Behind planet, a single Galaxy coin may be a family's income for a year! Like the previous Cuttlefish Star, the Milky Way coin is calculated with zero and zero!

It is the ordinary medium planet in the galaxy. A family can work hard and earn less than 1,000 galaxy coins a year! The value of a whole planet does not necessarily have one hundred thousand galaxy coins!

It is the most prosperous temple star in the galaxy, and the annual income per capita is only about 30,000 or 40,000 galaxy coins, not counting expenditures! It takes five or six years for one person to save one hundred thousand Galaxy coins!

The money can do very big things in the galaxy!


"Very good!"

Countless people are excited, because if you count it like this, one hundred thousand galaxy coins is enough to do too much Things are up. Some of the equipment they saw on the Galaxy network, medicine pill, etc., may be available for purchase.

Because of a lowest, flying cosmic spaceship, it is only around ten-twenty thousand galaxy coins!

This is something they never dared to think about in the past!

I thought it would take too many young people to ride the spaceship, but as long as Earth is let go, maybe they will be able to ride it soon.

"These 100,000 Galaxy Coins are personally funded by Ning Tianlin Alliance Leader. It is a reward for everyone and an incentive for everyone!"

The announcement continued.

"Thank you Ning Alliance Leader!"

"Thank you Ning Alliance Leader!"

Countless people cheered excitedly, 100,000 Galaxy Coins, many people in the family If the family counts down to six to seven hundred thousand, which is very good. Even in today's Earth, many people's home savings do not reach this figure.

There are still some people who are already thinking about guessing how much Ning Tianlin has. One hundred thousand galaxy coins per person, and now three billion people, what kind of figure it will be after this calculation.

Ning Tianlin is really rich!

Some smart people don’t pay attention here, but have their eyes wide open, waiting for the announcement of the next content, because they are vaguely aware that this announcement has a follow-up!

These 100,000 Galaxy coins are only personally funded by Ning Tianlin!

I haven't said the funds they have personally. Now, the assets in their hands are not so wasted, right?

Does one hundred thousand galaxy coins represent everything?

"The lord of the galaxy has agreed that one renminbi can be exchanged for ten galaxy coins in the galaxy!"

"Everyone needs you to deposit all the cash in your home into your account In China, after ten days, all will be automatically converted into Galaxy coins!"


Countless people are boiling!


It's crazy!

One renminbi can be exchanged for ten Galaxy coins!

Doesn't this mean you have made a fortune?

Make a fortune!

This has never appeared in the Milky Way before!

This is simply a gift!

Ten thousand renminbi is one hundred thousand galaxy coins, and one hundred thousand renminbi is one million galaxy coins. This is simply ten times the wealth and proliferation of assets!

Too. . . . . . too crazy!

The lord of the galaxy. . . . . . It's so awesome!


This also allows too many people to relax their nervousness. In this way, their assets are truly preserved.

The lord of the galaxy is really too generous.

However, many people also realize that this is really nothing to the Lord of the Galaxy. After all, this is the Lord of a series. Every planet under his hand draws one Galaxy coin. Maybe there is so much money!

Even if the money is all poured into the galaxy, it will never cause any inflation or the like.

Besides, what if it really caused it.

It's just business turmoil.

When Xiang Yu, the lord of the galaxy, made this decision, he was equivalent to a compensation for the Earth Huaxia people for more than two thousand years.

"However, only cash flow is accepted! Physical mortgages are not accepted!"

"The money must be working capital!"

The announcement was then added One sentence.

"It's not fair!"

"All my money is in the house."

"I am a real estate speculator!"

And soon, someone yelled. Because he only accepts cash flow, his assets are all placed on clothing, houses and other materials. When he announces it at this time, they obviously can't sell these things.

It's not worth anymore!

Their assets will shrink drastically!

A Boss with hundreds of millions of assets may only have a liquidity of one million! And now, one million is all his assets! In this way, many people who are not rich will soon become richer than him!

Why is this!


He must also be a master. He used to be rich, but he should be the richest in the future!

But his yelling was soon drowned in the voice of countless people.

After Ning Tianlin heard it, he simply ignored him, it is really a thing of inadequacy! In this world, there is no such thing as absolute fairness. This is already the maximum compensation.

There are still people who want more.

It's enough to get you right without turning you all into scum.

In the face of the tide of the times, what's wrong with sacrificing a little self-interest?

Besides, you don't necessarily have to sacrifice your interests.

Compared with Galaxy Coins, I don’t know how much purchasing power is stronger!

What you are disappointed is that people who are not as good as you will become richer than you in the future!

"Also, in the future, these thousand cities will be built with teleportation arrays that can travel freely. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the separation of flesh and blood. It is difficult for your relatives to meet this situation."

"In the past ten years, this teleportation array was free to pass."

Soon, the announcement continued.

This is also the worry of many people. They worry that if they really enter a different city, it will be difficult to meet again. After all, outside the city is the gathering place of insect beast. To go through them, you need high battle strength.

"Moreover, hunting insect beasts, you will not do useless work, because it is paid."

"Their corpses, fur, can be in League of Legends or Exchange money or points in the invincible battle strength system!"

"Moreover, we can tell you responsibly here that the corpses, blood, and fur of these insect beasts will become the biggest and most profitable in the future. Quick way!"


Hearing this, countless people are boiling again!

Especially those who aspire to become Martial Artists and possess battle strength!

Because until now, everyone knows that there are various treasures in the exchange platform of League of Legends. These treasures include immortality liquid, youth eternal balm, battle strength medicine, and even cure various terminal illnesses. Wonder medicine.

These things, simply cannot be measured by money. Because League of Legends only accepts points for redemption.

And there is only one source of these points, and that is the treasure that exists in the world. These treasures and overwhelming majority are all kinds of antiques that contain energy, even celebrity calligraphy and painting are not worth a mark here.

So, 99% of people can only look at the treasures in the League of Legends exchange platform and gulp drooling. A little points, even in the black market, was fired to one or two billion renminbi!

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