
"You youngster, also this thought he is a personal thing ah."

a retention comb hair type man, out of the crowd, facing Ning Tianlin taunted.

This battle strength of people consider themselves well in the role of these people are standing in the front, but prefer more than the limelight, see Ning Tianlin just one person, but also a person, to change the station out.

This time, if he amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, maybe behind the adults will remember him.

"I have to say, just in the end how it was."

"how you do it."

"This is how the disappearance of the mask ? "

increased aid threateningly Road.

But the eye, but not by the hand holding glances at Ning Tianlin Yu beast circle.

This thing, if he first shot taken from him nice!


"you ask ah."

At the moment, Ning Tianlin also realized what also probably guess how it was, not that some people see this mask all year round in this, given that there have treasure, so perennial stationed here.

Today saw someone inside out, to ask what had happened.

Perhaps the original intention, but wanted to enter inside the mask at the time of this fragmentation, access to good situation.

In other words he did, maybe would do.

"This mask, I get really disappear."

"because they ah, I was eating."

Ning days looking around all around, see the situation.

These people really do not know how to write the word death, he has no trouble looking for these people, and these people began to lord it over in front of him.


Mohawks surprised a moment, then asked, "how to eat?"

Some people on the edge is also Leng Leng .

you are a human being, how could there be so much appetite to eat all of the mask gave up?

"is of course to eat."

Ning Tianlin said laughing.


mouth piece, turned it into their head foot centipede head Wan, Wan foot centipede and is the maximum size of the head, just in diameter, reached ten meters. Just appeared, is a tongue licking the legs felt weak the Mohawks to feed the stomach.


"demonic beast ah."

"He is not a man!"

"A big demonic beast ! "

and this unexpected action in Ning Tianlin time, people around them began to scream one, are instantly complexion greatly changed, crazy moved towards the rear elude. Because the front of this man, is not a person, but a demonic beast!

or seemingly huge strength demonic beast!


And some consider themselves very strong strength, are now frantically back.

Mohawks because even by this demonic beast gave one to swallow.

You know, Mohawks though love was Joseph, but the strength is really very powerful. In their presence here of these minions, is indeed able discharged presence of five.

However, this figure was the other one gave to eat.

This demonic beast of battle strength, definitely very powerful!

Only the most people to be able to overcome!



Just Ning Tianlin which will let them, since it has been here, do not go, a big mouth Zhang, monstrous suction issued from the depths of his throat, directly to these people scattered, to all get together.

inhalation belly.

But, intake of all Wan foot centipede's belly, not his.

"Seoul dare!"

"dare here impudent!"


He had just finished this just in after all, a sharp Jianguang, fell from the sky, cut in on him.

"too slow!"

"rain also powerless."

Ning Tianlin mind coldly snorted, hide did not hide, let this long sword, cut in the top of his head.


induced a metal song sounds, long sword pulverized become broken dozens of pieces, falling void.

"How ...... how could ......"

long sword masters look fat ignorant, did not believe this reality.

How is it possible!

His long sword how broken!

But he loved this treasure of treasures ah!

His body belongings, has a total of two such quality long sword it!

But now, even broken!

a face to face broken 1

In particular, not to mention other body injuries, that is, even the mark at all.

This ominous beast's head, to how hard ah!

The creature, it can really compete. Opportunities


The Ning Tianlin simply did not give him consideration, direct mouth piece, in turn he gave swallowed belly.


Just as he was ready to go, and 5/6/2021 silhouette is lowered, each array are vanity suspension, very afraid of staring Ning Tianlin.

Because Ning Tianlin has just been swallowed pieces of the sword, with their battle strength or less, although some of them can win, but so far can not be done cleanly.

And these people, they are all in their hands after the report, the first batch of people came.

or even soon, there will be continuously explorers arrived.

I know there are Secret Realm, the message is about the mask, but there are too many people know.

And, before long, the real great character will also come.

"I ask you are a?"

has a long track alien ears.

"Who am I important?" Ning Tianlin recovery Mami, sneer.

His Divine Consciousness diffusion, still continue to feel out the crowd came, and now these people to kill, can not solve anything.

In addition, he genuinely wants to go, these people are impossible to stay in his footsteps.

He just wanted to see, because this coming, how many people die of.

"You are joking." The man arch of the arch itself, "but it is very important."

"because it relates to the relationship between you and our galaxy is a hostile seamounts or a friendly. "

the man's attitude though put somewhat low, but Ning Tianlin but also from his eyes, saw the haughty ingredients.


Ning Tianlin did not answer, but directly hand, gently a bomb, the other side of the head to the bomb burst, "shit seamounts galaxies relationship, I do not need to. "


The move directly to the rest of the people to overawed.

let these people body, have made the defense of the action involuntarily. This man, battle strength it is too terrifying, and they simply can not compete, you want to kill them, just a single thought nothing more.

"senior, I was Lu-day galaxies, I just come by here, on the way ......"

This person counsels.

lowered stance, spoke, he carefully back, ready to flee.

But, he did not just taken a few steps, his body is crashing explosion, the sky turned it into flesh and blood.

"You're on the way, but I let you go yet."

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted.

Such people, say it nicely is practical, he says ugly point is spineless, Pasi Gui, and, once in power, will be very assertive. If he Ning Tianlin has a battle strength, it estimates, will immediately shot himself!

"And you have come, no one even think to go."

Ning Tianlin looked all around, coldly snorted.

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