knows is only beginning to be cultivated slowly. According to the content of Formation, it will not be noticed until a day at the earliest, but what's going on now, why is it so fast? Feel it?

Is it because you have a strong spirit that makes you feel this change?

It was only when he heard that his parents and family members were talking about this change, he was surprised, even they felt it!

This kind of change really exists, and it happened so quickly!

"Is it because the Formation I set up is quite powerful?"

Ning Tianlin guessed, did his formation eye use a brilliant glass sword with a battle strength of 30 million? For this reason, but after careful consideration, he felt that it shouldn't be. Even using a weapon with a battle strength of 100 million as the formation eye, it's not so fast.

Within a few minutes, you can feel the changes in Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.

It's just that he didn't tell his friends and family about the doubts in his heart, and they, as expected, thought it was Ning Tianlin's credit. For others, I don't know what happened, but for them, I know what Ning Tianlin did when he went to outer space.

In particular, Xiang Yu, even below, witnessed the whole process of Ning Tianlin's formation. It's just that he was jumped and jumped by surprise.

My Third Brother, there are really too many too terrifying things in his hands, and the methods are really scary. As the master of the series, he has read too many Formation materials and has never heard of such a Kind of Formation.

The secrets and methods in the Third Brother body are so scary.

The second day.

"Tianlin, what kind of Formation you have arranged is really amazing. Our Sky Vine leaves have directly grown blockbusters! More than half a year before!"

Just when Ning Tianlin and her parents met, mother Chen Xi directly said with a smile to her, and her mouth was full of praise. My son is really amazing. This kind of Formation is really a great thing for the benefit of the Li people.

Ning Tianlin just smiled without explanation.

But he was also shocked.

Overnight, this Sky Vine leaf has grown up directly! This speed far exceeded his expectations.

The third day.

The entire network is already a report of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Because almost everyone has noticed the changes in these two days, it is too rapid and too terrifying.

The trees sprout, the flowers grow bigger, and the air is fresh. The entire world is a thriving scene. The scientific research unit even released the data directly, and the Heaven and Earth ions contained in the air became extremely active.

And it is extremely beneficial to people!

The most surprising thing is that too many iron trees are blooming immediately!

You must know that the iron tree may not bloom for ten years, but in these two days, it bloomed directly.

The fourth day.

The fifth day.

The sixth day.

These changes are getting bigger and faster, and almost everyone can detect them with naked eye. The grass on the ground also grew crazily in a few days. The grass that was originally only 20 or 30 centimeters, at this moment, some of them have grown to a height of one meter!

The lawn in the community skyrocketed.

It is the trees in the woods, some of which are tens of centimeters taller.

"Spiritual Qi is inflated!"

"Spiritual Qi is inflated!"

Everyone uses this word to report, and some media people are even crazy Yelling, joy, this is the real Spiritual Qi expansion, Heaven and Earth great change! Living in this environment, ordinary persons can live for decades!

Some Martial Artists are more happy to discover that the cultivation in this case is five or six times faster than the previous cultivation speed!

If you enter the deep mountains, this speed can be increased ten times!

"Absolutely some places are different."

Ning Tianlin's complexion has changed a bit. He doesn't know whether this situation is good or bad, because in his plan, these Heavens The great changes in and Earth should come slowly, let alone one or two days, just in January, there is no such change.

"Xing Zhan, what's the matter?"

"This is not in my plan."

Ning Tianlin finally opened up the battle strength system mouth. All of this was somewhat out of his arrangement, and he faintly felt that something had changed drastically.

"Shit Spiritual Qi is swelling." The battle strength system is directly coldly snorted, "To be precise, Spiritual Qi is revived! With Strength of Array, Spiritual Qi, originally belonging to Earth, has begun a massive recovery!"


"Spiritual Qi is resurrected?" Ning Tianlin was taken aback, never thought that the battle strength system actually changed the word.

Spiritual Qi recovery?

Is it?

Ning Tianlin thought of a possibility. Earth was originally not simple. Is it now with the help of the Formation he arranged to stimulate the vitality that originally belonged to it?

However, Ning Tianlin is still a little uneasy.

Because after a planet, he saw a dog, which became bigger!

A Teddy dog ​​that was originally thirty centimeters long has become one meter!

The big thing in Teddy Dog!

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