
Soon after, it became cold.

Just six o'clock in the morning, when the light radiated the earth, Ning Tianlin was shocked to see that the water formed in the night began to slowly evaporate!

The temperature is far below the level of evaporation, but it has evaporated!

Slowly become Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi again, gathering in the entire desert, floating in the void, so that the entire Heaven and Earth is in the thick Spiritual Qi.

"This world is really weird."

Although Ning Tianlin hasn't figured out what's going on, it doesn't really matter much anymore, because of the battle strength of Centipede. Keep increasing, which is enough.

"Fang Tian City is destroyed!"

"Fang Tian City was slaughtered overnight, I don't know who did it!"

"A living person Too much!"

"All dead, all dead!"

When someone started to enter Fang Tian City the next day, they were shocked for an instant. , The city gate was destroyed, blood flowed, everyone died, and no one was alive.

Who. . . . . .

Who did it!

There are such terrifying people in this world!

"Go, swallow everything."

And when Ning Tianlin was sure that there was no more water flow today, and it had all turned into gas, he instructed Wanzu centipede . The city is slaughtered, but all the corpses and pieces of meat are still there.

For Wanzu centipede, these are still food.

"My God!"

"What kind of monster is this!"

When the people wandering in the ruins of Fang Tian City saw Wanzu centipede , They are all turned pale in fright, I can't believe my eyes, how can there be such a terrifying and powerful ominous beast in this world.


It's just the place where Wanzu centipede has passed, and there is no more creature.

However, news about Wanzu centipede was still spread, and for a while, the entire desert continent was agitated.

"Ding! Now release the task, bloodbath the desert continent!"

"The task is completed, reward billions of energy points!"

"Mission failed , Rewards ten billion points!"

Just when Ning Tianlin hesitated, whether to continue to face other cities, the voice of the battle strength system rang in his ears and released it again. A task.

"Blood wash desert continent?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback.

A task again?

What's the matter?

Xing Zhan never had one after another release task before.

But he just hesitated for a while, he Ning Tianlin took this task.

Because he knows that Xing Zhan will not arrange unintelligible tasks for no reason. Now that one link is connected to one another, there should be a purpose.

And now it is not Earth, nor is it the Milky Way. He knows where his battle strength grows.

The massacre of Fang Tian City just last night, not counting the completion of the mission, the essence of the round of killing, added more than 100 million points for him.


The body shape flashes, and it flies directly towards the front.

Since it has been decided, there is not much delay. After 3 minutes, it was already in the sky, suspended in another nearby city, Zhengming City.

"Who, dare to trespass into the airspace!"

And soon, Ning Tianlin's silhouette was discovered.

Countless guards rose.

Because he is not only one, but riding a centipede. The huge size of the centipede is like a huge mountain in Pangru, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and huge shadows, making many people involuntarily look up.

"It's the ominous beast!"

"It's the ominous beast that destroyed Fang Tian City!"

People who have already learned some inside information Exclaimed.

This desert continent, although not proficient in science, has its own contact method. The picture of Fang Tian City has been taken by many caring people.


Ning Tianlin's eyes are cold, without emotion.

Now that it has been decided, let's start!

With a wave of his hand, the body of Wanzu Centipede moved towards the lower part of its own accord, swallowing the guards who had risen in the air, and swallowing it into the abdomen. However, Ning Tianlin himself is floating in the void.

There is no take out Dualbladed Halberd, but the right hand stretches forward, palms aiming at the ground, fiercely pressed down.

Although the palm is small, the handprints gathered by astral qi are extremely large!

Wrap the entire Zhengming City into it.


"You dare!"

"Run away, run away!"

"Kill, Go up and kill this person!"

No matter what the chaos below has become, this giant Great Hand Seal still crushed all the creatures to fiercely and turned them into sludge. Even the space ring with some people is shattered.

Ning Tianlin doesn't care about this anymore.

Because even this space ring can't hold on to it, it must not be very good. People who use it can't install any Top Grade stuff.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, I got 280 million essence points."

And it was just the moment Zhengming City died, the battle strength system told Ning Tianlin , How much energy did he gain.

"This number of essence points has increased..."

Ning Tianlin is really very heartbeat.

It only took a long time to add nearly 300 million points of energy.

This desert continent seems to have a lot of cities. If all of them are killed, there will be hundreds of billions of energy, probably only a few.

"Killing and setting fire to the golden belt, dare to break into the chaotic world!"

Ning Tianlin knows that his behavior is not very civilized, and even very ruthless is not enough to describe it, but he Do not regret it. This universe is the Great World that is weak are prey to the strong.

The rise of powerhouse must be a process of resource allocation.

Although there are a lot of people right now, for the real empire and the real galaxy, it is nothing more than one hair from nine oxen. Battle strength once showed him a video, in which two cosmic powerhouses fought each other, not to mention how many planets, or how many galaxies, Star Domain, could be destroyed in their hands.

Compared with Ning Tianlin now, multiplying by the geometric power is far incomparable.

A galaxy has hundreds of millions, even billions, tens of billions of planets. His Ning Tianlin is now only on a planet.

"And, I guessed it is correct!"

"Under the city, there is really a bone!"

"And there are still tendons The veins are connected and stretch into the distance!"

When Ning Tianlin's mind explored three to five hundred meters below, he found huge black bones again, spreading bullying, just like mountains and rocks. This Zhengming City is really built on bones!

"In this case, all cities are built on mysterious bones!"

Ning Tianlin was affirmed in his heart.

What shocked him in particular is that these bones are the same as Fang Tian City's, they are connected by lineage, and they are all made of one kind of material and extremely hard! It was now that he used Dualbladed Halberd out, and tried his best to leave no mark on this bone.

Only peng peng can be heard.

"What bones are they?"

Ning Tianlin was really shocked.

Bones that I can't even split, how hard can I want to be!

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