Ning Tianlin left. After quietly reading the monkey memory of Human Transformation, he left Mount Tai, next moment, and appeared in a canyon in Mount Hua.

If it is precipitous, Mount Hua is the top.

Especially today's Huashan, under the inexplicable strength, has become more magnificent and majestic, the altitude, terrain, and broad, forcibly stretched too much. A canyon, Ning Tianlin estimates that there is a thousand zhang!

In a mountain peak almost impossible to reach by an ordinary person, Ning Tianlin descended next to a middle age person, silently. I saw this middle age person, sitting cross-legged with bent legs, five hearts up, with a big mouth, swallowing the dense fog around him frantically.

faint black light haunts his all around, mysterious.


Ning Tianlin's eyes lighted up, and his spirit penetrated into the middle age person's mind and gave a wry smile.



Even the hedgehog has become refined! Both can be Human Transformation.

Even in another place, he even noticed a white snake. Although there is no transformation, the body shape, crawling in the cave, is more than a hundred meters. Compared with the Changbai Mountains, it's not much more.

He still closed his eyes at the moment, greedily devouring Spiritual Qi around him.

Similarly, Ning Tianlin didn’t take their lives and stayed for a while. After discovering dozens of insect beasts with tens of thousands of battle strength, they left here, next moment, their body flashed, Has appeared in Mount Huang.

There is no fog, strange peaks and strange rocks, old pine trees and ancient cypresses, and there is a unique scenery.

In addition, the Mount Huang mutation nowadays is more expansive and magnificent, the trees are hurried, and the beautiful scenery makes Ning Tianlin a little stop. He opened his mouth and took a breath, and Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which almost condensed water, was sucked into his body like a river.

"Although it is not as good as medicine pill, but it is almost the same."

Ning Tianlin is a little bit emotional, under this kind of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi cultivation, it is almost like direct swallowing. The medicine doesn't make much difference. This speed is not comparable to that of the ordinary hero hall in previous years.

Ning Tianlin estimates that with the nourishment of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, it will be easy to produce a lot of spiritual medicine.

"Immortal Crane."

On two very large pine trees, Ning Tianlin found two Immortal Crane, one male and one female. Although they have not yet Human Transformation, they have You can sit next to your legs, greedily swallowing Spiritual Qi around you race against time.

Their wings are as smooth as silver, exuding a dazzling luster, and their feathers are like sharp blades. Ning Tianlin has no doubt that even today's most advanced tanks can be penetrated by them.

Under the insight of the mind, the battle strength of these two Immortal Cranes are at least over 100,000, which is higher than the battle strength of most heroes today.

Followingly, Songshan, Hengshan, and Ning Tianlin of the Five Sacred Mountains turned around, and the result was the same. Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi gathered here most densely and extremely densely. The topography of each place is different. Become bigger and spread.

If the original land area was ten kilometers, it is now a hundred kilometers, a thousand kilometers!

Especially Ning Tianlin feels that this is far from over. The terrain of these places will become larger and eventually become unimaginable.

"Earth has become bigger..."

Ning Tianlin has discovered that the volume of Earth has also begun to grow invisibly. The original diameter is More than 12,000 kilometers, and now it has reached more than 15,000 meters! In two or three weeks, the diameter has increased by one-tenth!

It is growing at a very fast rate all the time!

He doesn't know how the final volume of this Earth will become, but he will not stop it, let alone remove the Formation in the void. Since the battle strength system told him that this is Spiritual Qi's recovery, maybe Earth is recovering to its original appearance!

It is repairing itself!

Ning Tianlin knows that in the first World War, Earth suffered a great deal of damage. Although I don't know what it is like, it is certainly not what it is now. Today's volume, even in the Milky Way, has too many planets to outperform.

How could this kind of planet be the Holy Land of Human Race of Ancient Times back then!

At this moment, it is restoring its former appearance!

However, Ning Tianlin doesn't know how long this change will last or when it will stop.


One year?

It's still a century and a thousand years.

"An island appeared in the Eastern Sea, with palaces and pavilions on it, faintly discernible, just like the place where Divine Immortal lived! The most important thing is that it floats in the air!"

Soon, There was a comment on the Internet, and even the footage was taken.

There is no fog, palaces and pavilions, Immortal Qi rippling.

The only depressing thing is that this island doesn't seem to really show up yet, or it's like a legendary mirage, it can't be touched by Ben! Because you are clearly under it, but you really can't touch it.

"The Southern Sea has also appeared!"

"There is also an island floating over the Southern Sea!"

After that, someone exclaimed.

Because there is an island floating above the Southern Sea. Faintly discernible, although the shape is different from the Eastern Sea, it is also a palace and pavilion, nothing more beautiful can be imagined, and even if you listen carefully, the sound of silk and bamboo comes from inside.

It looks like someone is playing inside.

"Northern Sea!"

"Northern Sea too!"

A few days later, people posted the same existence over the Northern Sea.

"Penglai, the abbot, Ying State!"

"The three fairy mountains in the legend really exist."

Ning Tianlin was completely confused .

These three legendary mythical islands have all appeared.

Even the first moment he appeared on these islands, he personally went there, but what made him incredible is that he could not enter these three legendary mountains.

The ban on the first floor did not know where it appeared, blocking him out.

He knows that these three sacred mountains actually exist, and they are not mirages, but with his current knowledge of space, he can't break the restrictions of this space.

A touch will bounce him back.

Especially for a strong attack, this rebounding force almost hurt him.

"Dragon Palace!"

"Seabed has appeared in Dragon Palace!"

Soon, such news spread in the League of Legends.

There are not only rumors, but also pictures and videos.

I saw a huge palace appearing in a vast ocean. The pavilion of Tingyu is magnificent. Although there are no creatures, this scene can make people feel the gold and jade in glorious splendor inside.

Nowadays, the deep sea may still be unexplorable for others, but for the League of Legends, it is no longer a taboo. Most of the heroes can dive into the sea.

Although some places can only be entered by heroes with super high battle strength, compared to the original, the sea has become the back garden of mankind. Without technology, too many heroes can enter alone.

It's just that soon, heroes continue to be buried in the sea.

Because not only the land, but also the creatures in the sea, have also undergone crazy evolution.

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