"He...he is who, he is so fast!" Almost everyone opened their eyes wide, but in an instant, they lost their silhouette, even Light can't cover it.

How fast this person is.

"Big...big brother, let's... Do you want to tell the City Lord about this news..."

A guard Said, "If this person is telling the truth, then he is not one of our desert continent!"

"This news is really too important..."

Even some people on the side who were just going to pass the city gate, involuntarily speeded up their pace, striving to spread the news in the shortest possible time. And almost everyone believes that what Ning Tianlin said just now is true.

If not, how could he send the ominous beast of several hundred meters long?

Stay in the desert at night.

At the very least, no one on this desert continent dares to do this!

"Changzi restaurant."

Ning Tianlin didn't care about this. After his body flashed, the next time he appeared, he was already standing in a luxurious restaurant. Outside. He raised his head and glanced at the banner waving in the wind.

"Alright, although I am not hungry, I still have a taste of the food when I reach a place."

I stepped into it.

It’s just that, I don’t know if it’s not a restaurant now, and there are not many restaurants.

Except for Boss, there are only three or five people sitting at the dinner table.

Moreover, these three or five people gave Ning Tianlin a bad first impression. They were all foolish, and placed one leg on the bench with their eyebrows and mice eyes, just like a mess.

Ning Tianlin noticed that there was no food on their table, but small snacks like Earth melon seeds and peanuts.


Ning Tianlin was taken aback and realized that this restaurant might be different from the kind of good wine and good food he imagined.

It's just that the footsteps did not stop, but slowly, moved towards a position and sat down.

"Objective, here comes."

The shop Xiaoer walked over quickly. Although smiling, Ning Tianlin could feel that it was just perfunctory, even from his body, Ning Tianlin Smell a faint fishy smell.

"Killed someone."

"Not too long."

Ning Tianlin smiled in his heart.


Is this restaurant a black shop?

"What do you want?"

The shop Xiaoer asked, and at the same time handed Ning Tianlin a menu.

And the eyes are staring at Ning Tianlin's dress from time to time, even the shopkeeper standing on the side of the counter, as well as other diners at the dinner table, squinted and looked at Ning Tianlin.

It seems to be thinking about something.

"Just bring up your specialty dishes."

Ning Tianlin did not take the menu, but directly confronted the store.


Dian Eryi was taken aback, but still nodded with a smile.

"Heizi, go, let’s make food later!"

The shop Xiaoer shook his hand at a big man at the table, and at the same time, one of the three diners also Sit up directly, glanced at Ning Tianlin, moved towards the kitchen behind.

Those eyes, some guilty people, dare not sit down here anymore.

"It turns out that it is not a diners, but a cook."

How can Ning Tianlin care about the other's unreasonable gaze, just ignore it after a glance.

It’s just that this shop is really a black shop?

If it were a black shop, the guests would have been scared away by your eyes. Your ferocious eyes didn't know if it was a black shop. How can timid guests stay?

What is this?

Ning Tianlin smiled, more curious.

"Objective, where did you come from, aren’t you from Fang Tian City?"

The shop Xiaoer didn’t leave, but smiled, looking a little amiable to Ning Tianlin Asked.

At this time, Ning Tianlin noticed that the cook walking towards the rear slowed down, and when Ning Tianlin answered "No", he looked in the direction moved towards shopkeeper.

Wait for the shopkeeper's nodded, then continue to walk towards the back kitchen.

"How did you see it?" Ning Tianlin smiled.

"Your dress and appearance." Xiaoer replied with a smile, "We are from Tian City, there is no such black eyes and black hair as you. I have never seen it anyway."


"Oh, indeed, I came from a very far place." Ning Tianlin chuckled lightly. Regardless of whether the other party is telling the truth or guessing what his purpose is, he waved his hand, "Pour me a glass of water, I am a little thirsty."

It’s easy to know if it’s a black shop. NS.

It depends on whether the water is poisonous.

"You want to drink water?"

But the other party was taken aback, staring at Ning Tianlin in amazement, as if he had heard something extremely incredible. The same was true of the few people nearby, with a look of astonishment.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Tianlin was also taken aback, did he say something wrong?

It's just a glass of water.

"No...It's nothing."

The shopkeeper was still about to say something, but when he saw the shook the head of shopkeeper, he stopped and said at the same time, "I I'll pour it for you." Then he turned around and disappeared into the hall.

In just an instant, Ning Tianlin understood why these people had this reaction, and also learned some of the reasons from the battle strength system.

It turns out that not only Tian City, but also the entire desert continent, after six o'clock at night, there is absolutely no drinking water!

Not only water, but also any liquid!

These liquids are like being put on a certain curse. After drinking, the abdominal pain is unbearable, and then the whole body is turned into flesh and blood under the control of a boundless force.

This is common sense that every desert continent person knows.

At this time, it is past six o'clock in the night, Ning Tianlin wants to drink water, it is entirely his own courting death!

"Interesting continent."

Ning Tianlin now, I am really curious about this desert continent.

Any living creature can't stay outside the city at night, and now even after six o'clock, water can't drink.

What is this desert continent doing?

"But this shopkeeper didn't hold his fart."

"Want to see me die."

"It's not a black shop, it's almost the same!"

Ning Tianlin sneered in his heart. Just now, the other party wanted this shop's second child to give him water. Obviously he didn't take his life seriously. However, Ning Tianlin didn't worry at all, because although the battle strength system didn't say the reason, it also said that there would be nothing to drink by itself.

Everything here, I don't have to care about it.

"Objective, your water."

Soon, Xiaoer from the shop came to Ning Tianlin with a glass of water, but Ning Tianlin did not accept it, but let him Put it on the table.

Ning Tianlin noticed that this water is just ordinary water, nothing unusual. At the very least, what you see with naked eye is the same. But when the spirit gathers, and when I probe with my mind, I find that there is a faint black energy in the water.

Naked eye is not visible.

He even felt that if his battle strength hadn't reached this level, it would be difficult to find the abnormality in it.

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