"gu lu."

Too many people heard this, they all swallowed and spit involuntarily, 10 billion galaxy coins! It is to redeem today's renminbi, which is also one billion! Such a big reward has never been seen in Earth today.

It's crazy!

And the real battle strength Martial Artist is more concerned about the value of this cultivation technique!

Because of it, you can compete for hegemony in the galaxy, and even the larger Star Domain, which is far from being measured by money. When the time comes, if you really want to have battle strength, money and beauties are all at your fingertips!

Battle strength is the foundation of everything.

"The first one with a battle strength of 300,000, will be rewarded with a set of the most suitable battle strength equipment, which will greatly improve your battle strength!"

" A battle strength of 400,000 will be rewarded to a servant with a battle strength of more than one million, so that you will never worry about your life!"

. . . . . .

Every 100,000 battle strength, the announcement says that there is a reward, and every reward is extremely rich. Although it is not getting better, every reward is extremely eye-catching. .

There is a strong desire to compete!

"The first battle strength breakthrough million, becoming a powerhouse in January, will directly reward a resource-rich planet! You will be the master of this planet! To all the creatures inside, Control the power of life and death!"

"If you do anything in it, no one will take care of it!"

"Moreover, this planet will be blessed by the galaxy! Get military The greatest protection of force!"

The final reward, the announcement gave a planet as a reward! Although it has reached this point, you can already occupy the planet and become the owner of many planets, but this announcement says that the planet is rich in resources!

At this point, too many planets can be compared!

And many people would like to believe that Ning Tianlin products must be excellent!


"Reward planet directly!"

This really shocked countless people.

This Tamar is definitely a very big handwriting.

The most fascinating thing is that as long as you become the owner of this planet, you can do whatever you want in this planet, and no one will stop you. When the time comes, I am there when I want to be romantic, and I want to declare adultery day by day.

I am the local tyrant there, the seventy-two concubines of the Sixth Court of Sannomiya, and you can do whatever you want!

But with a more long-term perspective, it pays more attention to the announcement of "You will be blessed by the galaxy, no one can attack!" With this sentence, it means that it is very likely to be Blessing of Ning Tianlin!

Who dares to come to this planet impudent, just can't live with him Ning Tianlin.

You must know that Ning Tianlin is now the top three super expert of the Milky Way. The lord of the Milky Way seems to be his friend. With this kind of person as the backing, doesn't it mean that you can come as you want?

The most powerful reward for these million battle strengths is not a planet, but a refuge belonging to Ning Tianlin, which is similar to the anti-death talisman!

This is the most precious thing!


Countless people are moved.

These ten kinds of rewards, almost all have fatal attraction to them.

They really want to get it!

If you have one, you will definitely be able to walk in front of everyone and get more and better resources!


"I will work hard to cultivation!"

For a time, countless people overwhelmed by emotions, their blood boiled.

Although we all know that this number one is difficult to win, but the number one is there. If you can't get away, someone will always get it. Maybe through hard work, it really is him. "But what we want to emphasize is that the required battle strength can only be your own fleshy body battle strength, and you have not swallowed any battle strength potions! If you rely on potions to meet the standards, you will be disqualified."

"In this life, they will all be on the blacklist of League of Legends and Ning Mansion."

The announcement also directly made harsh words and said restrictions.

Otherwise, some people who meet the requirements by swallowing battle strength potions will be rewarded, and this also loses the original intention of Ning Tianlin to cultivate genius. After all, if you use battle strength potions to improve battle strength, you will be greatly restricted in your own improvement in the future.

It is even possible to stagnate forever, and can only rely on swallowing battle strength potions.

On this point, there are not many people who oppose it, only some people who want to take tricks are in the heart sighed.

Damn it.

How did your Ning Tianlin block all the roads?

"At this point, the announcement is over!"

At the end, all the announcement sounds resounding in people's ears, disappeared without a trace. But what is left is the noise of countless people.

"Everything I can do now, I have done it."

"Which step you will eventually take depends on you."


Ning Tianlin sighed, he knows that his approach is a bit radical, and many people will die because of this decision, but otherwise, he doesn't know any way to quickly improve the battle strength of Earth people.

Although bloody, for the rapid rise of Earth, only when facing the pressure of life and death can people truly stimulate their potential. The condition of incomparable, he set it for people, knowing whether to cherish it is their own business.

And what is more important with battle strength is the enterprising heart of these people!

Only with their lives threatening, they will know how to work hard!

So many conditions have been created, you still can't beat the insect beast, then don't blame how wrong you died.

"The Three Famous Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, are recovering their original appearance, and even some spaces are slowly recovering!"

These are also recent days, Ning Tianlin's biggest shock and discovery.

He knows that there are many Secret Realm Spaces in Earth, and the great powers of the year almost lived in that Secret Realm Space. Moreover, with so many Secret Realm Spaces, Earth is not yet torn apart, which shows how overbearing and stable the Earth space was back then.

In the ancient war, these Secret Realm Spaces collapsed and collapsed, and now they are slowly recovering under the nourishment of these Spiritual Qi, and even the hidden ones are revealed.

Three Famous Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, high places, are just an appearance.

The real power is the Secret Realm hidden in them.

"It is estimated that these places will be revealed for a long time."

"I hope that when the time comes, I will be able to enter!"

Ning Tianlin knows his own strength, but the battle strength system tells him that if such a Secret Realm really appears at this moment, he only has one word to enter now, die!

The broken and collapsed Secret Realm is okay, there is not much huge might, but there are not many treasures in it, and the hidden space, inside is the danger lurks on every side, which were all arranged by the great power of Earth. of.

There may be their most complete inheritance!

If you rush in, you will definitely be banned by the array method and explodes into waste!

They were hidden back then, but as long as they recover, the formidable power is still there!

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